Maxima is ruled entirely by the will of the people, manifested through the Imperial Senate. The Imperial Senate has existed now for nearly seven hundred years and gone through many chaotic times, but its basic principles set down by an early founder named Pallatius, still remain much the same.
The Imperial Senate is comprised now of 125 senators representing the Empire entire. Upon a towns ability to reach a level of population/culture of 2,000 they are eligable to send a senator themselves. Until such a time they will fall under the representation of the nearest village consisting of 2,000 or greater. So Maxima's Senate is subject to change as its population rises and falls. A Senator is elected by the local people and then sent to Maxima where they will stay for a term of two years. After this time a new Senator is elected unless the local poeple wish to retain him.
Today the Senate directly controls all aspects of Trade, Establishment of Courts and Laws, Maintence of Interior, as well as the Military. The Senate appoints commanding Generals called Legates to command the 13 maxum Legions. They also appoint Regional Governors, who relate the Senates will to the Local people. The Senate also is in control of Manifesting the will of Aurielus, the Imperial state religion. They can declare holidays, as well as maintain the the costs of the Religion.
The Senate's will is manifested in most towns by the Local prefects. The prefects house tax collectors as well as the collection itself, and funnel all proper resources back up the chain, through their Regional controllers, back to the Imperial treasury, courts, or whatever appropriate destination it may be. The Local prefects also maintain law and order, as well as house engineers who maintain the infastructure.
The Senate also controls the Election of the 7 Justices. These men serve for a life and deal with the application of the Supreme laws of the Land. They hear only the most important of Legal cases in a certain amount of months inside the Captiol, Maxima.
Finally the Senate may, if it deems one worthy enough, appoint a conquering General to the status of Proconsul of Maxa, this is as close as one comes to becoming Emperor in modern times. The past has shown the maxums that placing their trust in one person alone is not wise, since a man often forgets he is mortal when he controls such vast resources, and it will pollute his immortal soul. The Proconsul is the supreme Military advisor and can issue orders independently to the Legions directly, without the consent of the Senate. The Senate however may overturn these rulings if they feel they pose any threat to the power of the people. Kalas Tyrgoth was named Proconsul of Maxa after his victories against the Undead and orcish invasions, and has remained wisely ruling for the past twenty years.