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Lovers By The Sea

Lovers by the sea
in a dream come true.
Just me and you
lying on the beach,
under a palm tree.
You kissed me and
I touched you.
Your lips were
wet with passion
and with the salty air.
I touched you and you
trembled with the wind.
Your hand did fall
to touch me,
and to hold.
We fell in love
along a sandy beach.
And we made love.
The pebbles in the sand
can tell a story true,
when we were lovers there,
many years ago.
The midnight sun
turned gold
from a silvery light,
as we held each other tightly
all through the night.
You laid your head
upon my lap
and said you love me too.
We thought
we were in heaven
that night so long ago.
You were my man,
and you still are,
eventhough afar.
Your eyes are the same
but the body is anew.
Your Spirit is wiser now
and mine is too.
For the love
we shared together,
brought us here again.
And if we don't remember
that night of long ago,
the same cool breeze
blows as before.
Again and forevermore.
The stars are still
up in the sky
and we are here again.
We slid into the water
and then we took a swim.
You said you would never
forget the lady there,
with the golden hair.
I have waited for you
many years to return to me.
My man along the beach.
We once went back to heaven
and asked of God above
if we could become
lovers again.
Lovers in the sand,
and lovers by the sea.
I have looked up into the sky
so many times
I yearned for thee,
but could not find you there,
lonely for you and
not knowing why
there was an empty space,
where you used to be.
But now my prayers
are answered
and God has granted to me,
my lover by the sea.

by Dotttie Fontaine