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Most of my GeoCities accounts have been deleted. Because of this, a few sections are currently down, as well as some graphics are not working. I am working on repairing them, and they should be up SOON! Sorry for any inconvenience!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have been having some problems with my e-mail. I have not been receiving all of my letters because infected files are taking up all my space. If you have sent an e-mail to me within the LAST 2 MONTHS, and have not received a reply, or have received a notice saying your letter could not be sent, please SEND IT AGAIN! Please DON'T send any FILES. Also, if you want to contact me, please e-mail me, don't just post a message in the guestbook. I don't receive most of the letters from the guestbook, so please don't contact me via it. And if you don't have a virus checker, please consider installing one! THANKS!

What's been updated?

Last Update: November 11th 2005 - November 30th 2005

==>*Lest We Forget. November 11th marks the 60th anniversary of the end of World War Two. Thank you to all the veterns who fought and those who are away fighting today.*<==

==>*Sorry, once again for the extended delay! School is finally DONE! I WILL CONTINUE TO UPDATE! Look for new updates to start as soon as possible! They will be, however, less frequent. Look for a updates next week. Sorry again. To keep up with Aaron Carter and the Backstreet Boys, check out: AaronNews and Backstret.Net. Sorry for the inconvenience.*<==

==>IMPORTANT NOTE: Just another note about e-mail. Lately most of my mail has been going to junk-mail and I have not been receiving it. I have also recieved several e-mails containing viruses, which take up a lot of space. If you have e-mailed me in the last few months and haven't received a reply, or if you received a letter saying that your letter could not be sent, please send it again. Also, please don't send any attachments or files. And please don't contact me via my guestbook, because it is unmonitered, so I don't receive most of the messages posted in it. And, once again, if you don't already have a virus checker, please consider getting one. Thanks!<==

==>Updated: Added LOTS of news...Aaron's new album, BSB to record again!<==
==>Updated: Added LOTS of NEW Dates To Remember<==
==>Updated: The "Tourdates" page...Added a Hawaii date<==


[Flag Campaign icon]
Support freedom

"Time, look where we are, and what we've been through..." (From the song "Time" from "Black & Blue")

On September 11th, 2001, the world watched in HORROR as HISTORY went down on the television screen. And those that witnessed it in person, described it as the WORST ATTACK EVER on AMERICAN grounds. Four planes, filled with INNOCENT PEOPLE were hijacked. Two crashed into the 110 and 130-story World Trade Center buildings in Manhatten, New York. Towers 1, 2 and 7 collapsed. Tower 4 and one other towers have been knocked down to prevent further injury. Another plane also crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. And the fourth plane, which was probably headed for the White House in Washington, DC, was BROUGHT DOWN by the passengers of the flight! The passengers of Flight 93 knew that they were doomed, so rather than sit back and watch more people be killed, and since most were aware of what had happened in New York, they poured a bucket of hot water and rushed the hijackers! The plane crashed in Pennsylvania. The number of lives lost is TREMENDOUS. This truely is a tragedy. And more, this tragedy will effect the WHOLE WORLD. My prayers and thoughts are with the families of those who were lost in this senseless attack. America will rise above this. TOGETHER, we will find PEACE, despite this COWARDLY act of violence.

Please consider helping out the many families effected by this event. I encourage you to help out in any way you can. You can help by showing their pride, and supporting your country. Make an American flag, and display it PROUDLY. Call your local Red Cross to find out more ways to help. Or click on the ribbon above to find out more ways to get involved.

==>*Impact on Aaron Carter and the Backstreet Boys*<==

*One of the Backstreet Boys' crew members, Daniel Lee, was killed in this attack. He was on the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. He was flying home to see his wife, who was pregnant with his second child.

Here is a picture of Daniel Lee's wife and newborn baby. Daniel's wife, Kellie Lee, gave birth to the baby shortly after the tragedy.

My condolences go out to the family as well as the Backstreet Boys for their loss.

Remembering Danny Lee

~NOTE~ .50 cents from all Backstreet Boys concert tickets will be donated to the Red Cross. The Backstreet Boys have also created a fund in memory of Daniel Lee. Proceeds will support the Daniel Lee's family, his wife and children.

*Brian's wife, Leighanne, was supposed to be on one of the flights that was hijacked, but cancelled at the last minute, because of a dentist appointment.

*Aaron Carter was in New York when this happened, but he was a few hours away from the scene, and fortunately was not harmed. He did, however, see the planes crash into the towers.

This world is not at ease
We seem to hide the truth
Thinking there’s only so much we can really do
It’s up to you and me
To fix our destiny
The jury’s here, so let’s take the stand
And we’re not gonna take anymore
Can we try to erase all the pain
So please...

Show me a reason, give me a sign
Tell me the way we fall out of line
Is it today or is it tonight we’ll find
The answer to our life

"The Answer To Our Life" from the Backstreet Boys' album "Black & Blue

On October 12th 2002, bombs exploded at a popular nightclub in Bali, Australia. More than 300 people were killed, mostly tourists and young Australians. People who witnessed the attack debscibed it as "September 11th in Australia." These were the most horrific terrorist attacks Australia has ever beared. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victems and the victems families.

==>Impact On Aaron Carter<==

Some or possibly all of Aaron's tourdates planned for mid-November are reported to have been CANCELLED. Tickets are refundable. Support the Green Ribbon Campaign, Visit

Vote for me at the Aaron Carter Awards!

*To vote for me at the Aaron Carter Awards (Above), Click here*

VOTE FOR ME AT THE "AARON CARTER'S BIGGEST FANS" POLL! You can vote 2 ways. If you're a member of the "Aaron Carter's Biggest Fans" Yahoo group, (You may also consider joining, then voting), CLICK HERE! If you're not a member, (And don't wanna join the group), CLICK HERE! THANK YOU!


Send in your concert reviews/experiences! Hey! Had an experience of the "Aaron Carter kind"? What about the "Backstreet Boys kind"? If so, send in your concert reviews or other experiences to me. I have made an Experiences page, which will feature some of MY concert experiences and if you want to see yours posted E-mail them to me.


==>*The Site Of The Week is: Gregory R. Smith's Site! Congratulations!*<==

==>I haven't been getting any requests to win my award, so I have been running out of sites to use as Site Of The Week. If you know any good sites that haven't yet been featured, please E-Mail me. If you are a Webmaster, who would like to win my award(s), please Go here. Thanks!<==

->On May 2nd, 2001, my site reached 10,004 hits! Thanks for visiting! And please, visit again soon!<-


