Physical Description:The orcs of Ashr'alan are a visicous and brutal nation. They are far less civilized than the Ogres, and hardly any more civilized than goblins. The stand a little taller than a normal man, but their shoulders are so broad, adn their upper body strength so great, they are as strong as at least two men. Their bodies colors range from a dirty brown to putrid green., while their hair is always a slimy pitch black. The orcs produce a horrid musk, which to them is like sweet perfume, and used in mating rituals. As for mating, orcs reproduce very quickly, and the young mature. A young orc is able to survive on its own after the first year of birth. It is a good thing that many young are eaten as a food source, lest the orcs would populate so fast,t heir numbers would be immesurable.
Culture/Society:Orcs are considered by the Imperial Legions, to be the biggest military threat that exists from the goblinoids. The goblins on their own,w ith their chaotic tactics, can most often be easily routed by the hard disciplined troups of the Legions. Kobolds stay in the same rank with their goblin cousins. Ogres and Trolls are far to few in number now to be seen as a major threat. The orcs however possess not only the numbers, but also an uncanny miltary affinity. Orc society is chaotic, based upon the belief i you can slay the one above you then you deserve to take his place. However, with that chaos is formed a crude military hierarchal society. The orc generals rule all the orc nations, and do so by proving their prowess in battle. Generals down to peon foot soldiers all gain their place by their ability to take it, and when the orc above you says to do something, you will either do it or prepare to suffer the consequences. Out of this brutal tier of power, the orcs have been able to conquer and adapt much military technology from most other races. The orcs love machines of destruction, and favor many crude and lethal variations of war machines (Ballista, battering rams, etc). The Orc nation now allies itself with the villians of the Badlands and Barbarosa, and were also blamed for the majority of the Devastation reaped upon the Imperial Captiol of Maxima. They are a foe not to be underestimated.