Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Nightsong

Nightsong met and greeted her friends with much affection. She happily embraced her apprentice, glad to see that she had come through this ok. A smile was still on her face as she walked back to her hut, but soon the smile faded as she thought of what to do with Lyco now. She entered the hut to find Lyco sprawled comfortably on her bed. She looked up on hearing Nightsong enter and smiled seductively at her.

"Hello my pet, I was starting to think that you had abandoned me." Lyco purred.

"I wouldn't be too relaxed, Lyco. Their are plenty of Amazons out there that are just waiting for the opportunity to take you down."

"I know, my love, but I also know that you will defend me onto death, as you swore you would. I am sure that you haven't forgotten your oath." Lyco said with calm assurance in her voice.

"No," Nightsong said quietly, looking into Lyco's eyes, "I haven't forgotten."

"Good." Lyco replied. "Then I have nothing to worry about."

"I wouldn't say that. You still have to be held accountable for your crimes to the Amazon nation. And while you may have saved us and thus freed yourself from Amazon justice, you will not be allowed to stay. The Queen and her Champion will not allow a slaver to stay in the camp." Nightsong replied.

"Perhaps, but this is a special circumstance. I think they will see that, don't you? Lyco replied with a smile. "I let you go once, I am not about to let you go a second time."

"We shall see, Lyco. I will arrange a meeting with our Queen." And with that, a very troubled Nightsong left her hut to arrange a meeting with her Queen. A meeting that would change how others would perceive her, of that she was certain.

By Shsway

A very tired scout dropped her clothes in a bundle next to a large dry rock. As she stepped into the springs, she sighed at the pleasant heat. Getting goose bumpy, she quickly slid in the rest of the way.

"I am sooo exhausted," she whispered quietly to the trees and bushes. "A nap would be nice about now, I don't think I'll be able to MOVE for quite awhile."

"Are you SURE about that?"

Jumped up slightly as someone had snuck up on her again. She turned angrily around, 'Someone is going for...oh my...'

Her thought process froze and she discovered that a very naked Alaya was standing no more than 4 feet behind her. And with a wide impish grin, the witch.

"Uh, you can close your mouth, Shsway."

Recovered faster than she expected, took a deep breathe and managed to force out "Care to join me?" she turned her eyes abruptly to the bubbling water.

"That would indeed be my intent, dear," Alaya said - in a tone that suggested to the scout that she noticed Shsway's interest, and attempt to respect her. The Amazon quietly stepped into the springs and purposely settled herself behind Shsway.

"Do you want me to wash your back? I brought some soap and cloth."

Feeling as if she were speaking with a water nymph, and a beautiful one at that, Shsway simply agreed "Since you're already there..."

Alaya washed the scout's back and hair with long, careful strokes. She was quite lathered up, when she finally took the rag from the warrior to finish cleaning her more, personal areas. 'Can't move to fast,' she mentally warned.

After rinsing off rather quickly, Shsway worked on Alaya's shoulder length blonde hair, so opposite to her own dark tresses. She watched in awe as the woman's body seem to sag in relaxation and a soft sigh escaped the wondrous lips. Finally, she moved to wash the kneeling warrior's hip, as low as she dared to go.
Before she could start though, she noticed a strange sort of tri-pronged marking on the skin. Some kind of battle wound?

"Alaya, where did you get this scar?"

The blonde woman suddenly tensed up like a bow string. Her muscles quavered slightly and Shsway was certain that her breathing had abnormally picked up. Was she afraid? Angry? Just as fast as she had seemed unnerved, Alaya instantly relaxed and seemed to purr. "Childhood accident, darling. No biggie."

They finished bathing as they had started, in silence. Only when they wrapped on their towels and dried off each other's hair did the warrior again speak.

"Shsway? Do you care about me?"

Puzzled at the question, the scout took hold of Alaya's right hand. "Haven't you figured it out yet? I'd like to care for you more, much more. Perhaps make this a permanent condition."

The warrior nodded, bowed her head in what seemed like a hesitant blush, then raised her head. "I just wanted to know that you did. That you would care no matter what the circumstance."

Brown eyes momentarily bore into blue, confused but loving. The scout bent down to briefly kiss the woman's lips. "I will do my best to show you that I mean to make you happy."

Alaya grinned, and then kissed Shsway again, prolonging the sweet pressure a while longer. "Just a question. I'd better go so we can both get ready for the celebration. Come get me before the sun sets?"

"With pleasure," Shsway smiled and released the woman's hips. "See you shortly."

"Yes," both women turned to their huts, both thinking about the awkward exchange.

By Pixie

"M'ionuin." PIxie whispered slowly to Littlearsonist. She was finally asleep although...Pixie blushed and gently kissed LA on the forehead."My beloved." she repeated.

Quietly she got up and began brushing her hair, slowly rebraiding the charms into a lock of hair. her thoughts strayed as she tried to make sense of the past few days...the past two years really. Her first brutal meeting with LA, meeting Lyco.The bonding ceremony,LA's discovery of her secret and the way the druids had restrained it. LA's second 'abduction' of her, the wild flight to the Ilse of Skye. Then the beginning of their journey and the repeated attempts by Lyco to kill her. Strange after Lyco had nearly succeeded last autumn in Britannia, there had been no more attempts. Pixie frowned at her own thoughts.

'She could have killed me easily in the camp.....instead she sent a healer to check on me.' Pixie thought to herself, 'I have to talk to her.'

With that thought she quickly dressed and wrote a note to LA. Stepping out of the hut she realized she had no ideal where Lyco was. She headed toward the largest hut. She was hopeful that as in her own village, it would be a communal gathering place.

A tall dark-haired amazon was leaving the building as she approached.

"Dia duit bantiarna Rionnac."

Surprised to be greeted in her own language as well as recognized Pixie smiled and returned in lilting greek. " Good day to you too and it's just Pixie."

"Very well. Gabrielle has been wanting to talk to you." The warrior gestured for her to go in.

Pixie took a liking to the young Queen, seeing the same curiosity and need to learn that she herself possessed. Her heart stopped when Gabrielle mentioned Lyco, but before she could answer a scout entered followed by an elder druid.

"My Queen this man approached the village asking to speak with you and the celtic princess."

"Forgive my intrusion I am Litavis. Several of the warriors would like to offer tokens to your amazons." Gabrielle looked a Pixie for an explanation. With a smile Pixie answered," Celtic warriors will honor others they think are worthy with small gifts generally weapons, clothing or uh....other things." Looking to Litavis she spoke formal gaelic, "No skulls please."

Litavis smiled and returned, "I already told them."

"Tonight the amazons are having their celebration. Tomorrow at sunset, full circle. Just let me know which warriors they want and I will leave it to them to decide if they wish to accept or not.'Then again in formal Gaelic."And I will undergo the test after."

Litavis smiled and left. Pixie looked at the Queen, " I am sorry if I offended you, it seems to be the best solution. Tomorrow the celts will gather to offer tribute at the site of the battle. Any amazon who wishes can go. I've seen bitter enemies exchange tokens. It can get amusing what they give sometimes."

Pixie excused herself and went in search of Lyco again. Lyco was the only person here she disliked enough too be at her side for the test she would have to endure...

By Nightsong

Nightsong watched Pixie leave the Queens hut with hooded eyes. She wondered what her new friend would think of her once she knew her secret, once everyone knew her secret. Nightsong sighed and entered the Queens hut, she knew what needed to be done. Nightsong sank to one knee in front of her Queen, denoting the serious nature of her presence here. Gabrielle looked shocked, but quickly recovered and told Nightsong to rise and speak.

"My Queen, as you may know, the one who was in charge of the raiders, the slaver Lyco, is in the village. I ask that since this matter is a personal one, that only Lyco, Pixie, Littlearsonist, and myself be present when you and your champion pass judgment on them. I would also ask that you do this as soon as you are finished with the beginning ceremonies. This is a matter of some urgency as there is a reason I must ask that you allow Lyco to stay here at the amazon village, as well as Pixie and LA."

Gabrielle's eyes opened wide at this statement, and she looked at Xena for conformation that this is indeed what she had heard. Nightsong expected this reaction, for she knew that asking that her captor be allowed to remain in the same village with her sounded like pure madness, but it is what needed to be done.

"I will do as you wish, my loyal amazon. And while I may not understand this right now, I will allow you to explain after I have begun the celebrations." Gabrielle replied with as much ease as she could muster.

"Thank you my Queen." Nightsong bowed low and left the hut, the weight of the world on her shoulders.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist rolled over patting the bed. Then opened bleary eyes and raised her head to look around.

"Damnu air!!!" she exclaimed rolling out of bed.

'Okay she wouldn't have gone far...I hope.', LA looked around the hut franticly. Her heart calmed seeing a parchment sitting on the table.

LA quickly read the note, sat it down, "Oh she's going to look for Lyco to speak with her."

Walking back to the bed she stopped looking back at the note, 'She's WHAT!?'

She dressed quickly proud for only falling once as she tried to pull her boots on still trying to pull her pants up.

Stepping out of the hut she stopped abruptly almost running over a small girl trying with all her might not to spill a small basket of strawberries.

The little girl smiled up to LA and very seriously says, "Taluns." Offering the basket up.

LA blinked a few times then smiled down to the little girl patting her on the head, "Yes, little one, they're strawberries."

The child giggled and turned skipping off singing, "Taluns, taluns..."

LA grinned and followed the girl, picking up the strawberries that were continuously popping out of the basket, knowing just who had sent her on her mission for the berries.

"Habits seem to get you, my love, see a kid and you're mush.", LA said quietly as she watched Pixie. Grinning as the children gathered around her repeated the words taught to them. "Bet you didn't even get to Lyco before you were distracted."

Her grin quickly faded with the thought of Lyco. Having been filled in on who was behind the raiders, LA's first thoughts had been to hunt the mad woman down and confront her. She still owed her for the scar she carried on her arm. She unconsciously rubbed her arm, the whip had bitten in deeply. Not to mention the fear she had first caused Pixie. From those thoughts came another more unwelcomed vision. Of pulling the crossbow bolt from Pixie's limp body.

'She almost killed my...', she shook her head clearing her thoughts. 'This game of hers has to end. Now, how is that supposed to happen?'

Pixie had told her of Nightsong's protectiveness of Lyco. She had told her of how Nightsong asked for the tolerance of Lyco. Being honor bound now to Nightsong for her protection of Pixie. LA gritted her teeth and bore the fact that Lyco was in her reach, and yet not.

Giggles brought her from those thoughts as the children scattered back to their chores, chattering their newly learned words. The only child left was the berry carrier, looking at her nearly empty basket confused.

LA walked over to the little girl smiling, and dumped the berries back into the basket. "Do taluns, piscin."
The little girl looked at Pixie puzzled.

"Your strawberries, kitten.", Pixie translated. And watched as the little girl skipped off singing.

"Taluns, piscin, piscin...."

Pixie looked up with soft gray eyes, "My love, those strawberries are never going to be served." LA laughed softly and wrapped her arms around Pixie....

By Pixie

Pixie sighed and snuggled closer, her fears subsiding . 'I didn't even realize I was that tense.' she thought.

Eyes half open she gently traced a design on LA's shirt. Then lifted her head to look at LA," My adored why is your shirt on inside out and backward?"

"Because of you." LA stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Come along Ceanndana, it's almost sunset and you still need to be introduced to the queen."

" I already met her." Pixie said as they headed back to the hut." I like her. She seems to have the drive to learn and the courage to change things."

Pixie sat in the middle of the bed and continued to chatter random thoughts as LA redressed. " I'm happy you like the shirt. I know it's not your normal but..."She stopped abruptly as LA sat down beside her and gently put a finger against Pixie's lips.

"Okay are you ready to tell me what's wrong. Or do I have to interrogate half the village?" LA said calmly.

The concern in LA's eyes was more than Pixie could take, she started crying. LA held her until the tears stopped and quietly listened to everything from Pixie conversation with Nightsong the evening before to her ending up with the children.

LA sat in hurt silence then mentally shook herself knowing that Pixie needed reassurance. "Hush, little one, I won't tell you that I understand. I don't. But its your choice to make and I will support you no matter what." LA pulled Pixie toward her holding her tight.

" Now my willful little fox, lets go find Nightsong and Ly...Lyco." LA spit out the last name as if it were poison.

Excited voices drifted into the open window, with a last hug LA stood and helped Pixie to her feet. Arms wrapped around one another they stepped outside. The bonfire was starting to glow as bright as the setting sun....

By Craig Hall

In the kitchen, Craig finished the final meal for the celebration. He drew in a deep breath, and then exhaling, he walked outside, his staff at the ready.

"The feast is ready, and I believe it is time for the celebration of our victory," Craig called out in his distinctively deep voice. The Amazons who were outside looked toward the giant figure almost involuntarily as he stood near the entrance to the dining hall, twirling his staff.

The Kiwi champion looked toward Queen Gabrielle, who had left her quarters to see what was going on. "Is it time to celebrate?" she enquired.

"It is indeed, your majesty," Craig replied. "I hope everyone enjoys it."

"Well, what can I say?" Gabrielle asked, amused.

"Let's eat?" Xena laughed, before running toward the dining hall, Gabrielle in hot pursuit.

By Nightsong

The feast was a good one, although Nightsong never joined in. She sat with Lyco outside of the main hut and watched as her amazon sisters enjoyed the fruits of Craig's labor. After the meal, everyone filed outside to where the huge bonfire blazed. Gabrielle gave thanks for their victory, and with a wave of her hand, the celebration began with a burst of song and a blur of dance. Nightsong watched as Gabrielle pulled Pixie and Littlearsonist aside and engage them in a brief word before leading them to the Queens hut. Nightsong turned to Lyco, "it is time" she said in dry tones. Upon entering the tent, Pixie and LA looked at them with both confusion and anger with Lyco. The Queen took her place on her throne and her Champion stood to her right side.

"Alright Nightsong, you may speak." Gabrielle spoke.

"Thank you my Queen. I have asked this meeting to inform you of why I have asked that Lyco as well as Pixie and her mate Littlearsonist be allowed to stay here in the amazon village for as long as they wish. While I know that you probably would not mind having Pixie or LA among us, I do see why you would banish Lyco from our village. However, there is a very personal reason why she should be allowed to stay. You see.........she is my wife."

Nightsong watched the expressions of shock and heard Pixie gasp at her statement. Before she could be barraged with questions, she continued.

"You see, it was a fair exchange. Lyco offered to help me win my freedom from Queen Ana if I wed her. After this, I could go as I pleased. Lyco has never hurt me in any way and has allowed me to live as I choose. I agreed to her terms and I am honorbound to them. And while you may think less of me for selling myself thus, I think it is a small price to pay for the sweet taste of freedom.
So you see, my Queen, this is a family affair, for Lyco and Pixie are sisters. That makes Pixie and LA my kin, and I would ask that my family be allowed to stay, since I no longer have one of my own." Nightsong lowered her eyes and waited for someone to speak.

By Eptalk

Good Grief! Eppie exclaimed as her quill was interrupted by a very aggressive pigeon stirring around the sandy beach before her. Eppie alas recognized the little wandering bird as one she and Nightsong had trained long ago to be a courier.

A small note was rolled and attached to the pigeon's leg.

Eppie gently removed the note and smiled upon finding the handwriting of Nightsong on the small parchment. Having spent much time talking in the past, Eppie knew the story of her Amazon sister and the need for her to find a mate, her own freedom and a new family. The note was good news to Eppie's heart that her champion now had a "wife."

Knowing she wouldn't return to the tribe, Eppie returned the note to the pigeon with the simple words added:
Blessings always for the tribe and may love always fill your heart.

Eppie released the familiar pigeon, kept quill in hand to finish her last scroll before breaking camp and going back to her own family.