The earliest Recorded history of the Maxum people began along the banks of the Tyber river. Where these people came from it is not known, for those histories were never written or were lost(the earliest recorded document of importance was the Musings of Vestesia in 150 A.S.). In this early time the people struggled against the wilds of the surrounding lands. Trolls, the native race of the area often made raids into the small tribal communities of the Maxum. However, the people continued to flourish by building strongly forified cities, and tracking down the troll tribes when they retired to their dark cave homes, to avoid the killing rays of the sun. Enraged at the losses they were sustaining the Trolls put aside much of there own varied clans bickering and united for the first time under the Chieftan Ch'ungth, thus forming the first troll nation (52 A.S.).
Hearing of this threat the people of the 3 largest cities of the Maxums elected a military leader and 5 members to complete a war council (50 A.S.). Each formed, for the first time, a military supported by the united Maxum peoples. The 3 main cities, Maxima, Aquillas, and Aetinas, along with the smaller tribal communties supported the military with a mandatory tax as well as traders, smiths, and other businesses, required to produce food, weapons, armor and other essential items to the war effort. Under this system of near martial law the more powerful families exerted there influence to pack the council with heads of their families. They effectually brought the military under their control, of which the public was ignorant of. With this power they were able to exert their influence more easily. The elected military heads all met mysterious deaths and 3 new leaders were placed into power. These 3 men were all members of the most powerful house, the Sullistians. These men were Ialis Sullist of Maxima, Flavius Sullist of Aquillas, and Marcus Sullist of Aetinas. They were given title of Legate (commanding general), and the councils were disbanded. During all of this socio-political subterfuge the war continued to rage on against the troll nation. Losses were heavy on both sides, but the Maxum people under the heavy hand of the Legates and their own nationalist ways, continued to muster legion after legion until at last the troll forces under the command of Legate Ialis Sullist, were destroyed in there stronghold of Gr'ughkall in the Iron Hills (20 A.S). The triumphant Ialis brought back Ch'ungth's head and placed it atop the highest tower in the city for all to see.
After this first war the 3 Legates were idolized by the people. This was what the Sullistrians had hoped for. Now they had not only control of all military forces, all goods of the still small nation, but they had the people in their pocket. With this power the Sullist's kept tight control of the election of officials, rigging elections so only those houses who were loyal to the Sullist's were put into council office. Over the next 20 years Taxes raised drastically. Of course these funds did not go for the improvement of the local life of the Maxum Citizens, but rather lined the pockets of the Sullist's and there political allies. Slowly the legions fell into decay leaving the smaller outland towns exposed to attack without support from the major cities legions. Eventually the councils at Aquillas and Aetinas were disbanded and the entire power was transferred to Maxima, in the name of efficiency. As the gap between the ruling Sullists and the Maxum citizens became more evidenced people began to call for reform. The most blatant act of arrogance was when the council in Maxima placed Etrius Justicor as King over all Maxum territories (7 A.S.). The Sullists-a term now applying to anyone who was rich-attempted to pacify these rumblings by sending out the slipshod legion remains, and a few shipments of gold to each of the critical cities. This did not have the effect that the Sullist class had wished.
A man by the name of Pallatius, an influential farm owner known for his virtue and a hero from the Troll Nation war, began to cry for rebellion against the sullists.
The cry did not fall upon deaf ears. Uprisings occured in nearly every town that Pallatius visited. The local Prefects were slaughtered and people ransacked local caches of weapons, gold, and food for there families. Seeing the trouble from there homebase in Maxima, the Sullists gathered in council and sent out a legion under the command of Legate Plerbius Ciaus to quell the uprisings. Ciaus marched his legion hard into a small outlying village of Tararcus, the hometown of Pallatius. The legion razed the entire village, and captured Pallatius for transit back to Maxima. Total casualties in the massacre were nearly 2000 men women and children. Outraged at this slaughter village after village rose up against the Sullistians. This citizen army waylayed Ciaus on his return to maxima, and were able to save Pallatius before his eminent execution.
Those legionaires who were captured turned upon the Sullistrian masters and joined with the Proletarin (citizen) army. With Pallatius military knowledge combined with the information from the legionaires, the army was able to destroy every Sullistrian stronghold, house, or sympathizer from Aquillas to the far north as they made there way towards Maxima.
Hearing of the eminent threat King Justicor quickly formed 2 legions and rode off to hunt down the insurgent army. The two forces met on the gently rolling hillsides of the Millo plain. To his dismay some of the indentured legionaries in Justicors army turned against him, joining with Pallatius in mid battle. This confusion opened wide Pallatius's forces to decimate the Sullistrian troops. The slaughter was total, and Etrius, was found hiding in a small grove of trees rather than die on the battlefield. The defunk King was tied and placed upon a leash and paraded through every town between Millo and Maxima.
Pallatius marched upon Maxima only to find the city wide open and welcoming him. Upon hearing of Justicors defeat the people rose up and destroyed the Maxima guard, stormed the Sullistrian hill housing all of the high officals. They slaughtered their cruel masters and burnt down every symbol of the corrupt Sullistrians.
The next few weeks were filled with much merrymaking and joyous reuniting of families as many imprisioned enemys of the Sullistrians were freed. Nearly every trace of the previous Sullistrian rule was demolished. Pallatius called for all of the elders of every Maxum town to Maxima. Here they would craft a new government, a new way of life, and put a final end to the Sullistrian Period.