There are things we never did. We never danced amongst the daffodils along a mountainside, or were children holding hands. We never lied in the hay on a long hay-ride, or rode the beasts amongst the trees. We didn't have a square-dance in a barn. I so forlorn to do all these things with you. Have you heard a song that made you cry, and remembered all the times we had, but, knew there was more of life to do? We never pitched a tent and smelled the barbecue, or walked along 5th Ave. When Christmas came you were near the Christmas Tree with me, and the memory lingers on today. But, you died an early age; us longing to do the things we didn't do. You brought me a rose and a candle too, but you were gone before the breath of life anew. When I look upon the stars, I see I think of you, and wish you were here to walk along a sandy beach, and hear the waves of love songs in the air. Or sit up under an old oak tree embracing the sky in each other's arms. I miss the way you kissed me. When I think of you I'll remember the love, but still regret the things of life we didn't do.
by Dot
Artwork courtesy of and copyright by Griselda, who invites you to visit her Griselda Art Spirit Gallery website
Griselda Art