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Final Fantasy VIII Animated Gifs

This place will have animated gifs of characters from FF8.

Selphie Quistis Rinoa Squall Irvine
Selphie playing a guitar Quistis in her SeeD uniform Rinoa standing in the wind Squall swinging the Lionheart Irvine shooting
Selphie in her SeeD uniform Quistis 'whipping' Rinoa in her party dress Squall swinging his Gunblade ...
Selphie swinging her weapon ... ... ... ...
Zell Seifer Laguna Kiros Ward
Zell standing Seifer standing Laguna shooting Kiros standing Ward standing
Cid Edea Fujin Raijin
Cid standing Edea standing Fujin standing Raijin laughing

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