After the dust settled from an entire year of volatility, the tedious council formed years ago had prevailed. Under the direction of Supreme Legate Kalas Tyrgoth, the Maxum legions were able to mobilize a force. Using tactics of containment by buring to the forested regions outside of the Necropolis, and the diversionary tactics of Rizam and the Griffon Knights, the vile undead that inhabited the lands outside the necropolis were destroyed, and some bombardmen of the city was underway, when the city itself fell silent. No sign was found of the necromancers themselves. Legate Tyrgoth ordered his troops withdraw and maintain a defesnive stance at this strange victory. The price was heavy however. The near annihilation of Danex and the surrounding countryside. The people however would not be so easily discouraged, and the construction of New Danex began almost immediately after the victory over the Undead. The Senate of Maxima, not wishing to repeat a mistake, ordered that a massive new fortification be built and the city of New Danex was annexed to be its main base of operation. The former leader of the Praetorian Guard, Scipio Gaius Flavius, was named Governer of the Norther territories, which included Old Danex ( the necropolis) and New Danex.
Rizam, while greatly disturbed by the volcanic eruption, was not as greatly damaged as first assesed. The cities foundations were not rocked, and the people rebuilt quickly, as well as sent supplies to their allies in Maxima to help in the rebuilding of the Captiol city.
Qantor was not nearly as concerned with the terrors in the Necropolis, as it was with its soutnern borders and the rumors of the returned Lizardmen armies, as well as the construction of a city of dark power named Barbarosa. Supposedly this city was the Headquarters for the forces of Gierda and Trenton. Some citizens left to fight, but most disobeyed the direct order from the Council of the Sky, and remained home in Qantor. Compounding their unwillingess to fight Qantor also refuged to meet the demands of Maxima in its requests for materials to rebuild the Captiol, and the Legions. These refusals began to show the decline of the Council of Sky.