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The Age of Council (13 A.R. to 98 A.R.)

After the Revolution**, there was great turmoil. Factions fought for controls of the cities and countrysides. Orcs, goblins and other dark creatures stray from the BadLands assaulted the farms and outlying villages for years to come.

The new leaders of the four biggest cities of Ashr'alan; Maxima, Quantor, Rizam and Danex banded together in the year 13 A.R to form the Council of the Sky. Together, they made all major decisions. The Council had the ability to declare wars, regulate commerce, and make major rulings on criminal cases. Maxima was proclaimed capitol of Ashr'alan. With its supreme military knowledge, and promised aide from the four cities, the Maxum Legions were placed as protectorates of not only the Maxum Empire, but the united Council Nations. The Maxum Legions drove back the hordes of goblins and bandits back to the BadLands.

While all cities had their own civilian defense forces, and standing armies, the Maxum Legions were by far the largest and most well trained. They eventually totaling nearly 300,000 in enlisted numbers, spreading throughout the four Great Cities, but primarily centralized in Maxum Imperial territory itself. The Legion consisted of 3 factions: Infantry, Cavalry, Naval. The Legions were always aided by the clerics of the Earth Faction, from the Church of Aurielus, The Imperial state religion. It is the strongest military presence that the world of Ashr'alan has known.

At this time the the churches of Aurielus and Talzam were at their peak. Being the state religion of the Maxum Empire, the worship of Aurielus was the most widespread, and rigoursly enforced. All other relgions were seen as destructive and barbaric. Thus, those who worshipped divergent gods were swiftly hunted down and punished.

(**Note: Riar Thorne headed the Rebellion against the corrupt Maxum Emperor Androcletus and Great Duke of Rizam. With the aide of the Praetorian forces of Maxima, and many grass roots militias, the dicators were overthrown. Thus the Age of Tyrants was brought to a close ).

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