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I feel so lonley.
I feel so sad.
I feel so much in pain.
The pain that never goes away..
Sitting here waiting to see if the pain ever goes away..
Never does..
I am wondering why do I do have this pain.
Can't let go of my fears..
God!! Its dark and cold..
Why is it happen to me..
why can I be happy and join my life..
Why is it so hard..
And I start to wish things I thought I never wish
a lots of dreams, a mind of screams.
I lose a scent to miss a touch.
I spent most time alone..
And Noone see it of me being alone all times.
I always run and hide let noone find me.
I am always shutting the door on their face
cause I cant let go of my fears..
Fears that may hurt again..
I never will get what I want or hold on to or be happy with..
cause my pain will always be there..
and always be so lonely..
God!! I am crawling in the hole, hiding so noone cant see me.
It hurts so much..
where ever you are ...I always have heart for You ..

This Page Is Made By IXI-SexyAngel-IXI..The Date Made In Dec 14, 2000

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