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Physical Description:The Goblins of Ashr'alan share a few common traits among all their varied clans. All goblins have the extremely noticeable high peaked and extremely long nose, along with obnoxiously long ears. Goblins do not develop any hair until an exteme old age when brittle yellow strands may start to form on their head and chins. Most goblins stand around the knee level of an average man. Their small size is often deceiving of their true strength. Their small frames hide very powerful muscle structures, that have more than once caught a much larger foe offguard. Goblins have a viscious look to them, with sickly looking hands ending in broken and filthy claws.

Culture/Society:The goblins of Ashr'alan are split into a caste system, very similar to the Lizardmen. The masters of Goblin society are their Shamans. The goblin shamans weild very crude magic, but even their simple skills are more than enough to keep the extremely superstitious goblins in order. The bulk of goblin society are the class of Bloodyskulls, or goblin warriors. Most goblins are born into an extremely uncaring and brutal society. If a young goblin can live through their first years of youth without being killed or eaten, they begin fighting alongside older warriors. Goblin warriors use no great tactics other then surprising when they can, and overwhelming with great numbers. Those goblins who survive past youth, but are too weak to fight or too scared, are made into slaves. These slaves, or Snotwipers as the goblins call them, are given the most degrading and menial tasks. Such tasks usually involve tending the rare goblin farms, cleaning up waste on a rare occasion, or any other humiliating task a warrior or shaman can think of.

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