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Artesia Resources: The King's Guard

The King's Guard

The King's Guard

The last loyal bannermen and bodyuards of King Bran, the Wolf of Dara Dess. King Bran's house traced its lineage to the Middle Kingdom of Huelt. Bran's grandfather Morovic, Lord Baron of Gallos, was the younger brother of the Crown Prince, Pelias, and he fled during a dispute over the proper succession to the throne after the death of King Ranier in 1396. Morovic, his wife Nora, his 5 year old son, Coromir, and his loyal household and vassals arrived in the Highlands and took Dara Dess as their own hold from the petty bandit king that then held it. Morovic and Nora were slain by assassins from Huelt in 1408. Coromir later bore his son Bran from Ella, the daughter of one of the orignal Huelt vassals, in 1430, and died in 1451. Bran had no heirs, and after his death his Guard is now sworn to Artesia. Stripped of title and all possessions save their arms and armor, they are now under the command of Sava, Artesia's guard captain and chief of household.

(more or less clockwise, from left to right):
Becir the White — the grandson of one of Morovic's loyal Huelt vassals, and well known for his shock of white hair, the result of a childhood encounter with an angry well spirit. Becir is the only member of Artesia's company with a white helmet plume.

Urôs of Gallos — another descendant from Huelt stock, Urôs was one of the most skilled swordsmen in Bran's army. He was being groomed by Ulin, Bran's chief warlord, as a possible champion to challenge Artesia.

Korovic of Dara Dess — of Daradjan and Danian ancestry, his grandfather swore service to Morovic when he conquered Dara Dess. Korovic was Bran's horsemaster and widely considered the best rider in the region. He is supposedly able to talk to horses.

Mercer of Gallos, son of Gavant — called 'the Old One.' Mercer's father was a Huelt vassal and champion for Morovic and Coromir. Mercer, born in 1407, was eventually chief warlord and champion for both Coromir and Bran after his father passed away, until Ulin and Artesia rose to prominence in Bran's service.

Gawin of Gallos, son of Lewin — the King's herald, speaker, and advisor. He is the son of Lewin the Ancient, the counsellor who was already an old man when he arrived in the Highlands with Morovic. Lewin was whispered to be over a hundred years old when he fathered Gawin by Gabeta of Gallos, supposedly with the help of elixirs provided by Lysia. After tutoring by his father and the priestess of Yhera at Usparas, Gawin briefly left the Highlands for studies at the University of Newgate. He returned after the death of his father.

Timir son of Timat — sometimes called 'the black-hearted,' because of his dark moods and dangerous temperament. His father, Timat, was a wandering warrior who became known as the most vicious of Coromir's retinue. Timat always claimed to be Déskédran, but most whispered that he was actually an exile from one of the Isliklid kingdoms sworn to the Empire, fled from the Dain Éduins for crimes too horrible for even those barbarians. Timat was strangled to death while alone in a locked room. His son, born of Herla, a local Daradjan woman, has unfortunately inherited a good portion of his father's mean streak.

Malir of Dara Dess — descended of Danians who centuries ago came to the Highlands. His grandfather, Mutimir, was once the bannerlord of Myr Iras and swore service to Morovic, helping him to take Dara Dess. Mutimir later disgraced himself in the field and was stripped of his hold, leaving his sons and grandsons to be ordinary bannermen.

Malgav of Dara Dess — the older brother of Malir. He once pressed Bran for the return of the family citadel at Myr Iras, but Bran refused. Malgav bears the enchanted tusked helm of his forefathers.

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