Phyical Description: Humans are by far the most diverse of the populations of Ashr'alan. Humans skin tones range from deep bronzed of the inhabitants of the Maxum Imperial regions, to the dark brown of the desert roaming tribes in the badlands, to the almost rusty tones of the Rizam Inhabitants. Body build and size vary by region. The more "barbaric" folk of the Rizam region are very bulky in buildl, very much like tall dwarves, whereas the people of the Lost Valley of the Qantor region are small and lightly built.
Culture/Society: Humanity has a variety of cultures, that change from region to region, down to small hamlets only miles apart from one another. The people of the Maxum Empire value highly their ideals of unity, personal excellence, and a quest for the greatest good for all of Ashr'alan...of course good is their good. The folk who inhabit the norther regions of the Rizam empire value greatly glory on the battlefield. They relish in good times with good friends and good drink. They are hardy, sometimes pessimestic since they live in an often tumultuous land. However, the Rizam folk are equally adept in displaying affection for both one another and their kingdom. The humans of the Qantor empire value personal freedoms above all else. They do assistance in the maintanence of peace as a whole, but find the ways of the Maxums far to impressing upon personal freedom, and the ways of the Rizam folk far too overzelous. They temper their freedom with cool heads and responsilibity to maintain freedom.