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Hi! My name is Christy. I went to the free Aaron Carter concert (part of his Wal-Mart tour)on the 20th of Sept. It was in Jacksonville, Ar. My friend, Erin, and I got there really early. It started at 4pm and we were there around 12 or so. When we got there we decided to go inside the Wal-mart and look around for a while in hopes that he would be in there. Now keep in mind that both Erin and I are 17 yrs old! Well, We seen all these people with passes so we went up to talk to one of the ladies who had the pass on. She pointed to 2 girls and told us that they were 2 of Aaron's dancers. We caught one of them by herself and decided to talk to her. It was Nicole. She was really sweet and really modest. She was like "I am not important, I am just a dancer" She told us she had been his dancer for 2 years and had gotten the job just by auditioning for it in L.A. (where she is from) She said that she listens to Aaron all the time even when she is home. She was really sweet and all! We didn't get to talk to her long though because she had to get ready and all. So we went outside and Aaron was outside the bus playing football with a security guard! He was so cute! He got mad at the guard and flipped him off! It was so funny! Erin and I wish we could've gotten that on camera! We took a lot of pics of him before the concert and during. It was a great concert! He only did 6 songs. He started out with "Iko Iko" and ended with "Aaron's party". He also did "Real Good Time", "The Clapping Song", "Bounce", and "Jump Jump". Afterwards he did a meet and greet and signed autographs. I didn't get up there to get it though. He had to leave. We are pretty sure that Nick was in the tour bus the whole time but we are not sure...Also the funniest part of the concert was when he got a little too close to this one girl in the audience and she grabbed him in an inappropriate place...the expression on his face was priceless!