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Thank you to all the sites I got info and pics from. There are so many to name but you know whcih ones you are.

I wanna thank my BEST Aaron Carter buddy, Connie! Shes the best! Whenever we talk thats all we talk about. AC!!And we always freak out about stuff that will probably never happen! lol. She's a great friend and I have one more thing to say to her: Connie, omg I seriously hope I can get those tickets!!lol

I cant leave out Sarah though cause she's awesome too and she helped w/ some things too! =)

*Visit Connie and Sarahs AWESOME site, my sister site, Airboy Aaron*

Also, Courtney, your the coolest.haha. We gotta go to another Aaron Carter concert again and actually know we both are there!! lol.This girl loves Aaron ALOT too.=)

If I left you out please tell me and I'll add you ASAP!!!