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WË£çÕMÊ 2 Þ㮆 II × †J´š Wëßšî†ë¡

(Last Updated: 05/19/01)

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Ok, well I hate this site alot! I wish it could turn better, but by doing that I have to delete and change abunch of hard work... so yeah. So with that said, I'm going to leave this site alone, and only edit it if someone asks for something specific to be edited... So, my e-mail address is:
Also, I'm starting a new site! It will hopefully be better than my first two... if you want to the address to it, then go to the following link:
Ok, and the site is crap and stuff. So, basicly all I've done is fittled around with stuff on the main page and uploaded stuff to the site... So, it's like nothing you should veiw for more than 50 secs!

K, well Peace!

Tres bein news! I got my monitor fixed. So now I'm going to start edity my website! Well I thought I was going to say alot, but that's about it.

PS: Alot is going to happend on this site!

It's been a long time since I've edited this site (hasn't it?). Well anyways I have lots/some stuff to say. First thing, I can't work on this site (practicly), because my computer is stuck on default (don't have an image card) and my monitor is crappy (monitor is to small/monitor darkens images)! Addition to that, my monitor is crappy. Also, my sound doesn't work (I can fix it, but I don't want to because of my monitor). And not only that, my paint program wont work! So if you want to edit this site for me e-mail me that you're intrested! If I accept you for editing my site, I wont just tell you to make or fetch an image and boring stuff like that! I'll give you my password and you'll have so much freedom to my site. The only catch is, I'll tell you what I want to be done on my site! And you'll better do it if you're accepted!

Merry Christmas ppl!
Today a trajic has happend!
I can't run my basic 'Paint' program! Meaning I can't make anymore images! Also meaning, I can hardly (HARDLY) edit this site anymore! Basicly what I can do right now is going to do is make a 'about the music page' page, edit my online movie page, and work on some sound waves... That might seem like alot, but if you contemplate (old vocabulary word...) it, that's all I can do! I can't do anything else until I get that program back (and not make it look anymore tacky than it is...)! There are alternatives, like I can work on my site at my friends' house (which they might now like me doing! Because they rather be doing something else, or they might still be grounded off of it!). Also... If you want to help me, just E-MAIL ME! If you could help me, I would be ow so happy! So please please e-mail me for help on this site!!! And one way I can get 'Paint' back is if I ask my mom to let my brother reformat the hard drive, so I can get more space on my computer (long story...), and I can get the program back!

Well you might want to here some good news...
Unreal Tournament is working on my computer now! I might or might not put more screenshots on this site... E-mail me your comments on that (please). Also, I've uploaded a NIN song on my website! It's kinda funny at the end of it (because I edited it! LOL)

Well that's about it...

PS: Please share this site with your friends!!!