Proditus Lecerta was born in 15 PS in the small town of Sihermazitine. As a child he often could be found at the feet of adults in the local council meetings and his nose in any book of politics, history, military strategy, as opposed to playing or doing chores like most children his age. As a teenager he entered many heated debates as to the future of the empire with many of his town elders. So impressed were people with this young man they elected him as their senator. Proditus served in the Imperial Senate in Maxus, where he slowly built his ties with men in the military, and other levels of government. With his smoothe tongue and brilliant mind for political subterfuge he became one of the most highly respected senators. With his influence he was elected as Consul after the death of pallatius in 45 PS, at the age of 30. With this power, Proditus effectively brought the empires social, political, and military structure under his control. In 65 PS after years of careful cultivation of his political power he declared himself Emperor. He was eventually killed by an assassin while in a drunken state at one of his great feasts in 70 PS at the age of 45. Although he plunged the Empire in chaos, Proditus did leave behind vast improvements in infrastructure. During his reign the first road between Pallatio-Maxa (Maxima) and The northern city of Aquillas was finished, greatly improving interstate trade. |