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Miranda Miranda
Miranda, Miranda
you are a famous lady.
The art is in your honor
depicting your beauty and
grace within the canvass.
Miranda, Miranda
are you grieving
for your beloved
who sailed away today?
Leaving you upon the
shore with a broken heart.
Wishing you could have
sailed away with him
upon the open seas.
Knowing to be alongside
of him is your heaven.
As you stand there,
gazing upon the sea,
listening to the
rushing waves splashing
against your dress.
Blending with the tears
upon your face,
and only the wind
against your chest.
Miranda Miranda
How can you be
so strong as to be
alone again?
Not knowing if he
will ever come back!
Miranda, Miranda
a virtuous woman are you,
patiently awaiting for
your man to be in
your arms again.
Miranda, Miranda,
have Faith in yourself
he will come back!
Dry the tears upon your face.
Don't cry Miranda,
he will come back to you.


Dedicated to Chris M.
Song Playing:
~Dream Of Love~