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~~I'm Already Loving You~~

~~I'm Already Loving You~~

This page is made for u is very specail to my heart....
You have change my whole life..
I never been so happy in my intire life..
You been so good to me and treat me so special..
Baby,I am so in love with u with all my heart..
Baby,I'm Already loving you too much...

Every day I think about u from day to night..
How much I wanted to be there with u feel ur arms around me..
I want to touch u and hold u and put my arms around u...
And whisper to your ear say I love you baby...

You took all my fears away I feel so relief now..
I know in my heart I feel so much safer with u..
No matter how far apart we are..
You keep telling me everything is going to be alright..
I believe you baby...

Sometimes it hurts to be apart like know..
Sleep at nite alone u not next to me..
But I sure do dream about u every single nite you snuggle up to me..
I can feel u put ur arms around me..
feel so good..feel so much safer..

You know every morning I go for a walk at the park..
When the wind blows I hear the word of ur voice saying "I Love You Sherry!!"..
Every time I feel the wind I feel u ..
Feel the wind that is holding me tight and safer..
I'm already loving you baby...

Baby, U mean so much to me...more the whole world could ever count on..
You are such a wonderful man I ever known..
You are the one that will make all my dreams real..
You, my love,hold the key to my heart..
Never let it go, baby...

I'm already loving you too much baby....
Hope you feel the same about me...smilesssss
no matter where I am at hon..
I'm in your heart forever...

poem by sexyangel

~~This is the Lake~~
Dream of the guy
you holding onto...smilesss

~~I'm Already Loving You~~

When it comes to love I’ve had my doubts
But when you walked in my heart checked out
And like a schoolboy crush
I knew it when we touched
I’m already loving you too much
R Mind and body, heart and soul
You came in and took control
And, oh what a rush
This is powerfull stuff
I’m already loving you too much

Too much, I’m already falling too fast
Too much, It’s too late for me to turn back
I can’t stop this love that we’ve started

Too much, I’m already falling too fast
Too much, It’s too late for me to turn back
I can’t stop this love that we’ve started
R Who knows where I’ll go from here
I’m too far gone to see it clear
So my heart I’ll have to trust
And hope that it’s enough
Cause I’m already loving you
There’s nothing left for me to do
I’m already loving you too much
Already loving you too much

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