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Connie's Review

My name is Connie and I went to see Aaron in concert on July 1st 1999 at a Nickelodeon Concert. When my friend Sarah and I got there two hours before the gates opened we stopped to talk to these girls who had been there 5 hours before. They said that they had met Aaron earlier because he was riding his scooter in the parking lot. Now, since she met him, or course we were going to be talking to her. We talked to her for about 20 minutes. Then we went up to the gate. There were other people there but we just kinda budged in front of them. While we were waiting (we were first in line just to let ya know) we were freaking out. We were so nervous because Aaron was going to be doing an Autograph session. So, since we are to total goof balls, we sat down on the grass and tried to meditate. It didn't work. We laughed to much. Then finally when they opened the gates, we ran inside. The girl told us he would be in the pavillion. We were running around trying to find it. (At the time, we had not clue what it even was) My mom asked someone where he would be and he pointed to a table about 10 feet away. We ran as fast as we could over to the table and were first in line. Then a huge line formed in back of us. We stood there for about 5 minutes and he finally came out. I was the first one to see him because my friend was talking to my mom. I think I hit kinda hard when I tried to get her attention. She was like WHAT! I was like, Look!! There he is, Aaron,....Aaron is over there!! We started jumping up and down. Then we had to make the choice, who would go first, me or her, it was an easy one, she went first because I was way to nervous and didn't know what to say. She went first and called him Honey and Sweety, then I went, I handed him my picture to get autographed and he said hi. I almost fainted because my idol, and hearthorb just said hi to me! I said Hi back. Then I said thanks. I ran over to my friend screaming. Then I was like, why did you call him Honey and Sweety and she just relized she did that. My mom came over to us with an autographed CD for me and I was so happy. : ) Then we just kinda stood there for 10 minutes starring at him. We got a couple pictures of him sitting there because we snuck in a disposible one. Then my friend finally got the nerve to ask him for a picture with her. HE said yeah and through all her stuff at me so she could go over to him. I just through it all on the ground because I had to take the picture. I almost started laughing so hard because she automatically put her arm around him. I took the picture and she came back over to me so happy. Then after another 10 minutes, I finally went over to the other side to ask him. He ignored me the first couple times probably because I didn't say his name really loud. Then my friend came over and yelled with me. AARON!! He was like, yeah, and I was like can I get a picture with you?? And he came over, My mom took the picture for me while I was clining to the rail. Aaron's arm was around my back!! I was ready to faint. Then when my mom finally took the picture, Aaron saw the shirt I had on that I had made with him on it. He asked me where I had got it, and I said I made it on my computer. Then, of course being my mom, my mom came running over shouting 'Can you sign it for her!!' I turned so red! He leaned over the rail and signed it!! Then when my friend asked, the lady Aaron was with told him to come back over and sign more autographs so Aaron told my friend that she'd have to get back in line. Since the line was really long, we just went to buy our new Aaron shirts and go to our seats. When Aaron finally came out we screamed our lungs out. Through his whole performance he pointed at me twice, and waved, then he pointed at my friend twice. Then he blew us both a kiss!! We were blowing them back, but he was already at the other end of the stage. (Oh, did I mention we had 10th row?) Then during this one song, he held the hand of the girl we talked to earlier because she had 1st row. I kept bending over trying to find my pop bottle to through at her. I was so mad. But that was my experience at a Aaron Carter concert and it was awesome!! If anyone wants to e-mail me to talk about Aaron, my addy is