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Courtneys Review

This review is by Courtney and she saw him in Kitchener,Ontarioat Lu Lu's

The doors opened at 7:00pm and the show started at 8:00pm. I got there about 30-45 minutes early. We got there and there were already HUNDREDS of fans in line!!!!!!!! All we could do was wait so we just stood there, then a limo started driving aroud the parking lot of the venue, and of course everone thoguth it was Aaron and started screaming!!!! It wasn't him, of course, it was some contest winners!! Then the line started to move! FINALLY!!!! There was a whole bunch of people, a big bodyguard then some more people. Every once in a while the bodyguard would stop the line from moving and let the people in the front get in before letting anymore in. With my luck he stopped it right at ME. I was mad, but soon we moved again and before I knew it I was in the venue!!!!! There was a big dance floor, then there were tables where you could sit and they were serving pop and stuff. I wanted to go down on the dance floor, so we went and sat there for a while. Then I decided to go buy a shirt and a pic. There were no cameras allowed in the venue and I was REALLY mad, but I didn't try to sneak one in cuz they were kicking people out. Finally 8:00 arrived and the opening act came on, a girl named Kale. Everyone was excited but WE WANTED AARON!!! She was on for a while then she went off and they played music for what seemed like FOREVER while we screamed AARON, AARON...GO AARON GO AARON GO and AARON AARON YOU'RE SO FINE, YOU'RE SO FINE YOU BLOW MY MIND HEY AARON!!!!! Then FINALLY the music started, his danceers came out and then we saw him!!!!!!! It was SO loud, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs!!!! He sang Get Wild, then a new song called One Week Away. He is an AMAZING dancer!!!!!!! Then he said How much do you wanna hear one more song. Everybody was screaming, and he pretended like he couldn't hear us and said: You don't want to hear another song? Okay I'm leaving then, Bye!! We didn't want him to leave and he turned around and said HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA HEAR ONE MORE SONG? Andwe screamed as loud as we possibly could, and he said all right than!! He sang another new song called Girl You Shine. It was really good. He sand a whole bunch of other songs and we were singing along the whole time but we REALLY went wild when he sang Crush On You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! During Crazy Little Party Girl he divided the audience in two and one side sand Crazy Little, and the other sang Party Girl. I was on the Party Girl side. Once he took one of the teddybears that were thrown at him and threw it in the audience but everybody grabbed for it and it bouced back onstage! lol Then he picked it up again and dropped it back in and I ALMOST got it, but the girl beside me grabbed it first! :-( Oh well! W/ all the pushing and shoving there I eventually made my way to the very front and he looked SO cute!!! If you haven't seen him in concert, you're missing out BIG time!!! He also sang a cover of the song Sugar, Sugar and a new song called Stomp. Stomp was also a cover song and when he sang it people came out w/ wigs on and were dancing. At the beginning he accidentally called us Toronto but his after he finished singing one of his dancers whispered something in his ear and he whispered somethign back and then the dancer said that he apologizes for calling us Toronto, he was just confused w/ all the travelling that they do. Then at the end he called us Toronto again but he corrected himself!! :-) He also had a sore throat during the concert! :-( But he said the show must go on! Before he sand One Bad Apple he did a little act and said, My stomach hurts!! Then a dancer said Why? And he started screaming WHY?!?! BECAUSE I'M SICK!!!! YOU GAVE ME THE BAD APPLE!!!! The the dancer was like Aaron, I would never do that to you...besides I got that apple from Nicole!!!!!! (he has new dancers now, their names are Nonnie and Nicole) Then he started screaming at Nicole and she said Aaron, One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch! Then he sang it! During Ain't That Cute a girl was picked out of the audience and he sang to her!!! I was so jealous, but who wouldn't be? I hope you all saw ET the other night cuz they showed Aaron in Ottawa and someone special gave Aaron a big surprise!! ;-) I have a friend who went to that concert and I'm gonna see if she'll write up a little review for us! Well that's basically the whole concert, he sang other songs too and it was an AWESOME show, but that's all the really cute stuff! :-) Hope you liked it!