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Thundering rain
pounding the ground
like an army of horses.
The wind roaring
and the rain pouring,
putting a fear of God
into the hearts of men.
The streets not fit
for a human soul
to walk or roam.
The water is bloody
and the hoofs can be heard
throughout the land.
Screaming and screeching
through the streets with fear
that gripped each evil heart,
for each first-born is dead.
The Lord has turned the day
into the darkness of night;
the water into blood
and smite the evil one.
Praise God!
His blood was on my door.
The reign of tears
opened the heavens
to pour upon our earthly sins
and frightened the land.
Angel's trumpets blowing
with a brassy sound
and the Son of God is here!
Repent! For the time is near
when the Angel of Death
will ride across the Earth,
and claim many.
But, the Rainbow can be seen
by those who follow Him!!
by Dorothy Fontaine
