Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Pixie

Pixie sat on the highest point of the cliff overlooking the river. She was carefully removing something from her hair and laying it beside her.

Nightsong sat down beside her and picked up one of the small objects, "Darts, you hid darts in your hair.Clever. Guess with that outfit they never even looked at your hair twice."

Pixie looked at Nightsong smiling sadly," No they never looked once, but that was the ideal." Then turned her gaze back to the water below."
I can't reach LA. I've tried but there is no response." Moonlight turned the tears that ran down Pixie's pale face silver.

"Faela,child of the wolf. Somehow Lyco ,the wolf, suits her more." Nightsong said looking toward the fire and thought quietly 'Nothing childlike about that body.'

Then she turned her gaze to Pixie. Same hair, same basic features, but where Lyco had the easy and self assured grace of a wolf. Pixie looked like a kitten, smaller and uncertain yet fearless. The eyes were the only real difference. Pixie had the palest of gray eyes, like an early morning mist. Lyco's eyes were pale ice blue like a wolfs.

"Our father is called the Blood Wolf, her mother was called the Night Wolf. What else were they going to call their firstborn?" Pixie sighed," I was cared for by the same woman who took care of Faela after her mother died of spring fever. I grew up hearing how she learned to walk before me, talk before me. How she was smarter, stronger, better than I was. Faela was a true child of the wolf, I was just a weak shadow. I broke my arm when I was young. Mauve had told me how Faela had taken a falcon from it's nest when she was my age. So I had to do it too. Got up to the nest, got the bird and was halfway down when its parents got me."

Pixie stood up rubbing the small tattoo on her wrist," My mother wasn't exactly happy to become the Wolf's bride. She killed herself the day I was born. As she died she spoke the only words anyone heard from her, `His blood makes her his heir, my blood makes her his death.´ I have never seen my father. The druids feared that her curse would cause me to kill him if he made me his heir. So I was given to them. I kept hoping that someone would find Faela,then she would be his heir and the curse wouldn´t exist anymore. I could have a normal family.... that I could have a sister."

"You do have a sister." Nightsong said softly.

" No, I have an enemy Who has tried to kill me twice, had me abducted and now has taken me hostage." Pixie looked at Nightsong with empty eyes" She will do anything she can to destroy me....

By Nightsong

Nightsong gazed back at the haunted eyes of Pixie. In them she saw pain and fear and a desperate longing for something she felt was out of reach.

"I had a family once, long ago. My father and my brother. Then Queen Ana came, and killed my father and took my brother so that she could bend me to her will. I stayed a slave so that my brother could live. But Lyco showed me what they had made him become, a heartless killer loyal to my mistress. That is when my brother became my enemy, and the day I took my freedom is the day I killed him." Nightsong gazed into the fire, the pain of the memory shining in her eyes. Without looking at Pixie she spoke.

"We all have families we are born with, and destinies that we cannot hide from. And somewhere in this life, we must find our way. You have a sister and a father, and maybe the curse will live and maybe it won't. But all I know is right now you have the chance to have a family with your sister now. I have a mother, but her only interest in me was to pass along her blood to create a warrior that would reshape the world. I have not seen her since the day I was made a warrior of warriors, that is the day she gave me this." Nightsong pointed to her gold armlet.

"Everyone needs family. You have LA, and now you have Lyco. What happens now is up to you."

By Pixie

"Yes I have my adored now and she holds the terror at bay. But I can't trust Fa...Lyco." Pixie said absently. Her attention was on Nightsong, "Your injury is starting to affect you. Let's go back to the fire and see to it."

Like most warriors, Nightsong didn't sit still as Pixie cleaned and rebandaged the injury. " That should be alright until you get back to the village tomorrow. Now you need sleep, we all do."

Lyco reached out to help Nightsong stand. Then extended her hand to Pixie who shied away from it. Lyco frowned and turned back to Nightsong " I agree with her you need your rest, my pet." she purred laughingly.

Pixie watched as they settled down beside one another on the other side of the fire. Then she curled up in the cloak and turned her back to the fire.

Pixie awoke with a start. She hadn't wished to fall asleep but she had, false dawn tinted the sky. She rose to a crouch silently and looked at the pair on the other side of the now dead fire. She wasn't surprised to see Nightsong awake.

" Stay here." she hand signed. "I'm going look around."and was gone before Nightsong could protest.

Nightsong began to wonder how Littlearsonist had lived with her for two years. " No amazon is that impulsive." she muttered to her self.

Lyco stretched and yawned,"She isn't an amazon. The druids don't call her fox just because of her red hair."

Both jumped up at the sound of horses approaching, then grinned at each other as Pixie rode into camp holding the reins of a second horse.

"Look what was getting a drink. We'll be back to the village in no time." Pixie said as she dismounted, her joy at the thought of seeing LA was barely contained...

By Ephfan

The battle was over and Ephfan's personal fight with Taran was done. He had held on to his worthless life a lot longer than she had thought he could.

She was at a small stream cleaning off all the blood. She chuckled as she thought of Xena coming across her as she was killing the raider. The warrior princess had taken one look at the scene and said "whoa, now there's a method I never thought of using. I'll assume you're not doing this for the hades of it, so carry on. Your queen would like everyone back in the village so when this little project is done, head that way."

"Nike, Shsway, and LA set out to find Pixie and NightSong. I told them I would catch up to them when I was done but I'll send a signal so they know I'm fine and going to the village." ephfan told her. The whole time all she could think was "I'm talking to the warrior princess, I'm talking to the warrior princess, I'm talking to the warrior princess......" Xena was something of a personal hero.

She finished cleaning herself and wiping her sword off the best she could. Just then a strongly-built, dark-haired amazon came up to her. "Queen Gabrielle wants everyone to team up in pairs, I'm with you to go back home." she said. It was the famous amazon weapon master, Eponin.

When Ephfan realized who she was paired with she about fainted. "Uhhhhhhhh, well.........ok, great. That's cool." she stammered. "Just let me send the signal to my friends and we can go. Nike and I worked this out a long time ago in case we ever got separated and needed to let the other know to meet in the village." She looked around and found what she needed on a dead raider. She walked over to him and removed the quiver from his back and the bow from his hand. "Now I need some fire...." she mumbled to herself. The whole time Eponin just took it all in with a grin. She really did enjoy being around the younger amazons, she just couldn't show it too much. She had a reputation to protect.

Ephfan found a camp fire still burning. She took three of the arrows, lit the ends, and set them in place on the bow. She aimed in the direction she saw her friends leave in. She drew back and let the arrows fly. "Well, that's that." she said and tossed the bow back on top of the dead raider. "Let's go." she said to Eponin with a grin.

They had only been walking for a little while when they heard the sound of horses. They immediately took positions opposite each other on the path. Out of the mist came two horses. Ephfan was just about ready to pounce and take care of the rider closest to her when she recognized NightSong. She jumped up and yelled to her friend. The group pulled the horses up and NightSong dismounted.

"Thank the gods you're ok" Ephfan said as she grabbed her in hug. "Shsway would have been devastated if you had died, we all would."

Introductions were made all around and they decided to all walk to the village. ephfan told them that she had sent the signal to Nike and they would meet at home. Pixie said she needed to signal LA to go that way so she wouldn't argue too much when Nike and Shsway said they needed to go to the amazon camp.

They started back on the path back home. "So, NightSong, you go first. What happened?" Ephfan asked her friend.

By Nightsong

Nightsong explained her story to Ephfan and Eponin. She could see her sisters distaste for Lyco in there eyes as she told them that Lyco had been in charge of the raid in the Amazon lands. Nightsong also told them of Lyco's help in their escape.

"There are some personal matters in this that need to be addressed. When we reach the Amazon village, We must speak to the Queen and ask for her council." Nightsong looked over at Pixie and hand signed, "You had better make that firey mate of yours behave around Lyco, or she will have to face me, and I don't think either of us wants that."

Pixie nodded her head, but looked puzzled as to why Nightsong would protect her captor like this.

"There is much about me you do not know. And, I would like to see you have that family you wanted, my friend." Nightsong thought to herself as she looked at Pixie.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist had to shield her eyes as she stumbled from the entrance of the cave mumbling to herself as she stopped abruptly.

"Watch your step" LA called back to the other two. "This cave opens up onto cliffs."

She looked around the forest from her vantage point. Beside the stream stood a series of small cliffs. After climbing down she walked to the cliffs pointing down to the now cold fire pit.

"Check to see how long it's been since someone's been here.", LA said looking at Nike as she started to climb.

"Okay, that seemed a bit to easy and calm.", Shsway whispered to Nike as they checked the encampment for signs of how long the occupants had been gone.

"I'm getting too used to this." La mumbled to herself.

She looked around the top of the cliff smiling when she spotted a small dart. "Only one here. Some one learned a final lesson didn't they my little fox. Always be more aware of the hands than the....assets."

She quickly climbed down, jumping from the last rock LA lightly walked toward her new friends. "She was here. Now how long ago did they..." Her sentence trailed off as she neared the two amazons.

"Lets just let her find them..."

"Find what?" LA asked a little nervous.

Shsway jumped at the tone in LA's voice. "Hoof prints..."

She stopped as LA walked around mumbling to see for herself. LA looked closely at the ground. "The boot prints around the horses are those of Pixie, Nightsong and another."

"No signs of a fight.", Nike stated.

LA stood and started tracking the hoof prints motioning for the others to stay in the encampment. She walked silently into the forest.

She reappeared moments later lead by two very groggy raiders, she poked one then the other in the backside with her sword.

"I found these two by the stream a little ways up." She held up two more of the darts she had found. "Seems that my love has so generously rid them of the burden of their horses."

Both Nike and Shsway breathed a sigh of relief to see the smile on LA's face.

"The battle was coming to an end when we left, it has to have ended by now.", Shsway said looking first at Nike then LA. "They'll all be heading for the village."

LA stilled for a moment then looked at the two amazons confused, "Ephfan is with Nightsong. And my love is feeling a bit trapped at the moment."

"Trapped?", Shsway asked quickly.

LA grinned, "Must be a large crowd greeting them. Raised among the Druids noise and crowds are new to her."

"She hasn't seen anything yet. Wait till the celebration of our victory tonight." Nike said smiling.

"Like amazons need a reason for a celebration.", LA kidded her two friends as she began prodding the prisoners toward the village....

By Pixie

Nightsong and Ephfan lead the way talking between themselves. Lyco walked beside the dark-haired amazon. Pixie lagged behind leading the horses. Her thoughts were confused. She would have preferred to return to her and LA's small camp to wait for LA. But Nightsong and Ephfan had threatened to tie her up until LA returned.

As they entered the village, the small group was surrounded by crowd of cheering amazons. Pixie was amazed that Lyco was the one who gave her the escape she was looking for, by insisting that Nightsong and Pixie needed to see the healer.

The healer was an older woman with a gruff no nonsense attitude, After tending Nightsong's injury, she told them to eat a light meal and rest. Then ordered Ephfan to see that they did just that. Nightsong led Lyco to her hut, while Ephfan took Pixie to the same hut LA had been given the day before. Ephfan promised to send a few of the younger scouts to gather her and LA's belongings.

Her sleep was fitful,and she arose more restless than before. Finding her belongings just inside the door, she rummaged through them finding a change of clothing and quickly made herself presentable.

Stepping outside she was greeted by a young scout with vivid blue eyes. "Welcome Rionnac. Queen Gabrielle would like to talk to you."

' My Faol-com, where are you? Ta me'm sunpaie, my love.' Pixie thought to her self. Desperately trying to control her nerves, she followed the scout toward the council hut. But before they were halfway there, a commotion started at the south edge of the village.She looked at the scout and started toward the gathering crowd.

"I'm right here my adored."came a gentle voice from the crowd. Pixie took a step back in surprise, the crowd parted to show a tired LA walking toward her. LA reached out and gently whipped a tear from Pixie's pale cheek. "I'm here, my Pixie."

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist wrapped her arms tightly around Pixie. She couldn't believe she was actually holding her love. "You should know by now that I'll always be here when you need me."

LA leaned back and gazed into Pixies eyes and said seriously. "Tu mu slan dhan sonas."

Pixie laughed softly and answered. "Gun cuireadh do chupa thairis le slain te agus sonas."

LA grinned leaning into Pixie. The world was lost to them as their lips met.

Ephfan looked at Nightsong, "Not to be nosey, but what did they just say?"

Nightsong smiled at Ephfan, "It's a small pledge. Now let them have their moment."

Nightsong, hearing her name turned to see Shsway coming toward her....

By Shsway

Shsway couldn't help it, she knew she had the goofiest grin on her face as she called out "NightSong!" and ran towards her mentor and dear friend.

The tall warrior and scout embraced tightly, the latter allowing herself the moment to cry. "By Artemis, I thought I'd never see you again, Nightie."

With a grin, the warrior pulled back to grip Shsway's forearms. "Oh, c'mon! You know me - can't stay dead. Like some other people I know." She turned with a smirk to the Queen and her Champion looking on with equally mischievous grins on their faces. "Besides, you just want me around so you can finally complete your training..."

The scout slowly began to smile, now convinced that all would be well. With a mock punch to the warrior's shoulder she looked once more at all her friends safe and sound before she turned to walk away. It was time for a hot bath, and it was surely needed this time.

Before walking to the bathing springs she had the healer tend to the arrow wound in her left arm. It wasn't deep, as she had expected, but the healing salve still stung like tartarus. 'Lucky for me, Marty stepped in and covered for me.' It was worth it though, and she was pleased to have seen the brave Pixie reunited with her lover. With that thought, she decided it might be nice to invite Alaya to join her in the cleansing ritual. She grinned, sprinted over to the amazon's hut and knocked on the door.

Strange, no one at home. Hmmm. 'Perhaps by the time I finish getting ready for the victory party she'll be around. Wonder where she could be?' She paused a moment more, shrugged and headed for the springs.

By Craig

"Back to the kitchen again," Craig laughed. Gabrielle laughed as well. "Make it a good feast. Victory did not come easily."

"I can do that, Queen Gabrielle. Any requests?" Craig asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"I'm sure anything you can make will do just fine. Something that you enjoy, although I noticed that you didn't kill anyone today, so you shouldn't be too hungry," Gabrielle observed.

"Fair enough. I don't kill unless I have to, that's why I fight with a staff. Also, a staff is useful for walking with," Craig explained.

"And you're a master with the staff... perhaps we should have a training battle some time," Gabrielle smiled.

"Perhaps we should," Craig said, as he left to prepare the feast.

By Nike

Nike watched with a grin as LA and Pixie were finally reunited. She then turned the Amazon on the other side of the couple, one of her oldest friends.

"Nightsong," she said as she walked over to her friend. "I thought you really kicked the bucket this time."

"It's great to see you again, Nike." They quickly hugged while a few of the younger Amazons wondered about the "this time" comment. Shsway suddenly came running towards them (goofy grin and all) yelling Nightsong's name and embraced her mentor.

Nike stepped back to allow them to have a moment and turned for her hut to get ready for the celebration. On her way she passed an Amazon who she thought was Alaya.

"Excuse me, um....Nike, right?"

"Who's asking?" replied Nike, peering down at the rather short woman.

"My name is Alaya, I'm looking for Shsway. I was hoping we could go to the celebration together..." she said with her usual sexy smile.

"Last place I saw her was in the center of town, but I think she was headed towards the springs." she said, unfortunately unaffected by the smile.

"Thanks!" Nike grinned as she watched her run off excitedly to the springs, then sighed as she wished she could find love of own. Craig was attractive....nah, she didn't know him well enough. Then there was Marty....but she knew him TOO well; he was more like a friend than anything. She shrugged as she continued on to her hut.