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Turok 2 Review

My thoughts on Turok 2 Seeds of Evil

The Good

Well, this is my favorite game for the N64, so this'll be another GOOD review for it. The graphics are super-enhanced by the Expansion Pak use. So the graphics are totally awesome. Sound is great too, real dialouge, realistic gun-fire, and the scream of your enemy/victom being blown to bits by your wide selection of weapons, from a little hand talon to a Nuke, this game is great! Classic controls from Turok Dinosaur Hunter(The first Turok for N64) as well. Many Levels, not as much as the first one, but most of these levels are really long, and have objectives you must do, besides get keys. This game is pretty difficult as well! If you're low on ammo or health...You're screwed. Lets not forget the awesome new multiplayer mode either! Many different modes in the multiplayer as well. Again, this game is great!

The Bad

Not many bad things in this, the only thing that irritated me was that you're not Tal Set like in the first one. Not much of a deal though huh? It's a first-person shooter game, so you don't really see him that much.

All in All

This game is great, if you liked the first one, or enjoyed 007, or you just simpley like shooting games, this ones for you!

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