Victorian Frills Frame
Intermediate High Level
What you will need to do this tutorial:
Some knowledge of PSP tools
1. PSP 7
Let's Get Started
7. Go to Color>Colorize settings:
Hue 255
8. Activate one of your Graphics and go to Edit>Copy.
Vertical & Horizontal 2
Please repeat this step changing your Vertical & Horizontal to Minus -2 Click Ok.
28. In the Layer Palette make sure the circle frame (layer 1) is the active layer and lower the opacity down to about 50.
30. Go back to the layer palette and bring the Opacity of Layer 1 back up to 100.
Vertical and Horizontal 2
50. Go to Layers>Duplicate.
51. Go to Image>Flip and move this one to the Left hand bottom corner of your Circle Frame.
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Web Page Created By Angel Breezes (Carol) Copyright © 2001 by Angel Breezes,
all rights reserved
Carol Walters
All Rights Reserved
This tutorial was inspired by all the Victorian art work I have been able to collect here and there. I loved the way it turned out and hope you do too.
2. The frame, magnolia tube, frills tube, and background I used for this tutorial please unzip and have open in PSP.
3. Plus the most important thing is an ATTITUDE of having FUN!!!
We will start with the Square Frame and complete it entirely and then we will make the Circle Frame. The settings I am using is for the tag that is on this page as the header tag. If you use other graphics then you have to change the colorizing to match your graphics.
1. Open your Frame tube in PSP.
2. Hold down your shift key and depress the letter "D" on your key board. You should now have two copies of your frame. Minimize the frame you just made.
3. Make the other frame active by clicking it on it. Go to Edit>Copy.
4. Open a Transparent Image 400x400.
5. Go to Edit>Paste As A new Layer.
6. Go to Effects>Artistic>Brush Stroke settings below:
Saturation 65
Click Ok
9. Activate your working image the frame.
10. With magic wand click inside the frame where the opening is for a picture.
11. Go to Selections>Modify>Expand type in 2 and click Ok.
12. Go to Layers>New Rastar>Click Ok.
13. Go to Edit>Paste Into Selection
14. Go to Layers>Arrange>Move Down.
15. Go to Selections>Float
16. Go to Effects>3D Effects>Cut out settings:
Opacity 65
Blur 20
Color Black
Click Ok
17. Go to Selections>Select none (removing the marching ants).
18. Go to Layers>Merge>Visible.
19. Open another 400x400 Transparent Image.
20. Click on your second frame to make it active and go to Edit>Copy.
21. Click on the new transparent image to make it active and go to Edit>Paste As A New Layer. Move the frame to the middle of the transparent image.
22. Repeat steps 6 to 18.
23. Go to Effects>Geometric Effects>Circle. If it didn't make enough of a circle for your liking please repeat this step. I did my frame twice with this effect.
24. Go to Effects>Sharpen>Sharpen
25. Go to Edit>Copy. Minimize this frame now you won't need it.
26. Click on the working frame and go to Edit>Paste As A New Layer.
27. Move Frame 2 up on top of Frame 1 like the this:
29. Go back to the working image and take the Freehand Tool and select the part that overlaps on the bottom square frame.
Cut that selection out depress Delete key on keyboard.
Now it should like it is snug against the square frame:
31. Go to Layers>Merge>Visible.
32. With the Magic Wand Click on the outside of the Frames.
33. Go to Selections>Invert.
34. Go to Selections>Modify>Contract type in 1 click Ok.
35. Open the Background in the above zip file.
36. Go to the Top Style Color Palette and select Pattern. When the pop up window appears select the background you have in PSP.
37. Go to Layers>New Rastar>Click Ok.
38. Go to Layers>Arrange>Send To Bottom.
39. With your flood fill tool please flood fill this layer. It should just cover inside both outer frames like in the tag above.
40. Go to Selections>Float.
41. Apply the same Cut Out Effect as in Step 16.
42. Selections>Select None to remove the marching ants.
43. Go to Layers>Merge>Visible.
44. Open the Frills Tube that was included in the zip file.
45. Move the frames towards the bottom of transparent background.
46. Making sure the Frill Tube is active Go to Edit>Copy
47. Click on the working image and go to Edit>Paste As A New Layer.
48. Move this Frill to the upper left hand corner of the square frame as in the tag above.
49. Go to Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow settings:
Opacity 45
Blur 2
Color Black Click Ok.
52. Open your magnolia tube go to Edit>Copy.
53. Click on the working image and go to Edit>Paste As A New Layer. Move this to the top of your Circle Frame.
53. Go to Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow Repeat the settings in Step 49.
54. Go to Layers>Duplicate
55. Go to Image>Mirrror.
56. Move the magnolia to the top of the first frame.
57. Go to Layers>Merge>Visible.
58. With the magic wand click on the outside of both frames.
59. Go to Selections>Invert.
60. Go to Image>Crop To Selection.
61. Go to Layers>Merge>All Flattened
62. Go to Image>Resize make sure Pixel size is checked and make sure no number is larger than 300x300 in both those boxes. Make sure that resize all layers has a check mark at the bottom and also maintain aspect ratio.
63. Go to Effects>Sharpen>Sharpen.
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