Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Shsway

In a tree just beyond the village boundaries, Shsway sat in rigid attention. Waiting, and even hoping, that someone would show so she could spill some blood. She was having a hard time controlling her anger at Marty's attack now, especially since she had drunk a little bit of some choice Royal Ale.

The scout was once more evaluating the surroundings when she heard a man's scream and swords clashing in the forest. Her hearing was definitely improving with training. With a slow, feral grin she decided she would go and see what was going on. 'After all,' she thought, 'I should have a little fun as well this night.' With that, she swiftly leaped, clambered and pushed thought the tall trees to the source of the sound.

It didn't take her long to reach yet another raider camp, and see Nightsong kicking ass, unperturbed. All at once Shsway froze, unable to believe that her mentor was acting on the strongest fit of bloodlust she had ever seen by the warrior's hand. After seeing the older woman cut down archer after archer, Nightie turned and sliced the first of six mean headed towards her.

"Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeessshhhhhaaaaaa!!!" Shsway screamed as she dived in to help. Though knowing that her mentor could very easily take it from here, the dark-haired woman had to have a piece of vengeance to pacify HER soul as well. With a brief look of recognition - and the scout felt, amusement - from Nightsong, she faced off against two medium built stragglers. She dodged and deflected the blows quite adequately and with conviction sliced through one's chest as he lifted his sword to decapitate her.

She looked at the raider remaining with menace and whispered softly "I think I've found a candidate to replace Marty's soul". She finished him off easily by flipping behind him, holding him in a foe's embrace and slicing his worthless throat.

Shsway lifted her head to find that her warrior friend had taken care of two more of the scum, and a large muscled ogre was left in their place. In any other circumstance the scout would never have interfered with Nightsong's battles, but this time she had to step in, for fear that the older woman's legendary temper would cause her to be careless.

Running to NS's side, the young woman readied her sword with an elbow poke to her mentor's ribs. The warrior smiled down at the scout for a moment, than the two focused on fighting as a team against the smelly raider. Shsway knocked his legs down from under him after a long session with their blades, but allowed Nightie to have the final blow. With a triumphant amazon shout, the warrior brought her sword down through abdomen, the pain and internal bleeding killing him faster than either woman expected.

Breaths heaving and splattered with blood and sweat, the two friends wiped their blades on some dead men's tunics. It was Nightsong who regained her speaking voice first.

"Were you following me, Shsway?"

The scout frowned at her companion's annoyed tone. "Woman, I did not. But you were making such a racket it's a wonder the entire amazon nation didn't go blade happy and came charging in."

The warrior scowled. "Not that it was possible in any way, since the Amazon nation was too drunk to even prevent our brother from a mindless attack."

Shsway, brown eyes darkened by night and battle stood to her full height and looked into her mentor's gaze.

"Agreed, there should have been more scouts on duty. But you can't let your fire endanger your own life or subject the others to our enemy's wrath. You've sent the bastard who injured Marty on a one way ticket to Tartarus. And now we've killed off his ambitious companions." Nightsong turned away to look into the distance. The scout put her left hand on her friend's right shoulder. "Just let it go."

Shsway could tell Nightsong was struggling with something as her muscles tightened and untightened. Clenched and unclenched. She turned again with a tired sigh. "You don't know what it's like young one, losing a brother. It rips out a piece of your soul and as much you kick and scream and lash out, it can't ever be returned to you." NS gripped both of her protégé's shoulders. "I will not lose another."

The scout nodded in understanding and pulled her friend in for a brief embrace. As she separated from the older woman she looked at both their outfits. "Ugh, and just when I had gotten this thing all clean and myself smelling slightly better than the stables..."

The taller woman chuckled and shoved Shsway. "If you seriously want to be a warrior, better get used to it kid. Always comes with the job." She nonchalantly plucked out her spikes from the archers' throats. "Which reminds me, we still have to talk about your warrior's challenge. Oh, do I have a GOOD one for you, my dear."

The dark-haired woman rolled her eyes in resignation and followed her friend as she made for the trees. "Only if I can pass the cleaning inspection first." And with that, they made their silent exit into the night.

By Nike

Loud noise and merry making filled the village as the Amazon tribe was doing their best to "PARTY HARDY!!" as Nike would put it, who was known for being a party animal. Of course, being a party animal didn't quite set you apart from the rest of the tribe, as surprisingly Nike was calm compared to a few of the other Amazons in the corner playing a wild game of "I bet I can spit wine all the way to the other side of the village square". It took a great amount of willpower not to participate in this game, because she knew she would end up drinking most of the wine, and she really didn't feel like having a hang over in the morning.

"When did you ever have a hang over?" Ephfan had asked her after hearing her reason for not playing. "Aren't you a little young?"

Nike grinned at this. "You forget I grew up in Rome."

Nike looked around. "Hey, have you seen Nightsong or Shsway anywhere?" She took a sip of ale that she had just gotten from the middle of the village ("party headquarters").

"No...and Zeus knows what they're doing. Probably out killing raiders for the fun of it-"

"Oh, don't talk about them that way..." Another swig.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to not be drinking?" said Ephfan, looking at her.

Nike shrugged nonchalantly and watched the festivities around her. The rowdy amazons had stopped playing the wine spitting game and had decided to start tag-team wrestling.

Ephfan sighed, but could not suppress a grin. "This is gonna be a long night."

By Pixie

Pixie stopped to rest in the tallest tree she could find, the branch beneath her was barely big enough to hold her weight. She felt safe here.

Litavis would have to wait. She didn't understand why he was calling her anyway. A messenger could have delivered the names and the time for the test was set. She didn't rule out a trap, so here she set resting in the top of a tree.

The moonlight cast strange shadows on ground. Mirra's lessons had begun under the light of a full moon with shadows dancing around her. "Learn what is real first, my fey child. Then see what is hidden." She smiled, inwardly thanking the gods for Mirra, the first person to treat her normally. Unlike LA and her foster mother/teacher who had treated her as an invalid.

From the first they had disagreed with the lessons, but then after only a month she challenged the two to catch her. Pixie laughed softly the expression of disbelief on their faces the next morning. They had caught Mirra but Pixie had danced around them as elusive as moonlight on water.

Mirra was also the first to tell LA that she would be crazy not to reach out for what Pixie offered.

She tensed as the sound of fighting reached her. It was far away. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift, gently touching LA's mind with a soft caress. Then reassured that all was well with her adored, she reached out again. Softer than a whisper she touched the others one was asleep. Two were still awake talking and slightly drunk. Nightsong and Shsway had been the ones fighting but both were safe and laughing.

It was time for her to continue on. She reached the edge of the battlefield quickly, the celts had been busy, the clearing had been cleaned up. And she saw the ring so her test was by fire and friend. Not good.

Litavis sat beside a small fire. She cast around and found no one else near.
Still she approached as silently as mist,"Litavis. Why did you chose this test?", she asked from a ledge above him.

"Because I had to, little fox." He answered without looking up, "Yes I knew who you were from the beginning. How much is the young dark-haired scouts freedom worth to you?"

Her mind striking out instinctively calling to LA, then checking on Shsway. To her relief she found her still with Nightsong and still happy. Then praying that Nightsong would hear her, " Shsway is in danger. Protect her."

Pixie jumped down and moved to the other side of the fire. Her throat was suddenly dry, "Why? What happened?"

Litavis looked up with sad eyes and told her....

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist looked down at the broken and battered man...or what was left of him. Kneeling she swiftly ended his life. Frowning she wiped her blade on her pants leg, long past worrying about the blood on her clothes. She hadn't gotten much information from the man, but what she had gotten was very interesting.

She slowly sorted through the information trying to put it all in some sort of order. Someone still wanted Queen Gabrielle, by holding her the amazons would be at their mercy. The man had died more afraid of the person who owned him than her. She had to find out who this person was... Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a frantic thought from her Pixie.

She quickly stood and started running in the direction she knew her love to be only to be stopped by the knowledge of the young scout...Shsway being in danger.

She focused her mind, 'If this is a trick to keep me from danger my love you had better run once you're out of your mischief.' But from Pixie she only felt a growing anger and fear for Shsway.

She focused harder reaching out to the forces around her. She had to find the scout. Pixie flashed a picture of Shsway and Nightsong walking toward the river.

"Damnu air!!",that was a good candlemark from where she was at.Sighing she headed off....

By Nightsong

Nightsong and Shsway headed to the river to bathe and clean their clothing. As Nightsong reached the river, she shed her clothes without a second thought.

As she ran them through the water to wash off the blood, she turned to see Shsway rather red and trying her best not to look at her mentor's naked body.

Nightsong smiled, "You should remember one of the first lessons of being a warrior, Shsway, never let your concentration be broken by distractions."

Nightsong rose and laid her wet clothing on a rock to dry. She saw Shsway strip and begin to wash her clothes as well. Nightsong waded into the water and watched the forest edge for danger while Shsway finished her task and waded in beside her.

Nightsong smiled fondly at Shsway and moved around till she was behind her. As Nightsong washed Shsway's hair, she let a lazy smile play on her lips. She told Shsway of her marriage by honor to Lyco and the scout seemed to understand and accept it.

Then as Nightsong began to wash Shsway's back she told the scout of her upcoming warrior trial. "As you know, when the tribe feels that you are ready, you will have to endure a week of trials. At the end of this week, if you have passed all trials, you will be welcomed by the tribe as a full-fledged warrior. This will not be easy, and you will suffer much, but I have faith in you."

Shsway turned at this comment and hugged Nightsong, "I won't let you down!" She replied fiercely.

Nightsong smiled, "I know you won't. Which is why I will ask Queen Gabrielle to let us leave this land after you are made a warrior to travel to my homeland. There, you will go through a trial that if you survive, will make you a warrior of warriors among my people, and they are the greatest warriors of all. To be considered the best among them is to put you in a category of legends. I think you have what it takes to be such a warrior."

Nightsong cupped her hand under Shsway's chin, "I believe in you."

The younger woman teared up at this comment and Nightsong ducked her head under the water to wash her hair and give the woman her privacy.

But as she slipped under the surface, a mental warning hit her hard. Her eyes widened as the thought of Shsway in danger hit every nerve ending.

She surfaced quickly and ordered Shsway to shore to fetch her clothes and well as her own. As Nightsong stood naked onshore, she held her blade in her hands and opened her mind to all of the living things of the forest. She could feel LA's hurried presence coming closer as well as the presence of something....menacing. She knew that Pixie had to be in trouble as well.

She turned to Shsway and told her of her fears. She then asked the scout what she thought best to do. "I say that we wait for LA and then go rescue Pixie." Shsway replied, now fully dressed and drawing her blade.

Nightsong finished putting on her top and shook her head. "No, if we do that, we will only be putting you at risk, and that is what we were told to avoid. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, they will take you over my dead body!" Nightsong said fiercely.

"But, I am also sworn to help out my sister, so this is what we will do. We will met LA and then go back to the village. We will find Lyco and give her a crossbow. She is very deadly with one of those. Together, she and LA can go see to Pixie. As for you and me. We will be hiding up in the hills in a place that is hard to find and easily defendable. There we will wait and see if those two manage to rescue Pixie, if not, then we may be forced to go to arms, but not till then."

Nightsong gripped Shsway by her shoulders. "My first duty is to you!"

By Martman

Marty convalesced in the healers tent after the incident. The stab wound was fairly deep, but not so much that it was life threatening. Marty was stitched up and sent to bed to relax.

While he was resting, he was visited by the queen and her companion.

"Thank you, Marty" Xena said with a tear rolling down her face. "If not for you, Gab and I ..." the words choked in her mouth. Gab was right there to comfort her. "Take it easy Xena, you would've sensed he was coming."

"Im not so sure Gab," Xena said wearily. "I was very tired that night, and all the celebrating didn't help much. I might have been too out of it to fight back. Then what would've happened to me ... or ..."

Xena couldn't utter the words, but both Marty and Gab knew what she was trying to say.

In spite of his lack of a soul, Marty saw something right then in Xena and Gab, something all too familiar to him. He saw the love they shared and the bond between them that was seemingly impossible to break. And then, with the swiftness of a bolt of lightning, he saw something ... a vision ... a bluish hazy scene with Xena and Gabrielle lying on crosses, surrounded by hordes of Romans. Xena's back was broken and she was incapable of moving. Both she and Gab seemed content with their fate.

The hauntingly beautiful music played in the background and he heard them speak ...

"Gabrielle ... you ... are the best thing in my life!"

"I love you Xena!"

And then ... death ... stillness ... their souls rising from their bodies and going to the next world, and then, all too suddenly, being thrust back into their bodies by Eli and Callisto.

Thats when he remembered. Remembered why he joined the Amazons in the first place. IT WAS THE RELATIONSHIP

And right then and there, he understood, and came to realize his true purpose in life - what he was meant and destined to do.

But he could do nothing at the moment. He was still injured.

Yet he still was capable of seeing Xena and Gab embrace as they watched over his prone body. Marty smiled at them serenely and said, "Don't worry about me. Ill be fine. Get some rest you two. You need it. And besides, you need some quiet time together." With a few final reassurances, Xena and Gab left the healers hut and went back to their quarters. Together.

Marty then succumb to sleep. Before dozing off, his final words echoed through the tent ITS THE RELATIONSHIP

By Shsway

Shsway felt a surge of many different things as her mentor outlined the plan. Fear for Pixie and even herself, anger at being forbidden to join in the rescue mission. And finally astonishment and tenderness towards her warrior friend who would not allow the scout to put her life on the line needlessly.

It was too dark to tell what color Nightsong's unusual eyes had become, but Shsway looked deeply into the dark irises before her. She saw the same degree of fear and affection that was probably on her own face. She had told this woman she wouldn't let her down, and by Artemis, she would keep her promise. Even if it meant laying low before the great battles to come.

Coming to a quick decision, Shsway gripped her mentor's arms and steeled her voice, despite the urge to simply cry at such care being shown to her. "Well then," she said softly, "I guess we'd better get that wife of yours, huh?"

NS grinned. "Yes, we haven't got much time to waste. I want us to leave as soon as possible from here."

LA had reached them at about this, already catching her breath from her long run. 'Stamina too,' thought Shsway momentarily, 'Lucky Pixie.'

The celt immediately came to the scout's side. "What happened? Are you alright? Pixie mentally told me you were in danger and came here as fast as I could to see..."

NS quickly interjected laying a hand on the Celt's shoulder. "No trouble yet, friend, but there may soon be something that we're not expecting at all. Here's the plan, as I see it. LA, we're going back to the village for Lyco, her skill with the crossbow may be of great use to you as you go to retrieve Pixie. I would like to come and help, and I know the young one here is more than willing..."

Shsway scowled.

The warrior grinned. "...But to ensure that nothing goes awry, I'm going to get this woman to a more protected and secluded area to further her training. Mustn't let her be chopped into pieces before she can earn warrior status, huh?"

The scout had to smile at that remark.

LA smiled in agreement and determination. "Very well, we will go see what...Lyco has to offer us. I'm not to keen on being alone with her for ANY extended periods of time, but you have my promise that no harm will come to her. Not by my hand, not by any other." With a tilt of her head, the Celt leaped for the trees, and towards the Amazons

The young scout smiled easily. "Well then, let's head for the hills!"

That earned her a light smack in the back of the head, as the warrior turned to start the short trek towards the village.

"Hey, Nightie," Shsway tentatively called.

"Yes?" her friend turned with a curious, but hurried look.

The wannabe warrior in Shsway screamed at her that this was silly, but she had to say it anyway. "Thank you for being here for me, always. I never thought I would have someone, a friend to look out for me as you do means a lot."

Nightsong smiled and patted her apprentice's arm. "I will always be here for matter what happens to either of us."

Two sets of dark eyes regarded each other briefly, and then the warrior turned and jumped into the protective cover of the trees. Shsway was close behind.