Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist slowed her progress through the trees, letting Nightsong and Shsway lead the way. She watched the silent play between the two amazons, briefly envying their affection and concern for one another as she watched Nightsong yet again turn to check on Shsway.

La focused her mind on Pixie, reaching out to her once more. 'My love is everything alright?' She finally got an answer, 'Things are fine. Now please, I'll speak with you in a moment.'

Balling her fists and growling LA cut the communication with Pixie before she said something she would regret.

Nightsong looked over her shoulder at LA,
"Everything okay, LA?"

"Fine", she replied shortly, "Just fine, why wouldn't everything be..."

She cut her words short realizing that her voice had begun to lower and even out. Nightsong looked over to see Shsway looking around the forest avoiding anywhere near LA.

LA pushed past them mumbling to herself, "she sees fit to leave me out of such an important thing as her trial, me her guardian not to mention her love, that she would chose...that...woman...and why in all the world would she see fit to run off into the woods in the middle of a damn ambush..."

"And what is she trying to pull with sending me all the way across the damn forest...where I'm not needed...keeping me from her...not answering me when I call for her...and when she does answer me she bites my gods be damned head off." She continued to rant oblivious of the two very concerned amazons.

"Damnu Air!!!", She yelled at the night sky punching the tree she was standing under, her voice lowered once again. "Craiceailte rionnac beag go bhfoire Danu tusa cathain chuala tusa."

Nightsong carefully approached LA, "Socair tusa fein." She laid her hand on LA's shoulder and repeated her words. "Calm yourself. I need your eyes and ears to be focused."

LA took a few calming breaths, there was time for this later. For now Shsway's safety was more important than her hurt. She nodded her head to Nightsong "You're right, my friend, forgive my outburst."

"And you young one," she said grinning at Shsway, "can stop inspecting the trees I'm not going to bite, or come at you."

LA motioned for the two amazons to start walking again. They had gone a little ways when LA felt a familiar presence at her back...

By Pixie

"Taim!" Pixie called softly as she stepped from the shadows behind them.

Walking toward them she smiled softly at LA, "My adored." Gently touching LA's arm then turned to Shsway.

"Maicin, you are not physically in any danger." then turning to Nightsong, "We need to get back to the village quickly I need to talk to you and Lyco." "Rionnac Brynna, why did you go for a stroll in the middle of an ambush? What was so important?" LA growled.

Pixie turned startled a the use of her formal name. "It was just Litavis," Turning again to Nightsong. "That's what I need to talk with you and Lyco about. I have to declare my inheritor at the ceremony tomorrow."

"Damnu Air, Rionnac, at least answer me this...What have they decided to be your test tomorrow?" LA spoke slowly and evenly to Pixie.

Pixie pushed a stone around with her toe, and glanced quickly at Shsway, mumbling so softly that no one understood her.

"Rionnac Brynna," LA forced through gritted teeth, "answer me now."

Feigning interest in the stone she spoke with a barely audible whisper, "By fire and..."

"And when were you going to tell me of this?" LA looked at Pixie getting her answer from the look on her face. "You weren't going to..."

LA looked away and spoke quietly "And just were do I fit in?"

Pixie quit pushing the stone around. "Litavis and I well...with you as my was...well'd be cruel to make you..."

"Attend? So I don't fit in at all...." LA looked up at the stars then looked back at Pixie her rage barely concealed. "Maybe I should leave you alone for a while. That seems to be when you make the best decisions concerning you and I."

Before any of the three could react LA turned with a growl and walked away.

Nightsong walked to Pixie, who was pale and visibly shaken, and put her hand on her shoulder. "She's just upset, it's been a very stressful few days, and she hasn't had a lot of sleep. She'll calm down and everything will work out."

"She's right I have been making decisions that regard the both of us with out even asking her." Pixie said removing a small scroll from one of her pouches. "Here Nightsong I need you to take this to the village. The celts have formally invited the amazon nation to celebrate and bear witness to the ceremony of worth."

"I need some time alone." Then with a stiff formality, "I swear by my life and freedom, that Shsway will be safe at the ceremony. She will come to no harm."

Then looking at Shsway with an odd sad smile. "Nightsong, your student did something on the battle field that will make you very proud. She deserves to be honored."

Moving swiftly before they could react she returned to the caverns above the former battle field. Unaware of being followed, she went to the small hidden cave Litavis had shown her earlier. A tiny oil lamp burned fitfully forgotten earlier by both, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Thick soft furs were draped over sweet smelling hay.

Digging through her pouches she came up with a small bottle. She drank half it's contents thinking, "I'm tired, I don't want to think anymore. I'll feel better once I've slept."

She curled up on one of the fur rugs surrendering to the drug. On the brink of sleep she became aware of a concerned presence. To far gone to react she felt another fur being laid gently across her. Then the presence was gone her last though before the darkness completely claimed her was 'Who...'

By Nightsong

Nightsong growled her frustration as Pixie headed off. She had left her with nothing but questions. What did Pixie mean when she said that Shsway wasn't in any "physical" danger? And why was she wanting Shsway to go to the ceremony where something unpleasant was going to happen to Pixie, of that Nightsong was sure given LA's expression. Shsway watched her mentor pace and softly swear in Norwegian as she tried to make sense of it all. Not physically in danger? Did that mean mentally? Was this going to be a magical attack or something of an attack of the mind? All Nightsong knew is that whoever hurt or tried to hurt or take away Shsway was going to have to deal with her first! Nightsong sighed and looked at Shsway.

"Well, liten hauk, we have a message to deliver. Even if my sister is in a cryptic mood!" Nightsong said, turning. "Shall we go?"

"Just a minute, what does liten hauk mean?" Shsway asked.

"It means little hawk." A voice behind Shsway replied. Shsway jumped and drew her sword in surprise. Lyco stepped out of the shadows and smiled. Shsway lowered her sword but did not sheath it. Lyco spoke, "It is a very great honor for her to give you that endearment. The hawk is a mighty hunter who has no fear, since it lives high up in the cliffs. And the hawk attacks in full view, relying on speed to surprise it's prey. From what I hear, this suits your method of attack perfectly." Shsway looked at Lyco uncertainly. Lyco continued, "Unlike katt, here, who kills by stealth and strength. By the way, how are you love?" Lyco said, smiling. Nightsong smiled slightly at Lyco's teasing of Shsway.

"What are you doing out here Lyco? And how did you sneak up on us?"

"Well, first, I have my own life, you know, I can go were I please. And second, I didn't sneak up on you. You can sense my whereabouts at any time since we are married. But it seems that you have been distracted lately. What do you feel?" Lyco asked with concern. Nightsong shrugged uncertainly. "I don't know, it's menacing, but very well hidden. I haven't been able to focus on it, and till now, I haven't been opening my mind these last few months. I think it has been hiding here for all this time. Oh well, it can wait for another day or two. I have to deliver this to the Queen, and Pixie wants to talk to you and I sometime later. Do you want to tag along?" Nightsong asked.

"I thought you'd never ask, kjear." Lyco smiled and took Nightsong by the hand.

By Eptalk

Eppie awakened at the first sign of light feeling heavy of heart. She had been gone from her Amazon sisters through an entire season. The time had served her well until the past few moons had passed leaving only darkness and quiet surrounding her mind.

Eppie began to question her very path of peace and love that once combined greatly with her joy of music beating as strong as a heart's rhythm. Even sharing the love of Harpsichord's lyre and the wonder of nature could not erase the darker things she had seen or heard from those that would attack the tribe's Queen and her champion.

Much like Xena seeing the Amazons go from a mighty nation to scattered tribes, Eppie felt a choice to fight back or continue to share the love which this tribe represented. Time now was her closest friend as she embraced her thoughts of each tribe member warmly on this day.

If love is a weapon and there are those who have to protect innocents who cannot protect themselves, the Amazon's won their battles as much with love as with the swords and staffs they used, she concluded.

With only a few scrolls left to her, Eppie gave strong thought to returning to the tribe. The season of summer would be official and offered a great time to travel.

Eppie looked long upon her compass before she forged herself into her writing so she could prepare for her journey. The journey that would lead her back to the beloved Queen, her champion and the greatest Amazon tribe in the nation!

By Shsway

Shsway was walking slightly ahead of NightSong and her bride so that her mentor could keep a close eye on her. The scout was slightly uncomfortable at being guarded so carefully. After all, she was one of the tribe's more experienced scouts and knew quite well how to keep track of her surroundings. Still, it was a good thing she would not be staring at Lyco's back - she might have been tempted to stick her sword there for safekeeping.

The dark-haired amazon still wasn't quite sure how to regard this strangely imposing woman. NightSong had explained the situation in its entirety, but Shsway was one of those people who had a hard time changing their mental attitude to a new sense of trust. One minute Lyco had been their foe in battle, and the next...NS's wife. Odd? Disturbing? Incredible? Yes, all of these things. But the young scout also knew that for her teacher to allow such familiar language and touches to be shared with one such as Lyco, there must surely be something more to her. She was even choosing to help her mate and the tribe, at times. Still, Shsway vowed that she would exercise caution around Lyco, and that she would ensure NightSong's safety, should this woman choose to act otherwise. Boy, and then there was that strange business of Pixie's...

The three approached the village gates and heard a series of birdcalls through the trees. Both mentor and student raised their hands in a sign of peace and responded with the appropriate calls themselves. As expected, two amazon scouts complete with masks and stealthy outfits landed a few feet in front of them. The first removed her headgear, to reveal a somewhat bored Nike.

"So you finally came back from your little adventure? There was no one else left to guard the perimeter!"

"My, my," Shsway smirked, "A warrior doing the work of a scout, now there's something I didn't ever think I'd see."

Nike grinned. "Well, it's not as if any of the sleeping beauties back there, or your crowd for that matter, where gonna wake up long enough to stand watch."

NS rolled her eyes in amusement. "And who is that stately looking partner of yours?"

"Funny, the one and only me," Ephfan remarked as she removed her own mask. "Who did ya think she lugged out of a perfectly good game of 'Spin the Arrow' to go roost in a tree? And it was MY turn too!" She scowled at Nike.

"Well ladies, apparently we have a message to relay to 'Her Queenship' via the leather wonder here," Lyco interrupted, smirking at Nightie. "Kind of important."

Ephfan nodded. "Well then, you'd better get the message to Gabrielle now, BEFORE she and Xena decide to, ahem, retire for the evening." Nike threw her a knowing grin.

With that, the two amazons put their masks back on and made for the leafy canopies just below the starlit sky. After all, they were still on duty. NightSong and Lyco began to walk towards the royal hut to deliver Pixie's message.

Shsway thought about joining either group, but in the end decided she would get some sleep. Perhaps visit Marty before turning in. She strode thoughtfully past the dark, quiet huts.

'What did I do during the battle that would earn me honors?' she thought. 'I fought well enough, but nothing really spectacular. What am I missing?' The scout was slightly suspicious as to the intentions of that man...Litavis, and those of the celts. What could it all mean? 'And it still doesn't explain why I'm even in trouble, or why LA was so angered, worried really, over Pixie's test.' She quit pondering the issue, however, as sleep got the better of her. With a yawn she made her way towards the shelter of her own hut, and a soft bed.

As she opened the door, she caught a wonderfully intoxicating scent in the air. She looked inside to find Alaya draped across the bed, still in her celebrational garb. With a purposeful smile, she stood up and walked towards Shsway - blue eyes shining with their own motive.

"You left the party early," she said with a soft, teasing tone, "so I decided it was only right for you to finish it here." With that, she put her arms around the scout's neck and gave her a long lingering kiss. The dark-haired woman closed her eyes and held on to the blonde's hips. With a swift kick behind her, she closed the door, forgetting about sleep.

By Pixie

Pixie became aware of the cold metal against her lips and the feel of a cool liquid being fed carefully to her.Her reflexes caused her to swallow, as she fought to become fully aware.

More of the bitter liquid scalded her throat, and she began coughing painfully. Pixie open heavy eyes and saw Litavis kneeling beside her with a brass goblet in his hand.

About time you awoke Rionnac." Litavis stood and helped Pixie up on to unsteady feet, "Come I gathered the items you requested and I have a horse for you outside."

Stepping out into the late morning sunlight she saw a sleek bay mare waiting for her. Talking softly to calm the nervous animal, taking the time to collect herself. She wanted nothing more than to curl up into LA's arms and be told that she had the strength she needed. "I have strength enough."she scolded herself. Then mounting she turned the mare toward the amazon village and urged the horse into a swift gallop.

Slowing the mare to a walk at the edge of the village as she expected two scouts blocked the path. The first was a blond amazon she did not know, but the second was Shsway.

"Pixie! Are you all right? Is LA with you? Where did you get the horse from?" Shsway asked in a rush. Pixie dismounted pulling the pack from the horse's back. A smile touched her lips as she answered the questions in order, "Yes I am well. No LA is not with me. I borrowed the mare from Litavis."

Pixie watched the dark-haired woman for a few minutes, then asked, "Didn't you get any rest last night?" A faint blush and a quick glance to the also blushing blond and Pixie had her answer. Before Shsway could think of an answer Pixie asked another, "Where is Nightsong and Lyco?"

Shsway led her to a small clearing by the stream. Before she could lose her nerve Pixie withdrew a dagger and offered it to Lyco, "Daughter of my father will you act with mercy, if mercy is needed?"

Lyco's eyes widened and she glanced at Nightsong before reaching out a hand that trembled slightly. "Daughter of m....Sister may I return this to your hand unbloodied." Lyco took the dagger.

Pixie reached into the pack and removed a box opening it to reveal two golden armbands similar to her own. These she offered to Lyco and Nightsong "So that all will know that you are mates." Each took one, but neither put one on.

She handed Lyco a wrapped packet, that she opened to reveal clothing, "Tonight you must be celtic in action and appearance for all our sakes."

Lastly she took one of the two silver armbands from her own arm and placed it on Shsway, "My life will be given before yours. My freedom will be given before yours. My honor will be lost before yours."

Lyco placed her hand on Pixie's shoulder, "What are you doing?"

Nightsong and Shsway watched the pair with confusion,

"Why have you..." Lyco turned to Nightsong and said, "She just made Shsway her inheritor. She just gave her the full rights of a Chieftains daughter. The celts won't accept it."