Page updated                                                                                   Date: 17/08/2003

This story is an ongoing work in progress. Many talented bards have lent their skills to this piece, and their names are listed above their contribution. ~~Xena, Gabrielle, and other X: WP characters are the property of people who are not us, although we may wish they were! All other characters are the property of the bard who created them.

Contains some violence and sexual situations. Also contains some same sex partners.

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Hello and welcome to Amazon Tribe Reborn! This little project started when I was telling a friend and now fellow tribe-mate about the role-playing we use to do in the chat room of the Tavern Wall message board. She thought we should start it up again and so here we are!

We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoy writting it.

And now, on with the story already in progress