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I Knew I Love You!!!
~~I Knew I Love You~~

All I Want

All I want is to love you the rest of my life
To wake up every morning with you by my side
Knowing that no matter what happens,
I'll be able to come home to your loving arms..

All I want is to share everything with you
To talk to you about our dreams
The little everyday thing that make us laugh and smile..
And the not-so-little things that we can't help worrying about..

All I want is to give you my love
As a place you can always come to for acceptance
Or the simple comfort t hat silence brings when
things left unspoken can still be understood..

All I want is to grow old with you
To watch our life unfold
Our dreams, one by one, come true..
Baby,I knew I love you the day I first met you...
You are very specail person in my life
You always be in my heart forever...
All I want is to love you forever...

This poem by IXI-Sexyangel-IXI

Date:May 30,2001
Webpage Made By: IXI-Sexyangel-IXI....

~~I Knew I Love You~~

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