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Nonnie and Nicole

Nicole Nicole has the lighter hair out of the 2. She has brown eyes. She is around the age of 16 or 17.

Nonnie Nonnie has dark and more curly hair. She also has brown eyes and is also about 16 or 17. She has been doing some choreography for AC.

Nonnie and Nicole are Aarons 2 girl dancers. They haven't been on tour with him that long though. If you cought his shows in Canada and his recent appearance on Nickelodeons Big Help Holiday Jam, you could have seen them!!!They also MAY have been wiht him while he was touring South America. Let's hope these geat and fun dancers are with him on the new tour coming this summer!

The two girls are in AC's new video 'Aarons Party(Come Get It)'. They are also featured in his new home video.