Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Shsway

Shsway groggily stumbled after Pixie. 'Wow,' she thought, 'those visions sure pack a wallop. I feel like my head is floating up to Elysia and leaving my body behind...'

"Rionnac, wait!" the scout called with concern. 'Damn, where is she?'

The dark-haired woman crashed uncertainly through the bushes but to her relief, it didn't take long to locate her friend. She was kneeling on the long forest grass next to a large, old tree covered in scaly bark. Her right arm was around it as she held her head down on top, weeping like a lost child.

"Pixie?" Shsway addressed her with a worried tone. She quickly closed the distance between them and laid a hand on the princess' left shoulder.

"I..I don't know what to think anymore Ma-Maicin, what to feel," the Celt gasped between sobs. "She is my sister. My blood. I want to hate her, but her tenderness scares me, Makes me wonder...wonder if I have become as cold and as wicked as I thought her to be."

The young scout knelt on her left leg and gently pulled on her friend to turn her around and face her. Pixie continued to cry as Shsway extended a hand to softly tilt a quivering chin up, frightened eyes met calm brown.

"Bantiarna, you are anything but wicked - well, unless you ask LA..." the scout threw in with a small grin, causing her friend to smile slightly. "I know this has to be unbelievably hard for your mind and heart to piece together, I don't understand or trust Lyco myself. But I believe she's trying to correct her mistakes with you. To win that bond of family which you both crave so much."

The celt looked up with a questioning gaze. "Yeah, I know at least that part of YOUR feelings, regardless that I lack your...uhh...unique abilities."

They both smiled.

"Listen, let's go back now to the cave and talk. Don't be afraid cara, Nightsong and I will be here if you need us. Listen to your heart, perhaps Lyco will prove that she is worthy of your forgiveness. C'mon." After a moments hesitation, Pixie nodded.

The dark haired woman rose also helping her friend up and they prepared to leave. "Besides, if I don't bring you back, Nightie may decide I need an impromptu sparring session before bed." She grinned at a now smiling friend.

"Let's go then and ensure that NS goes easy on you, being made an heir is tough work." the celt giggled. Suddenly Shsway motioned for her to be quiet as they both heard a faint rustle of leaves above their heads.

By Pixie

Pixie froze and began to scan the area using her gift, when two things startled her. The first was that all she registered above them was an empty space that was moving away swiftly. The second was Shsway was doing the exact same thing as she was.

Pixie smiled and said softly,"Untrained Maicin, not lacking. They are gone and you are right I need to finish this with Lyco. Trust is vital tonight."

Half way back they were almost ran over by a group of children. The little warband stopped abruptly several were starring open mouthed at the first amazon they had ever seen. The group huddled together and after a brief squabble one girl stepped forward,"Bantiarna Rionnac,Ce hi sin?"

Pixie knelt down, pleased that Shsway did the same," Ta tu Aife? Beidh?" The child nodded slowly. "Seo bi Shsway. An ceann ce cosainmh Bantiarna Lasir."

The childs green eyes widen as she looked at the confused scout, "Shsway?" the child asked. When the scout nodded, the child flung herself into Shsway's arms hugging her and chattering rapidly. One last hug with several rapid kisses and the girl jumped down,

"Seo bi Shsway."The little one chirped to the others. The whole group began chattering and scattered off into the forest.

"What was that about?" Shsway asked Pixie as they rose to continue.

"She likes you." Then Pixie saw something, " Shsway your friends are starting to arrive. Why don't you go and talk to them. Nightsong, Lyco and I will be out shortly."

Shsway looked toward the direction Pixie indicated, grinning at the sight of Ephfan and Nike cornered by several curious children.

Pixie took a deep breath and entered the cave. Lyco was lounging on one of the thick fur rugs and Nightsong was pacing and muttering to herself. Before Nightsong could pounce Pixie began,"I know that you have a lot of questions. First, Shsway is with Ephfan and Nike, they just got here. Second, I guess it's time to finish the story."

Pixie sat down in a corner, took a few breaths as Nightsong settled down beside Lyco,"Suir, I was fatally wounded by you, the only thing that saved me is my mother's curse, it won't let me die until I have completed her desire. But now it has a hold on me and time is growing shorter. I fight it.......but I'm losing."

"About tonight, One thing you must know is that no celt can raise a hand to any amazon, except inside the fire ring. Each of the three tribes have chosen two warriors who will by spear, arrow then combat, attempt to drive me close enough to the edge of the fire that I can be grabbed. If they succeed I belong to the tribe that caught me. If I succeed, they acknowledge my right to ask them for help without penalty. Also they have to honor my choices."

Pixie stood and began pacing," the first two parts are merely agility test, the last is more complex. Lyco will hand Shsway two staffs, but from there Shsway must choose if she wishes to enter the fire and help me on her own. If she and I defeat the warriors, she will take her place as my heir. Hopefully without challenge."

"And if there is a challenge?" Nightsong asked. Lyco answered," Then Kjear, Shsway has the right to defend herself, Pixie has the right to defend Shsway, I have the right to stand beside them, and you have the right to defend Shsway. Four against one are good odds for us."

By Eptalk

"WeLL fiddLe faddLe & snakes rattle!" Eppie mumbled as she had to slow her journey back to her Amazon sister's camp.

Eppie had stopped for two moons of her journey after her footing failed her, as usual, and she had tumbled down a cliffside. Although no apparent injury, she was unable to proceed because of suffering back spasms that interrupted sleep and drained her energy. The sunlight offered her improved physical comfort today as she insured there was no damage to her boomerang or bowie knives in the fall. Luckily, Eppie wasn't far from a nice ~stream~ where the fishing had been great and she had also enjoyed the fruit from a nearby peach tree.

Eppie longed to reach camp soon, remembering how wonderful the sweat lodge and hot springs felt there. If this night allowed her slumber to be peaceful, she planned to resume her journey at first light.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist silently rushed through the forest, the amazons had begun to leave the village and make their way to the trial area. She now knew how she would have to dress.

Walking toward the entrance of the village she felt the scout before she made her presence known. LA stopped and gave the sign of peace, patiently waiting for the scout to recognize her.

The scout raised her mask showing herself to be one of the teachers of the village. "LA, you trouble maker, they actually let you off that island again?"

LA stared mildly surprised to see her old friend Tarrian standing before her. "Tarrian...and here I was beginning to think the amazons had gotten smart and drove out the older warriors before they went senile, and started attacking trees."

"Senile! I can still beat you any day child." Tarrian became serious all too quickly for LA. "We have orders to keep you here in the village LA, not as much an arrest as just keeping you from interrupting the ceremony."

LA sighed and looked into her friends eyes. "I would really advise just pretending that you didn't see me, old friend. Shsway is going to need a Daughter of Skye at the end of this night."

Tarrian gasped stepping back, then quickly regaining her composure she grinned wickedly. "My aren't we planning one Hades of an entrance. Anyone know who and what you really are?"

"Only my mate. I don't think any of the younger amazons know what it even means, and the celts...well it should get interesting." LA said shrugging.

Tarrian stepped aside, "Just don't get caught. We have orders from the Queen to keep you out of trouble."

LA looked at her friend a moment longer then quickly made her way to the back of her's and Pixie's hut. Quietly she worked her way around the hut stopping when she caught sight of the guard standing at the entrance. She rolled her eyes to the sky and silently cursed her luck.

Remembering the small window on the back she had just started making her way back when a sound beside her startled her. Looking down she tried not to laugh when she saw the little girl that Pixie had sent on the strawberry mission the day before.

"Taluns!" The girl exclaimed giggling.

LA froze, surely she would be caught if the guard heard the little girl. Quickly she knelt and put her finger to the girls lips.

"Shhh, piscin..." She was cut short by a mumbled 'piscin!' but quickly went on. "I have a game for you little one."

The girls eyes lit up at the word game. "But first we have to be silent, okay."

At the enthusiastic nod she removed her finger and stood....this was going to be easier than she first thought....

By Nightsong

Nightsong nodded at Pixie's explanation. "I don't claim to understand why you are doing this, but for whatever reason, I am with you."

Pixie nodded and smiled at Nightsong before turning to look at Lyco. "Suir, tonight you have your chance to prove to me that I can trust you. Your having Nightsong's trust goes along way, but I need proof. I can't afford to have my heart broken by you, do you understand?"

Lyco nodded wordlessly and looked to her wife. "Kjear, we had best all depart. The ceremony starts soon and I'm sure that you have some things you want to talk to Shsway about." Nightsong offered Lyco her arm, "Since we are showing off our marriage tonight, min ulv, we had best look the part."

Lyco smiled and took Nightsong's arm, "I thought you'd never ask."

By Shsway

The Celtic camp lay not too far from the Amazon village, just beyond a small hill flanking to the east. Shsway had changed into a more regal looking outfit since she would both be representing Queen Gabrielle and her tribe, as well as her distinction as Pixie's heir.

She wore a mostly black tunic, black leather pants which had been tailored to allow considerable freedom of movement. Her boots were polished and gleamed in the moonlight, her hair had been cut to shoulder length and brushed by Alaya's careful hands. She also wore a a dark purple cloak, her ever present medallion with the letter 'D' engraved on it, and a silver-colored belt. She was regretting the cape already, since it was making her sweat even in the cool evening air.

The young scout and Alaya rode quietly to the ceremony atop Shsway's dark mare, Mirage. Anyone unfamiliar with the young woman and her horse might have automatically written them off as ghosts, wretched beings roaming the woods to do mischief.

Alaya broke the silence by laying her head on the scout's right shoulder and hugging her waist tightly.

"I still don't see why I can't come along."

The dark haired woman sighed at the contact, then quietly spoke. "It is just a measure I'm taking in case something happens to me on this night. I never dreamed that I of all people would have to prove myself in this way."

Her blonde companion smiled grimly. "Well, you'd better make sure nothing happens to you...I couldn't bear it. Who would I have to tell me stories before bed?" As she predicted, and though she couldn't see it, Shsway raised an eyebrow and her mouth stretched into a quirky grin.

"Well, let's just see how things go. I'd like to tell you I'm not a bit afraid...but I am. This is important to me Ally, I can't let Pixie down."

They stopped at the outskirts of the camp, as music, singing and laughter could clearly be heard and seen through the shelter of the bushes.

"You won't let anyone down, love. Not me, and certainly not Pixie. Take care of yourself, I'll wait for your return. Artemis bless you."

Shsway easily dismounted, and holding the horses reins, stood tall to give Alaya a kiss. After a few moments, the blonde woman settled back into the saddle as the scout spoke quietly to her steed. "Away Mir, I'll see you later. Take care of Ally."
The horse gave a small whinny, but obeyed and left for the village.

Shsway was led by two guards through the camp to join her friends, she was amazed at the spectacle before her. Some women wore lovely ceremonial garb while others chose to wear little or no clothing at all. Hmmmph, thought the dark haired woman as she scratched at her itchy tunic and cape. It would seem I have managed to arrive overdressed. Finally, she spotted NightSong, Lyco and Pixie seated on a rug amidst all the activity. She sat and greeted her companions. "Is it almost show time, Rionnac?"

The Celtic princess gave her young friend a smirk. "In due time Shsway, why not enjoy the feast first?" So saying, she nodded towards Lyco, who was feeding an entirely amused NS some grapes. Pixie herself preferred to indulge in some savory looking red wine, and a selection of cheeses. The scout wrinkled her nose at those and went for some roasted chicken on a large plate.

"Hey buddy, you cut you're hair! Looks good on ya!" NS winked at Shsway who rolled her eyes and blushed in response.

"So why the rug?" the young woman asked before her first bite.

"It is a symbol of our closeness, Maicin. Our bond and our respect for one another, thus we all sit together." Pixie smiled indulgently.

Shsway mulled it over a bit between bites, and as always, intrigued with the Celtic customs. She did however, wonder where LA was, she could tell her friend was still somewhat saddened at her absence. She was about to grab a goblet of the tempting red wine, but instead found interest in looking at a flagon of gold-brown liquid. She picked it up.

"Pixie, what is this stuff?" she asked taking a whiff.

Her friend grinned mischievously at her. "I'd advise you not to touch that stuff so early in the evening. It's quite potent. One sip and you're tipsy, two sips and you're drunk, three sips and, well, you're unconscious." She giggled.

The scout decided she didn't want to be out just then and wisely put the flagon back on the tray it had occupied.

"Ahh, they will be selecting the participants very soon friends," the Celt addressed her companions on the rug. "If anyone is still hungry, better eat quickly, this whole thing is about to start."

The dark-haired woman swallowed and felt her breath quicken slightly. Oh gods, what am I in for?

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist knew that she'd caught the girl's attention with the mentioning of a game.

"Ever play tag, piscin?" LA asked in a whisper.

The little girl looked saddened for a moment, "The older kids don't let me play, they say I'm too young."

LA grinned at her, "No little one they are just afraid that they won't be able to catch you."

The girl smiled brightly at LA, "Really!", She said a bit too loudly.

LA cringed then looked at the girl. "I bet that even the guard wouldn't be able to catch you."

LA quickly touched the girl on the shoulder, "Tag you're go get her!" LA whispered pointing the little girl at the guard.

With a last hesitant look at LA the girl took off running toward the guard. LA watched with amusement as the guard nearly jumped out of her skin when the girl ran up behind her and tagged her shouting "You're it, you're it!"

"Raye!" The guard nearly shouted. "What are you doing up and out this late?"

The only answer the wary guard got was, "You're it, you're it! Can't catch meeeee!"

As the little girl ran circles around her the guard's growing frustration was beginning to show. LA bit back a chuckle, knowing the guards plight. 'Do ya endure the torture, amazon. Or do you leave your post to take the little terror home so her mother can endure.'

The guard sighed looking around. No one seemed to be coming to her rescue. As Raye began yet another lap around her she shot her hands out grabbing the squirming girl and began walking toward her house.

The last words LA heard were, "...and when I get you back to your mother, she'll..."

LA shook her head and quickly entered the hut knowing that she didn't have much time to spare. She grabbed her pack quickly looking into it making sure everything she needed was there.

'Well, my little fox, there will be many questions raised tonight. I had hoped to let this side of me stay hidden in this land. But I know too well that there will be challenge to your choice.', LA sighed at her thoughts. 'No time to waste. The feast should be ending soon and after that the trial....'