Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Shsway

Shsway's senses ran cold with dread, as she, Ephfan and Eppie crossed effortlessly through the trees in long but hurried strides. She hoped that they would get there in time to help out Nightsong and Nike. Remembering Ephfan's silent observation in her earlier battle, she motioned for her friend to once more take to the trees. That done, she tossed a jeweled dagger she kept in her boot to Eppie.

"Ep, please take this in case you have to defend yourself. No, don't argue with me! Marty may need you to free him while we fight, and I will not risk the both of you getting killed!"

With that, Eppie nodded and stuck close to Shsway until the opportunity came for her to intervene.

By Shsway

As they neared a clearing, the trio came upon the reason for their friends' battle screams.

Nightsong was giving a big burly marauder with a cutlass type weapon the old one-two, while Nike kept a couple of his equally smelly-looking companions at bay!
At the other end of the camps bright blaze stood a rack, to which their amazonie brother Marty was tied to. Two men stood by taunting him, though he didn't seem in the least afraid. "I knew his heart was fierce when I met him" Shsway thought with pride. One man was clearly a shaman, while the other was a tall, ruddy specimen with an odd red tunic covering his face.

"What are the bets that he's the leader?" Eppie whispered fiercely. Both looked up at Ephfan, who motioned that she was going in to help her sisters.

"I think you're right my friend," said Shsway. Then with a cold look in her eyes and a snarl in her voice she declared "He's mine."
She and her companion agreed that while Eppie cut Marty loose, Shsway would take out the leader. The shaman looked like easy pickings.

Without warning, they saw Ephfan leap from a tree on said shaman. Eppie an Shsway looked at each other and chuckled. Yup, REAL easy. With that, they leaped into action.

By Nightsong

Nightsong battled toward her Amazon brother, and all who got in her way died a very bloody death. With a scream that chilled the blood, she threw herself at Marty's guardsmen. Blood sprayed as she left them in very many pieces. While Nightsong believed in quick kills, these scum had hurt her brother, and for that they must pay! She saw Shsway heading for the leader,
"Oh no you don't, my apprentice, that pleasure is not just yours!" With that, she ran to Shsway's side.

By Eptalk

Nightsong ran toward the direction of Shsway. These Amazon's are very impressive, Eppie thought. Eppie was glad to find Marty alive and even battered he gave a smile and a look of bravery. Since she was closest to Nike and still holding the jeweled dagger tight in her hand, Eppie passed the dagger quickly to Nike saying, "Here, I can't do this. All of you will care for Marty. I have faith in you all. I'm going back to camp, I can find my way this time."

With that Eppie turned and walked back in the same direction. She made it quickly and safely back to camp. It worked to pay close attention this time to the direction of travel in this much darkness, she thought.

Inside her hut, Eppie lit a small candle and found her pen and a scroll. Like Ephfan, Eppie had moments that she wished to have the talents of a bard but she wasn't ready to commit herself to what surely had expectations. Eppie did write a note for her Amazon and Amazonie friends. I can't do this. Today has made me think of many things. One is that I'm not an Amazon by my very nature. The time for me to change has long passed. I know you all will care for one another. I wish all the tribe well. Take care and prosper, always!

Eppie placed the note in the Queen's hut and headed in direction that Nightsong had told her earlier was south. Eppie felt this choice was her true destiny.

By Martman

Marty, even in all his pain and still tied up, looked concerned for Eppie.
"Why is she leaving," he thought. There'd be plenty of time to worry about that later
Right now, Marty was worried cuz Nightie and Shsway were running out of steam. Some of the remaining marauders were beating them badly and hurting them. He pounced on top of him and sliced him open with his knife and pierced his black heart. A look of rage, hate, and contempt pervaded the amazonie's eyes as he ruthlessly slaughtered the marauder.
A loud yelp came from Shsway as another marauder tackled her and prepared to kill her. "Die amazon!," he screamed.

The amazonie yelled, "NOBODY HURTS MY SISTER!!" as he threw the knife at the attacker and impaled the weapon in the attacker's head. Shsway got up and ran to hug her brother as did Nightie.

"Are you two all right?" Marty said.
"Sure are bro," they said in unison, a look of worry etched on their faces from the beating their brother took.
Marty stood himself up and told his sisters he was fine, but that he had some business to attend to.

With a shriek that would make Xena soil herself, the amazonie threw himself into action, slaying ever marauder that came his way. His bloodlust was insatiable, his anger unchecked, his heart totally blackened. Without his soul, there was no stopping the beast within until he slayed every damn marauder

By Ephfan

"Ya shoulda played nice shaman" Ephfan growled as she broke his nose with her sword hilt. He slid silently to ground and she looked up to see Eppie heading for Marty. She got him cut loose and fell into his arms in relief. Marty took the dagger from Ep and put her behind him, away from harm.

Shsway meanwhile was doing some real damage to the leader so Ephfan looked towards Nightsong and Nike. Seeing quite a few of the enemy in their area, Ephfan headed their way.
With a smile that betrayed her excitement she yelled to Marty "You've got our backs bro!" He touched the dagger to his forehead in salute and went toward the thug edging closer to Shsway.

Suddenly a large barbarian managed to grab Nightsong from behind. Ephfan was close enough to hear him say that he was gonna have a lot of fun with his captive before he killed her. As she went by Nike, Ephfan grabbed the knife Nike had just deposited in a man's neck. She looked Nightsong in the eye and didn't even have to say "duck". The next thing Nightsong knew the man was falling to the ground with a knife sticking out of his chest.
"No one, least of all a sleaze like you, leers at an amazon that way and lives." Ephfan told him as he took his last breath.
Nike, Nightsong, and Ephfan then fell into a back-to-back-to-back circle formation and proceeded to take care of the remaining men.

When the last one was down they ran over to Shsway, Marty, and Eppie. Shsway had worn the leader down and Marty snuck in behind him to restrain his arms and subdue him.
Before any of the warriors could say a word Eppie walked up to the leader and looked him straight in the eye. "You suck!" she yelled and then she cocked her arm back and let it fly.
Shocked silence followed when he landed at Eppie's feet.
After a bit Ep broke the silence, "That hurt, that really, really hurt!" With that the others moved into action. All of the men still alive were tied up securely. They would wait for them to wake up and then take them back to the village for interrogation.
In the meantime Ephfan told Eppie she would take her to the stream so she could soak her hand. Nightsong and Nike said that when they got back they would tell all of them why this whole thing seemed familiar to them. They had grim looks on their faces as they said this; Ep and Eph looked at each other. Both were thinking that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

By Ephfan

Ephfan woke up and realized she was on the ground with her friends gathered around her. "Wha, wha, what the Hades happened?!!!!!!!!" Nike leaned down and told her she had gotten blind-sided and went down for awhile. Ephfan looked around seeing bodies everywhere, but no Eppie. "Wow, I dreamed about the battle while I was out. Someone needs to fill me in."

By KiwiXenite

The KiwiXenite crept quietly into the camp of the marauders, scroll in hand. He checked the scroll, and looked carefully at the face of their leader. This man had killed the many people from his town, and his capture would lead to much joy.
He stepped out of the shadows. "This man is responsible for many murders in my town. Is there anyone here who would deny me his head?"

The small group of warriors became silent. They turned, and only now saw the giant of a man who strode into the clearing, a staff in one hand, a scroll in the other.

"I am the KiwiXenite, of a small town called Christchurch. I have followed these men for many moons, and you have helped me greatly by defeating them. Again, does anyone here deny me this man's head?"

By Martman

"Craig!" the amazonie shouted. I admire your determination to capture the leader, and your desire to avenge your towns people. But *I* want his head! He captured me, beat me up, and threatened my amazon sisters." Marty saw that Craig wouldn't budge, so he decided to
compromise. He would let Craig have the leaders head as long as he got the pleasure of severing it himself

By Nike

Marty's turning into a bloody killer! Maybe I should give him his soul back....if I could find it. Nike tried not to look suspicious and listened to conversation between Craig and Marty.
Marty took a sword and stood over the man. All looked on intently until somebody shouted, "WAIT!"

All eyes turned to Nike in annoyance. "Well, aren't we taking him back to the village for interrogation? I mean, we want to know who they are....and where they're from." she added, remembering the marks on their upper arms.

"NO! I have to kill him! He must pay!" yelled Marty.

"Look, you can...kill him when we get back to the village. After we know what's going on. OK?" said Ephfan.
Marty needed his soul. His bloodlust was scary, to say the least. At last, they got back to camp and began the interrogation.

By Nightsong

After the battle had ended, Nightsong helped her wounded brother to camp and then went to find Eppie in her hut. Upon finding her note, Nightsong quietly slipped out to find her friend. She found her friend making her way along the river. She landed near her longtime friend.

"Don't try to stop me Nightie!" Eppie said.

"I wouldn't dream of it, you would only hate me for making you go back. I assume you have a reason and a plan?" Nightsong looked at her friend and teacher expectantly.

"I'm just to old to be of use, Nightie. I can't fight and I slow you all down. It is just my time to leave."

"Well," Nightsong replied, "if that is your wish, I will respect it. But I do have one request."

"And what is that, Nightie?" replied Eppie with suspicion in her voice.

"Well, just two things really. One, that you go and live in the nearby village so you can visit and I can visit you. And the second is that you take this."
Nightsong handed Eppie a round device that had a clear top. Around the top where the letters N,E,S,W running sundial-wise around the outside. Within the inside, a metal needle floated on some water incised with the bauble.
"It's called a compass, my people use it to navigate. The needle always points North, so you will never be lost again." Nightsong placed the compasses leather thong around Eppie's neck and then kissed her forehead. "Can you do those things for me, my friend?"

"Yes, Nightie, I will." Eppie said with tears glistening in her eyes.

"I love you Eppie, you have taught me so much!" Tears ran down Nightsong's face as she hugged her friend and teacher.

"I love you too, Nightie."

By Craig

Once back at the camp, Craig lifted the leader of the marauders from the ground with one hand, and presented him to the Amazons. His voice rang out, so that all the Amazons could hear him. "Amazons, and Marty! My townspeople do not desire vengeance. We desire justice. This man is evil, but he is still human. We do not need to kill him for justice.
"I have been empowered by my leaders to deal with him as I see fit. I am a judge for my town. Our Queen has allowed me to carry her seal, and act in her name." The Amazons were spellbound, stunned silent by the powerful voice of this giant, a man who stood more than a head taller than any other person present. They listened, their eyes on him. Craig now addressed the bound man he held in front of him.

"Your men have been tried in absentia by our court, and have been found guilty of murder, rape, robbery and arson. They are all sentenced to 1 week in the stocks, and 20 years imprisonment. I shall return them to my home town, unless the Amazons would rather deal with them.
"Your sentence was similar, but as a judge, and representative of my Queen, I have the power to change it.
"Therefore, I order that you be given over to the Amazon tribe, to be dealt with as they see fit."
A murmur started among the Amazons. This was more than they had expected.

"When can I kill him!?" Marty demanded. "Lemme at him!"

"After we have interrogated him, Marty," Nike said. "He has answers for us."

"Perhaps you'd like to stay awhile? You must be tired, and a good meal, and some sleep would not go astray," an Amazon offered.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I accept your offer, on one condition: that I cook the meal," Craig said.

By Nightsong

Nightsong returned to camp to find it in an uproar. "What the devil is going on?" Nightsong thought to herself as she headed for the main hut. She needed to find some answers.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist while taking a quiet stroll, with her love, happens upon all this carnage and looks around confused. Thinking she's better off staying out of this one, she rolls a conveniently fallen log over to where she thinks is a better view, and pats beside her inviting her sweetheart to sit and watch the show with her.

As she puts an arm around her sweety, she considers going after Eppie knowing her ability with directions. Then again the amazon could take care of herself. So instead, she sits and watches with amusement.

By Ephfan

The group secured the prisoners and decided to meet in the main hut to decide who would question the leader. There wasn't one among them that argued when Craig insisted on cooking. Ephfan was getting rather cranky from hunger and had gotten to the point of wanting to break prisoners' legs just for the fun of it.

Sitting around a table in the hut Ephfan looked at her sisters and brother. Shsway looked stunned, which was to be expected. There was no doubt left that this young woman had graduated to warrior status this day. The tribe would continue to take advantage of her scouting skills, but Shsway would never again be held back from battle because of the fear she couldn't handle the fighting. From what Ephfan heard of the battle, she knew she'd let Shsway guard her back anytime.

Nike sat with a thoughtful look on her face. Ephfan had asked her on the way back to the village what the marks on the men's arms meant. Nike told her that she couldn't remember. She knew she had encountered them in the past but just couldn't remember where. Ephfan felt sorry for her new friend as she watched her battle with her memory.

Marty's eyes were still blazing with bloodlust. She was hoping the meal to come would soothe him.
"After we clear up this mess with the thugs I'm gonna have to have a talk with Nike about getting his soul back to him" she thought.

Her thoughts turned to Eppie. She had been stunned when they found the note in her hut. "I want Eppie to be happy, but it will be so different here without her and I've never been good at hunting strawberries," she said to herself.

Nightsong walked into the hut looking as if she had traded places with Atlas and had the weight of the world on her shoulders. She filled them in on what had happened with Eppie and in turn the group told her the news of the village.

Craig walked in loaded down with food and it smelled delicious. As she attacked the dinner Ephfan thought that they were gonna have to ask Craig to stay in the village, this man was good!

After the meal it was decided that sleep was needed and the interrogation would take place the next day. They would all sit in on it so that no question would go unasked. In the Center Square the group said their good nights.

"Oh, by the way" said Nightsong "I noticed two observers when I came back but they seem friendly."

Each headed to their huts with the same thought in their head "It was a good day fighting."

By Shsway

Shsway quietly said her good-byes to all of her friends and made her way home. In a way, sleep would be a comfort after the wholly tiring day everyone had experienced. She thought quietly about Marty's capture and rage, the bravery of her sisters, and the commanding figure that was their new friend Craig. And an excellent cook at that.

She was also saddened by Eppie's departure, but she had heard from Nightsong her reasons for going and respected them. Still, she would miss one of the village's wisest women.

As she neared her door, hands fiddling with her new bow, she felt someone watching her. A quick glance to her right told her that the blonde amazon whom she had met earlier was standing nearby. Blue eyes bore into brown as she approached.

"I heard you and the others got in a tussle." she remarked quietly.

Shsway shifted her weight to her right foot. "Yes, a lot of things happened really fast. We have the men who attacked us in custody and the Queen will set up a hearing tomorrow on their case."

The other woman moved closer and offered her hand. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Alaya."

The young scout took her hand and kissed it. "I'm Shsway, acting scout of the village."

"I gathered by your arrows, but why do you carry a sword?" she smiled curiously.

"I'm in training to become a warrior, hopefully a member of her majesty's guard someday. For now, I serve under a mentor."

An impish grin lighted Alaya's face. "I hope that is purely in the professional sense."

Shsway raised an eyebrow, then blushed as the meaning came to her. "Uhhh, yes.  Yes indeed."
She looked at the moon above. "It's kind of late and I need to rest for the trial tomorrow. May I see you at breakfast?" The scout looked hopefully at her companion.

Alaya nodded. "Count on it. See you then." "Goodnight,"

Shsway watched as Alaya began to walk to the other side of the village. Under normal circumstances the young woman would have accompanied her to her home. But exhaustion had taken its toll, and she entered her own hut for some much needed rest. Shs wondered if her amazonie brother would get the satisfaction of taking the marauders' leader down.

By Nightsong

Nightsong gazed out into the starry night. From her vantagepoint, she could see the tribe heading for bed one by one. She also noticed the meeting between her apprentice and the lovely blonde she had met earlier.
Nightsong smiled as Shsway finished talking to the woman and heading into her hut for a well-earned rest.
"The lady is maturing." Nightsong said to herself. She touched the feather in her hair and smiled. "Soon, when the time is right, you and I will take a trip to my homeland. And when you return, my apprentice, you will truly be a warrior."

With that thought lighting a smile on her face, Nightsong turned her face to the night breeze and sang softly to the distant stars.