Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Nightsong

Nightsong left the gathering to go to her favorite meditation spot, she wasn't surprised to find Lyco waiting for her.

Lyco patted the ground next to her and sat in silence as Nightsong seated herself. "I saw you looking at Shsway's love. I know that look, you mean business."

Nightsong looked over at the gold band on her wife's arm and spoke. "I take it you saw that mirage spell too then. It is my duty as an Amazon to watch out for danger. And someone with a past dark enough to hide their identity is something to be looked into."

Lyco reached over and put her hand on Nightsong's leg. "My love, what of your duty to Shsway? She is your apprentice, but she is also your friend and means much to you. Why do something that could ruin her happiness without a reason? Just stay away from her blonde love and you won't be compelled to do your duty and potentially hurt her."

Nightsong smiled at her wife, "You always did know what is best. I will let it go for now."

Lyco smiled, and snuggled into the crook of Nightsong's arm. "That's a good girl. Now, are you going to tell Shsway all about animal companions?"

Nightsong's eyes widened and Lyco could feel her stiffen. "How did you know about that?"

Lyco smiled into the warm shoulder of Nightsong. "I may have let you go after our union, but I did keep tabs on you. I know about your adventures in the Northern Amazon lands, and your involvement in the transformation of the Horde there into Amazons."

Nightsong shook her head, "I can't believe you know about that! Only Eppie and Nike from the previous tribe know about Misty and the Silent Paw tribe. I hope you will keep what you know to yourself."

Lyco turned her head up to gaze into Nightsong's troubled eyes, "Oh, I think I can do that, if you give me a good reason." Lyco grinned mischievously.

Nightsong grinned back at her wife, "Oh, I think I can do that." She said, and bent her head to the waiting lips of her ulv, her wolf.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist silently walked through the forest. Ill winds were blowing, but she couldn't tell the source. Hearing a raven call close to where she stood she turned. Sitting regally on a branch head level the raven turned his head to the side studying LA.

"The last thing I need is for you and your kind to start on me too." LA grumbled as she walked on.

The raven cawed loudly jumping down from his perch and started walking behind LA, grumbling the whole time.

'Great, now I've got a companion.' LA thought. 'Wonder what I've done to attract the attention of him, or should I say, she who sent him.'

LA turned to the raven, "Don't guess I could talk you into saying you never found me?"

The only answer she recieved was another tilt of his head and an ear splitting caw. Wincing, LA turned and started walking again.

"Yeah, didn't think so. Now what does she want of me?" LA didn't wait to for the answer as she walked the path to the lake.

She stopped at the edge of the forest, looking at the lake. It amazed her how much had already happened here. Just as she started to enter the small clearing she heard Pixie's ragged sobs. Her steps faltered for only a moment then quickened.

LA's heart broke to hear her beloved crying. She walked to her and knelt down automaticly wrapping her arms tightly around Pixie.

"Hush, my most adored, I still love you with all my heart.", LA whispered to Pixie holding her softly nuzzling her neck.

This only seemed to bring Pixie to more tears. " could you love me? All I am or have ever been is trouble."

LA chuckled softly shaking her head, "All you've ever been to me is my life. The sooner you realize this the sooner you start to learn just how much you mean to me."

LA held onto Pixie as she cried herself out. LA looked down realizing that Pixie had fallen asleep in her arms. Slipping an arm under her legs LA stood easily lifting Pixie.

'Time to get you back to the village, and into a bed.' LA thought as she made her way through the forest, painfully aware of the raven still following.

"And not a peep from you, I'll anwer the call later. Now she is my biggest concern.", She said glaring back at the raven.

Nearing the village a thought occured to her. 'Just how am I going to explain an unconcious Pixie to everyone?'

By Martman

Martman and Eppie quietly stalked through the forest in search of Ephiny. Both were very concerned for her well being.

"I hope she doesn't do anything rash," Marty said quietly.

"Same here," Eppie responded.

After searching for nearly half an hour, they found the girl sitting by a quiet pond.

"Ephiny!" Eppie yelled. "You gave us quite a scare. You should know better than to do that. We were worried about you."

The young girl snorted. "Funny," she replied harshly. "I dont seem to care about you! And who are you anyway? My parents? They died a long time ago! Im on my own now."

"Hun," Marty replied warmly. "We care about you and we want to help you overcome this darkness thats consuming you. It will only lead you to bad ends."

"I dont need either of you or your sympathy," she replied harshly.

Just then, a band of maurauders attacked the three of them - the same maurauders who had attacked the amazon village some time before and had left Marty with a bad wound in his chest.

Marty and Eppie fought them valliantly while Ephiny stayed behind them under protection. Remembering the savage beating they had given him, and how they tried to kill his beloved Queen and her Champion, he attacked them with a cold rage and began to savagely beat them in reply.

Considering the loss of his own soul some time before, he gravely wanted to tear each attacker apart. But he thought better of it cuz it would only further enforce Ephiny's current line of thinking. So Marty did the next best thing - kick some maurauder ass!!!

Unfortunately, the maurauders had come from behind Martman and Eppie and began to attack them. Marty was valliantly fighting against four maurauders. Eppie managed to dispatch the three that were attacking her with swift punches and kicks, but she didnt think to use lethal force. She held firm to her blood innocence.

But as she dispatched her final attacker, she looked behind her and saw another maurauder standing above and unconscious Ephiny, lifting his sword in the air, about to deliver the lethal blow.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" she screamed.

By Eptalk

The pause that would usually hold Eppie back from any thought of killing was no where in her mind with the sight of Ephiny lying unconcious. She reached quickly to grab for her boomerang, using the trained wrist throw she sent the weapon into flight toward the maurauder.

The boomerang gave only a brief WHOOoooosh sound before striking the maurauder who stood near Ephiny squarely in the temple sending him falling dead onto the ground.

Ephiny began to awaken as Eppie grabbed for her bowie knives (one from each boot) and threw them forcefully in the chest of two more approaching marauders and then catching her boomerang in it's return flight.

Even dazed, Ephiny could see the three fallen dead bodies near her as she looked in horror at Eppie who clipped her boomerang back onto her belt and stood frozen at the sight of what she had done.

Martman gave one final strong kick to the abdomen of one lone maurauder running straight toward him. The attacker stood up from his doubled over position and seeing his fallen group members covered in blood, he ran off into the thick brush. One by one the mauraders who remained alive ran as well.

It was Martman who turned quickly and ran to Ephiny, asking repeatedly if she were okay.

"I'm fine. I could have handled them if they hadn't got me from behind," Ephiny scorned.

Martman reminded the young girl, "we're your friends Ephiny. Even Eppie wasn't about to let harm come to you. We care about you, can't you see that?"

"I see several dead bodies is what I see. Eppie did kill but she doesn't look to be celebrating," Ephiny informed Martman who checked the lump on her head.

Slowly Eppie turned and walked to join her friends. "Well, there comes a time and a reason Ephiny that killing is the only way to survive," Eppie said in a soft and weary tone.

Surprised that the woman who had seemed so gentle and mothering to her, Ephiny was now very attentive and warmly moved how strong and secure Eppie seemed after the gruesome attack. Both she and Martman were battered from the kicks and punches taken before the attackers were stopped abruptly. Even that band of mauraders realized the Amazon and Amazonie would kill to protect this young girl.

"You both could have been killed for your trouble you know," Ephiny said more calmly to Martman and Eppie who helped her to her feet.

"Ephiny," Martman added in a reassuring tone. "Our tribe takes care of one another. The Queen and her Champion are best examples of caring we have and we could do no less for one of our own."

"That's right Ephiny" Eppie continued. "I remember Gabrielle telling us all of her strong wish and hope not to kill in battle. Once Xena was dropped paralyzed to her knees as a Roman had his sword raised to surely run her through. Gabrielle chose the way of friendship for Xena. She killed many Romans that day who later crucified them both. Only by devine intervention were they given back life. Those two are destined to be together for an eternity."

Eppie placed her arm around the young girl to tell her, "I can accept the loss of my own blood innocence now much easier than the loss of a friend. From Xena and Gabrielle's story, I know that much at long last."

Just after Martman handed a drink of water from the pond in the palm of his hands to Ephiny who drank with new trust in her eyes, the three walked slowly and quietly back to camp.

Eppie dare not let this young girl know that her stomach felt lodged in her throat. How could there be such a thing as a good day fighting, Eppie once thought in her mind. On this day, the answer was clear when it was realized that a life was saved. Eppie now knew the meaning of a good day fighting.

By Nightsong

Nightsong walked arm in arm with Lyco to the camp. She found Shsway alone, mercifully, playing with her new wolf pup. She smiled at Lyco, and with a nod, Lyco let go of Nightsong's arm and went to their hut.

Nightsong then sat next to Shsway. Griffin immediatly growled, but Nightsong offered her hand and spoke to the little cub in words to soft for Shsway to hear. The cub sniffed Nightsong's hand and calmed at the soft words. Shsway looked at Nightsong with surprise that the cub seemed so trusting.

"How'd you do that?" Asked Shsway in amazement.

Nightsong smiled, "I have many skills, and animals are one of them." "Well, do you think you can teach him how to fetch then?" Shsway asked, "I can't get him to understand the concept."

Nightsong looked at Shsway for a long moment till the young scout squrmed a bit before she replied; "You don't teach an animal companion to do tricks, they are not a pet. They are a friend and fighting companion. He will be able to take down deer when he is grown when you have no arrows to do so, and he will defend you in battle. It is an alliance. To make him into a pet is to weaken his spirit."

Shsway looked at the wolf cub for a long moment before she spoke, "How do you know so much about animal companions, Nightie?"

Nightsong got to her feet and replied before turning to go to her hut, "Because I have one of my own."

By Ephfan

After a peaceful night (a rare occurrence) in the village morning arrived and with it Katryn and Ephfan. They strolled into the dining hut hand in hand.

Needless to say all heads turned when they entered. Kat turned to Eph and said "I really need to catch up with my group and see if I've missed anything. And I also need to talk to the Queen, she told me she needed to tell me some things about Ephiny."

"OK babe, I need to go over and get the teasing over with. After that I believe a trip to the hot springs is in order." With a kiss that brought hoots from the crowd, the new couple parted. On her way to the table where her buddies were all sitting, Ephfan kept repeating to herself "I can take whatever they dish out, I can take whatever they dish out....."

By Pixie

Luck was with LA for once it seemed that everyone was occupied in the dining hut. She slipped into the hut they had been given with no one noticing.

"Sleep my beloved. All is not lost so long as you and I are alive." LA whispered as she laid Pixie down on the bed. "Sleep well." She sighed as she fell asleep herself.


Pixie stretched lazily, a smile touched her lips as she slowly opened her eyes to see the sun casting long shadows on the wall. It was late afternoon. Closing her eyes again she snuggled closer to her still sleeping mate.

She let her mind drift thinking of the past few days. I have gone from only LA and I to a sister and her mate and now an heir. Pixie's eyes flew open and she sat up.

LA looked up at her, "Is some one going to die?" she asked.

"No. I just remembered that I was suppose to talk to Shsway this morning." Pixie said frowning at her own forgetfulness.

"It can wait. Now lay back down." LA said pulling Pixie down.

"But I should....." Pixie trailed off as LA kissed her.

'On second thought it can wait.' Pixie thought as she returned the kiss......

By Craig Hall

"Queen Gabrielle requests a favor of me?" Craig asked.

"She does," the Queen's champion replied, grinning. "She's hungry again, and we haven't had a feast for a while..."

"Anything for international relations," Craig grinned.

The two made their way out of Craig's small hut, Craig swinging his staff absent-mindedly. Other Amazons watched, and marveled at the height of this giant, a man who was a head taller than any of them, even Xena. And he was such a fine chef as well!

Xena returned to Gabrielle's side, while Craig went to the tribe's kitchen to prepare a feast for that night.

By Gypsy

Later that night the moon was full. Shining it's hazy light across the landscape. Illuminating the open fields and paths throughout the village.

"Ah, I'm in luck tonight, it's a hunter's moon", she thought coldly. "I'll have the advantage of surprise," this made her smile.

"I should make a bundle tonight, Amazons bring a hefty price at market these days," grinned the Huntress.

The would be Amazon quietly made her way to the outskirts of the village. There she tree sat watching and counting her prey, mentally adding the wealth of dinars she would later spend on herself....

By Eptalk

Returning late to her own hut after so much festivity and feast at camp, Eppie lie relaxed with Ephiny now resting along side of her.

It had been a wonderful day meeting all the new and old faces about camp. The introductions made the evenings ceremony most pleasant for everyone.

Eppie continued to try and sort all the new faces and companions in her mind. Scanning the thoughts of Nightsong now with Lyco, Ephfan hosting Katryn and Shsway who now was more matured as she told of Alaya and introduced her wolf cub named Griffin.

Nike seemed a little distant in thought at the feast, as did LA and Pixie. All of them appeared to have serious thoughts of their own. It was wonderful to again see everyone and warming to catch the remaining Amazon gleam in their eyes.

Craig gave us the greatest feast ever and there should be no feel of hunger by anyone for many moons to come. Martman had battled bravly to help save Ephiny from those marauders. His continued focus on the splendor of the Queen and her champions' relationship appeared to reach the heart of the young, Ephiny who slept restless.

After a comfortable rest of her own, the noise from activity about camp awoke Eppie who was startled to find Ephiny gone from her side. Everyone seemed anxious and very hurriedly moving about the camp. Only catching bits and pieces of the talk, there was apparently a new rumor of approaching raiders. This information had come from a lone rider passing through at daybreak.

The Queen's champion had given order to gather all weapons, assume guard positions and secure the perimeter.

Eppie sensed from a brief word with Pixie that several tribe members knew something special about these approaching raiders. The worried look on her sister's face signaled Eppie to hurry back to her hut, clip her boomerang back onto her belt and insure her bowie knives were readied.

By Gypsy

The Huntress had built herself a well camouflaged blind in a tall old oak tree. She watched the camp, learning the habits of her victims until dawn.

Feeling the weight of her eyelids, the Huntress slept comfortably inside the nest of branches and oak leaves.

She hadn't been sleeping long when horse's hooves passed directly beneath the huge tree.

Activity was picking up at the village, but not just normal chores. Arms were being carried and guards were stationed, the Huntress recognized a defense plan when she saw it.

She spent much of her day waiting for an attack from a group of unknown amazon enemies.

The Huntress munched on dried venison strips and took small sips of water. She had carried up two large water skins, prepared for whatever happens.

Her weapons close at hand, as she viewed the entire alerted village from her well hidden vantage point.