2/11/01--Lisa 10/6/99
Not too big a deal, but I changed the Discuss page to reflect that egroups merged into yahoogroups. Sign up if you haven't already :) I swear we're a low-traffic friendly bunch. --Lisa 2/5/01
There's been quite a bit of work going on even though hopefully you won't have noticed! I've restructured the layout of the images and added a few. If you find a broken link or image PLEASE tell me!! And, I hope you like it! Should be a little more straight- forward both to navigate (your end) and manage (my end). Also, if any of you have sketches Mark has done for you and you'd like to share, please email me a scan of your sketch or point me to where you have it online already. Our newest sketch is from Zan, and it's in the new Sketch Gallery. There's a new interview with Mark up at the Comic Book Galaxy. Here's a direct link to it: Artesia Acknowledged by Rob Vollmar. You might recognize the sketch! Thanks Rob for the great interview with Mark to add to the collection ^_^ Oh, and the Feb issue of Sequential Tart has Kady Mae's review of Artesia Afield #5! --Lisa 1/18/01 I've added a link to the Slush Factory review of Afield #5 to the reviews page. --Lisa 1/13/01
Finished going over the essays (not a light task!), but most importantly, I've added the sketch that Mark did in San Diego this year for the lovely Katherine Keller. Since Mark isn't really doing sketches at shows these days, Kate's was one of the few he did this year :) She's special you may recognize her name as Kady Mae of SequentialTart.com fame! She sent me this scan a few months ago and I finally added it! Hope you all enjoy it. --Lisa 1/12/01
I'm generally going over the essays in particular, with maybe some going over of the other pages later, checking for broken links and such, and I'm trying to make sure that all the essays have links to other relevant essays :) For example, I've added (see also) references in the Guide to the Divine and may add more as I think of 'em! I'm mentioning this here for two reasons: one, so that any of you who spot coding errors or typos know to feel free to email me and tell me about them rather than pointing and laughing :) two, so that I have a date fixed in "writing" for when I last did this kind of thing! Maintence is good. Yay maintenance! --Lisa 1/11/01
Well, here's the first issue and update of 2001. Still feels weird to talk about '01! At any rate, we're almost done with Artesia Afield! One more issue left. This issue's essay was on the Gods and Goddesses of War. Check it out, I'm impressed with the references to all the other essays so far from the divinities to the Exiled Kings, to the poor Düméghal :) Mark should sit down soon and figure out his con schedule for the year; if you're not on the mailing list, check back here for word of his plans! --Lisa 11/16/00
With the release of Afield #4 yesterday I've added the essay on magic and the cover! Woohoo. --Lisa 10/13/00
Added reviews of the Artesia trade and Artesia Afield #1 from Michael Rawdon and SBC respectively to the reviews page. 9/28/00
Added Afield #3's cover and essay. --Lisa 8/15/00
Not much, just a link to a review of Afield #2 at the Slush Factory! --Lisa 8/12/00
I really don't intend to make updates every day! Really! Still, the wonderful Richard Pace sent me a beautiful piece of Artesia inspired art for the site! I've added it to the Fanart Gallery for your viewing enjoyment! Go look! Also, the interview at Worlds of Westfield is back-- I tracked down that link! Yay! --Lisa 8/11/00
I've put up the images of the gods from the Artesia Collected edition in a Gallery of the Gods and I've also scanned the maps we've seen so far! Many thanks to my friend Richard Pace for scanning the plates of the gods, and I hope you like 'em! They're on their own page, and I've also worked them into the Guide. I'll probably announce that at Digital Webbing in a couple of days since I just did one over there yesterday! 8/10/00
The covers to Afield #2 and the Annual are up, with a nice new scan of Afield #1 since my scanner was being very nice. Hope you all enjoy! --Lisa 8/9/00
Artesia Afield #2 is out now and I'm working to update :) I've got the essay up, and will be scanning the cover, and the cover to the Annual directly. --Lisa 8/1/00
There wasn't really anything new and exciting going on at this year's San Diego con, so nothing on that front... I have done some stuff though, or I wouldn't be writing here! I've finally (I know!) gotten up the essays and bits of info from the Annual. There's three different essays, focused on Artesia's companions. They're also accompanied by pictures Mark painted just to go along with them! It's not your ordinary centerfold, that's for sure. I'm about to add them to the index page, so go look at them, ok? Thanks! Oh, also! I've put up a link to a review of Artesia Afield #1 from the Slush Factory! Check it out if you haven't already. I've also added the solicitation and sneak preview copy for the upcoming issues... Be warned!! Huge spoilers!! Do not click unless you want to be spoiled!! --Lisa 7/7/00
Well, I've been inspired (in no small part by my friend the lovely Wendy aka NightXade of www.starxade.com) to do a bit of site revision and retooling. I'm hard at work on that now, and should be putting it up any minute! If you get here and encounter any errors, or problems, pleeeease let me know ASAP!! Email me: Lisa 7/4/00
Woohoo! Dragon*Con is over and a lovely time was had by all... well I think so, at least :) The programming for Dragon sucked for comics, which is typical, the organization was shoddy, but there were cool people there!
Most importantly, on Friday, Artesia Afield #1 arrived! Yay! In both it's regular and limited edition versions, no less! How happy can one girl get? I'm hoping to sit down and retool the site a bit, and work in the stuff from #1 in the next week or so! (to a chorus of George Michael singing "Promises, promises" I know)
Also important-- head on over to www.sequentialtart.com this month to check out their Read This Or Die! column. The ladies graciously named Artesia the Read This Or Die for July! Thanks guys! --Lisa 6/8/00
Yes, I should've put the Annual up by now! Sorry. I suck. I admit it. I've gotten thoroughly distracted by Sequential Tart. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. ST will be spotlighting Artesia as the Read This Or Die! for July and Mark and I are both thrilled about it! Thanks Tarts for going along with me on this :)
Still, I do have something new to add or I wouldn't be here editing the new page!
I stumbled across Eon Magazine's review of Artesia #1. I'm almost certain I bugged them to review Artesia way back when I was putting this all together since I attended their panel at San Diego Con last year and promptly fell in love with their stuff. Their panel was one of the highlights of my con experience and I will gleefully get a front row seat this year!
Find the new-ish review over here off the reviews page.
Also, just in case somebody other than Mark is reading this (he'd already know, duh) Mark is now selling his original Artesia art! It's going quickly (no, I'm not buying it all myself! I wish!) so if you're interested then either drop me a line, or email Mark!
We'll also be at Dragon*Con with a planned Artesia fan dinner which may end up being "people Lisa can drag to dinner with her" since there's only two Artesia fans and Mark on the list so far! Other comics creators are on the list, but I'm not telling you who they are. You have to email me if you want to come and I'll tell you then. So there. --Lisa 4/12/00
I get the feeling not many of you are dropping in to see what's happened. Regardless, I updated the site today with the new solicitations for July. And, since I have news from Mark that you all might be interested in: He's finishing up #2 right now and is into planning #3 already. Yay! There's a slight possibility that there might be Artesia related things at Dragon*Con since that's one of the conventions Mark will be attending this year. Make your plans now! Dragon*Con is certain, all others are iffy! --Lisa 1/14/99
The absolutely amazing Lee Atchison of Webslayer Design made me a banner! Woohoo! Isn't it spectacular? Consider it linkfree and grab it as you wish! Thank you Lee!!!! --Lisa 11/25/99
The Annual is out! Finally! Woohoo! It seems like forever since the last Artesia thing :) It's unfortunate timing though, since I'm on vacation for a bit. I want to welcome all you new visitors-- thanks Mark for the mention in the Annual!-- and let you know that as soon as I get home I'll be updating with Annual stuff. I'll have to brainstorm on how to incorporate the Annual. Goodness all the info in there for me to type up :) Thanks Mark for such a great series and Annual! --Lisa 11/2/99
I wish there were more going on... but there's just not. On the bright side the trade is definitely shipping this week and the Annual is done and at the printers waiting on a bit more work :) It looks on track. Yay! I've updated the interview page since the Sequential Tart interview is now in the archives! Go check out this month's issue! www.sequentialtart.com --Lisa 10/11/99
I've decided that obviously people have visited here, even if I haven't gotten any feedback... They must not want to post on the message board. We'll try a mailing list. Baby steps! Anyway, mailing lists are nice :) Here's a link to the mailing list, but it's also on the Discuss Artesia page.