The Council of the Sky as created after the revolution was a governing body for primarily the four great cities of men. However since Danex was destroyed it more appropriately represents the Empires of the Rizam, Qantor, and Maxima. It is located in the Tower of the Sun in the city of Mishra. Also located in the city is the Tower of Mishra, the main tower and college of the Mages of Ashr'alan.
The Council of the sky rules in matters dealing with specific issues. These issues are the Declaration of War against an opponent of any member state of the Alliance, Creation and Maintence of Inter-Alliance Trade Pacts, and the issuance of Aide to any member state that is in need. The Council cannot proceed outside of these bounds without the total consent of the member states own governmental approval.
All legislation brought before the Council members, must be agreed upon by 2/3 (10) of the members, and at least 1 from each city must consent before a measure can be passed. Currently Qantor holds 3 votes, Rizam holds 4, and Maxima holds 5 votes. The High Elves also are represented by one vote, and the Northern/Southern Wood elven nations maintain 2 votes as well.
Council represntative are sent by the respective governments every ten years. A member of the council can serve as many terms as their representative government deems is fit.