Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist was uncomfortable and very tired. She shook her head again trying to wake herself up. She had originally followed Pixie to make sure she made it here okay. But when she had walked into the cave and seen her love helpless from the sleeping herb she knew she had to stay. She watched the older man walk up to the cave that her love was in.

She wanted more than anything else to go down and wake Pixie herself. She leaned her head against the tree she was sitting in. Once again she had let her temper get the best of her. Her mothers would not be pleased.

"Damnu fire....and by friend.", she slammed her head against the tree. "I can't stand as her friend...they've seen to that. Lyco can't stand as her friend..she's a relative, and it's given that Nightsong can't stand as she's Lyco's mate."

'She says that she's chosen an inheritor...they could stand beside her, if they knew to stand beside her. And they could ask any others to stand with them.' LA closed her eyes. 'Who ever it is, I pray to the gods they know their place in all this.'

"By fire...they aren't asking much are they," she asked the forest bitterly, remembering the last trial by fire she had seen. However if Pixie can pull this off she can demand anything. "I swear to the gods though if they get to over zealous with those spears I'll have their heads."

She stood knowing that Pixie and Litavis would be exiting the cave soon. Quickly she left the area, she would return later, but for now she would disappear. She knew that Pixie would send someone to watch her.

"The last thing I want is a babysitter." LA growled as she returned to where their original camp had been....

By Nightsong

Nightsong walked back to camp, slowly digesting the fact that it would be Shsway who would stand beside Pixie for her test, whatever that was. Pixie hadn't volunteered any information and Lyco wasn't talking.

Nightsong looked over to the troubled woman at her side. Lyco seemed deep in thought, and more than a little worried. Nightsong laid her hand on her mates shoulder to stop her. Lyco looked up with distant eyes.

Nightsong took Lyco's left wrist and slide on the golden armlet that Pixie had given her. She then slide on her own. She took Lyco by the shoulders and gazed into her eyes.

"Don't worry, min ulv, your sister can take care of herself. She has more strength than she is given credit for."

"I know, kjear, but she is my sister. And although she and LA, and everyone else here distrust me, I don't want any harm to come to her."

"All things in time. Now I need to go and meditate, it is almost night. Do you want to wait for me, or do you want to guard me?" Nightsong asked.

"I will stand guard for you, my dearest." Lyco replied with a smile. "And who knows, you might just be able to trust me."

By Shsway

As soon as Lyco and NightSong had left, Shsway felt she could now address her questions to Pixie in a calm, stoic manner...

"What do you MEAN I'm you're heir??? Is this what you've been talking about all along? What the Hades is going on?!?"

The celtic princess grinned. "Ahh, one question at a time young one. Relax, just listen, for it could mean both my life and yours." She then quietly sat cross legged in the tall grass, looking absently into the river.

The scout threw Pixie's turned face a small scowl, but sat alongside her nonetheless.

"First, let me just say that it is a task that will weigh heavy in responsibility on you. I will outline the finer details of the plan...soon. But for now I will say that it will require courage, mental focus and strength of will."

Shsway looked the river with a somewhat pained expression. 'Ah yes,' she thought, 'all of the things that I am not yet.' She tossed her dark hair aside in frustration and began plucking at some blades of grass.

'But what you do not realize, friend,' Pixie looked at her warmly, now speaking with her mind, 'is that you continually prove to me that you have these qualities.'

'Great,' the scout thought, 'I'd forgotten she could tap into my thoughts and feelings that easily.'

The celt giggled briefly and then returned to her topic.
"I also want to warn you specifically about how you are to wear the armband."

The scout lifted her forearm to once more take a look at the glinting silver adorning it. "You must keep it hidden until that time in which I will announce your new status and relationship to me. No need for questions to come up too soon before the ceremony."

Brown eyes looked up at LA's mate uncertainly. "Why Rionnac? Why choose me when you could have chosen a greater woman? A greater warrior? NightSong could..."

Pixie lifted her right hand to quiet the dark-haired woman. "This cannot involve anyone who is any way related to myself. Not LA, not Lyco, and now, not NightSong. You know yourself the reasons why they cannot aid me. This must be in effect a test by friend," the princess lightly touched the spot above Shsway's heart, "and you being that friend."

To say that the scout was shocked was an understatement. But touched? Definitely, and more so.

"Rionnac, if what Lyco says is true, the celts will never accept me by what you think. By Artemis, I don't even speak Gaelic!"

Pixie cocked her head thoughtfully to the left. "Well then Maicin, this is the time to prove yourself to them and your sisters...even learning some of the language is possible."

"Whoa, wait," the scout interrupted with a grin. "What did you call me?"

"Maicin? It's like a term of endearment."

"Oh, OK." Shsway flicked a small pebble into the stream.

"There are other things you may find more interesting. The word for 'warrior', for instance, is 'Laoch'."

The apprentice rolled her tongue as she pronounced the new word. "Lay-ahh-ch".

"Good, now how about this? NightSong is your 'coimirceoir', or 'guardian' of sorts, while you are her charge, her 'curam'."

Shsway smiled and rattled out both words with a new understanding.

"OK, now about my title. Officially, I am called 'Bantiarna Rionnac' by my people, which is literally 'Lady Fox', as you are now familiar with my pet name. In fact, once you come out of this test with me, you shall be 'Bantiarna Shsway'." Pixie fixed a sidelong look at confused brown eyes.

"That weapon you swing so gleefully in battle is your claiomh, your sword."

'That's more like it,' Shsway thought with a grin. "Clay-A-ome."

"And a few more important titles," her friend continued, pleased. "Ceol an oiche - Song of the Night," Shsway rolled her eyes, "And a general term, 'Cara' which translates as 'friend'."

The scout nodded her head in silent memorization as Pixie got up to start for her own camp.

"And now I must bid you 'Maith oiche' my friend, goodnight. My beloved awaits and I must go to her." Shsway got up and waved the celt away. "You do that, I wish you both luck, and a happy reunion."

"Don't worry about that," Pixie smiled, "Just remember what I told you earlier. I know what you are, and you are capable of much. Don't doubt yourself Maicin."

The two clasped forearms, the dark-haired woman visibly beaming. "Well then, until it is time. I won't fail you, Rionnac."

The moon shined bright as both walked away in opposite directions, but somehow, closer on the same path.

By Pixie

Pixie had know that she wouldn't find LA but still she had tried. Reluctantly she returned to the gathering place. It was a hive of activity as three clans competed to provide hospitality for their elusive amazon neighbors. It made for a mass state of confusion. She easily slipped into the small cave, unsurprised to find Litavis waiting for her.

"It's done." she stated quietly. Only another druid would have seen his relief. "Make my choice stand and war will be avoided."

"Danu guide and protect you tonight." Litavis said as he stood to leave, "I will send in the girls to help you prepare."

"Litavis, I made her my heir in truth. Shsway is my full heir. I bound myself to her." Pixie said softly. She watched Litavis turn and look at her. "My choice, my decision." He nodded and left.

Lyco arrived flanked an either side by Nightsong and an aggravated Shsway. She still didn't understand why she had to leave all of her weapons. By Artemis she felt naked.

Pixie appeared almost out of no where. She was dressed in simple loose pants and a top that left her arms and most of her back bare. Her hair had been braided with ribbons and feathers. A chain of tiny bells hung across her forehead jingling softly with each movement.

Shsway thought that she looked like a princess, then reminded her self Rionnac was a princess and now so was she. Suddenly she was terribly aware of the silver band that was covered by a piece of wolf skin.

Pixie led them to the cave. She jumped as she felt Lyco's hand gently touch her back. She whirled and hissed at Lyco without thinking. Both Nightsong and Shsway moved between them.

"This isn't going to work if we don't work out our diffrences." Lyco said gently.

"I agree." Pixie said reaching out swiftly and grabbing Lyco mentally. Nightsong and Shsway gasped as they were caught between the sisters.

The chill autumn wind blew across the bleak and empty moor. The sparse shrubs and scattered boulders offered scant protection from the bitter wind.
Lyco watched a small lone figure tending a pitiful fire trying to keep it alive with the few bits of wood she had gathered. Anger welled up in Lyco, for this one she had been.....The small woman by the fire stood up and looked around at the barren landscape.
'Well father let's see how you like this.' came the bitter thought. She quickly aimed and fired the crossbow....bright red blood bloomed on the pale green cloak that the slender form had wrapped tightly around her.
For what seemed an eternity she watched her sister falling to the ground.
Her sister... "No!" startled by her own voice, Lyco rushed to the still body. Blood stained the ground. The then unfamiliar face of Pixie was growing paler, her breathing was rough and uneven. Then the body was limp and silent.
Then she was running again "Make it not be." she cried out "Sky make it not be." she fell onto the cold ground. She was alone...completely alone now.

The link was broke so swiftly that Shsway stumbled and was caught by Pixie. Lyco curled up in Nightsong's arms who glared at Pixie.

"I had to know. I'm sorry I didn't mean to catch the two of you. But I had to know." Pixie stood and for the very first time willing touched Lyco, no more than a gentle caress of Lyco's cheek. "I'm sorry."

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist looked around the clearing and sighed. Truth was she hated being alone now. She had gotten so used to having Pixie around. She shook her head, when had that happened? There was a time when the mere presence of someone would agitate her to the point of homicide and now she couldn't stand the uncompanionably silence.

She poked at the ground with a twig then started drawing symbols absently into the dirt. Suddenly her body froze as her mind was caught up in a vision. She recognized Pixie from a far off vantage point. She could do or say nothing as the crossbow bolt hit her love. She closed her mind trying with all her might to block the images that were coming to her.

With a ragged breath she opened her eyes once more seeing only the clearing. 'Okay not exactly how I remember that happening. What in all creation was that all about?'

'I never had the nightmare of seeing her be hit. The only thing I saw was...' Her thought trailed off as the visions of a pale and barely breathing Pixie flashed through her mind.

LA gritted her teeth slamming her fist into the ground. "Damnu Air! I don't need reminders of almost losing her now, not with this trial coming up."

LA sat atop the little mare that had been a gift from her mothers. She bent down to pat its neck cooing reassuringly. "Not far now Mear, soon we will be back at our camp. Me with my Pixie and you with your sweet oats."

Cresting the hill she looked to where he love was supposed to meet her. Still being far off she didn't worry that she couldn't yet see Pixie. As she drew closer LA saw Pixie's still form laying by the road. Worried eyes swept the area as Mear started to dance nervously about.

She jumped from the mare and ran quickly to Pixies side. She knelt down and turned Pixie over onto her back. The first thing she noticed was the amount of blood on her clothing and the ground around her. With a strangled cry LA realized that Pixie had stopped breathing...

With an anguished cry LA stood trying to banish the visions from her mind. 'Why this, why now! Please Danu watch over her, I'll not survive it if she dies.' LA took a deep calming breath. She had to make her way back to the village. There were a few things that she would need for tonight. She knew Litavis would have all the healing supplies, all she needed was to make herself a little more intimidating....

By Eptalk

Good grief! Eppie thought as she had planned to leave on her journey to rejoin her Amazon sisters days ago.

Ka Blap! Bing & Boing! SWOOooosh!! sounded the Amazon boomerang that Eppie had received from a tribal friend from down under, long ago. Eppie tried to control the weapon and had managed to insure the corner shaped flying object would return to her left hand. It was the uncontrolled action in flight that gave concern. Eppie planned to practice more after arriving back with the tribe. She hoped perhaps the Queen's champion would give her some pointers on control.

Since she had no physical fighting strength, Eppie realized her weapons would be the only way she could feel good about herself as a member of an Amazon tribe and not be so much of a burden to so many.

Eppie packed lightly so she could travel quick and she had only completed her deer skinned outfit the night before.

No words had been exchanged between Eppie and her closest Amazon sister, Nightsong since the message Nightsong was wed to someone.

After securing her home where she had found peace and completed many scrolls, Eppie changed into her deerskin clothing. The arrow head necklace complimented the brown and white coloring of her attire. The boomerang felt good clipped on the belt and weighed very light touching her hip.

The last items Eppie picked up was two large bowie knives which she slid into their sleeves, on the side of each boot. She slipped a deerskin headband around her forehead and pushed her bangs underneath.

After a final glance at her home, Eppie departed.

By Nightsong

Nightsong glared at Pixie as she cradled her shaken wife in her arms. She gently lowered Lyco onto a rock outcropping and leaned her slightly against the wall. Certain that Lyco would not fall, Nightsong turned her attention to Pixie, who was letting go of a recovering Shsway.

"Tu oinseach!" Nightsong yelled at she faced Pixie, addressing the woman in gaelic. "Tu chuardaigh aici ghortu Shsway!"

Pixie stood her ground at Nightsong's outburst, but she had the grace to blush. "I'm sorry, Nightsong. I didn't mean to catch you two. It was more of an instinctive reaction." Pixie looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry."

Nightsong scowled at Pixie, "I don't believe you."

Pixie's head shot up, but before she could speak, Nightsong silenced her with a look. "I don't mean that you intentionally would put Shsway in danger, after all, she is your heir. I mean that it wasn't instinct that drove you to invade Lyco's mind in such a brutal manner. You wanted her to hurt, somewhere deep down, you wanted to make her suffer." Nightsong watched the emotions war with each other on Pixie's face. She continued, "Well, siur, you have your answer to your question. Now are you satisfied!"

"Kjear!" Lyco spoke with anger in her voice, "That is enough! I deserved what Pixie did and much much more. I have hurt her far beyond what she has hurt me. But she cannot hurt me more than I can hurt myself."

Lyco turned to look up at Pixie with pain-filled eyes, but the pain came from her own tormented soul. "Siur," Lyco said softly, "I have wronged you so very much. But you or anyone else can never match the pain I bring myself when I think of how I have hurt you. You may not believe this, but I love you, dear one."

Pixie was shocked at this statement, she had never expected this to come from Lyco's lips. She stared at Lyco with unbelieving eyes and turned and ran from the cavern. Nightsong nodded her head at Shsway, and the young bewildered scout ran after Pixie, leaving Nightsong alone with Lyco.

Nightsong sat down by her wife and gathered her sagging form into her arms. There she rocked Lyco as the tears spilled onto her shoulder. When Lyco had finished, Nightsong gently wiped the tears from Lyco's face and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Now, min ulv, tell me what I must do tonight."