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Baby,You are my heart of gold,
You have change my whole new life.
You have build my life so strong,
Noone has never done that to me,
But Just you only..

I'm not letting you go,
I want to be in your arms,
I want to touch you,
I want to feel you,
I want to listen to your heart,
Heart that tells me
How strong our love is..

My arms is always open for you
I will hold you forever,
Never letting you go..
Just close your eyes think of the waterfall we love to hear..
Do you hear the waterfall..
The waterfall full of love in us,
The kind of waterfall we always wanted..

Baby,I love you so very much
Our Love is always so strong
feels great doesnt it..
Our love can never change,
Never will be either..
Our arms is always open for each other
Never letting go..



~~Page By IXI-Sexyangel-IXI~~
DATE APRIL 28, 2001

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Cause I can't read Them unless U email me the Passward..
Thank you for understanding...
Please enjoy the room...


she is a sweetie..hope yall like her
She will be a good
Her Name is Wrinkles...(smiless)