Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Pixie

Pixie and LA had awoken very early and taken advantage of the hot springs. Both were in a lighter mood. Pixie trusted LA to find a way to keep the prophecy from happening now.

Walking arm and arm back to the village, their peace was shattered by a rider. She identified herself as a celt from Lugh's tribe and informed them that raiders had been spotted moving toward them. She also gave LA a scroll from Litavis.

Nightsong, Lyco and Shsway gathered around them as LA read it. "Litavis fears that some of the raiders may be more dangerous than the last. The one the celts caught had no soul."

"That could be bad for Pixie." Lyco stated.

"Why?" asked Shsway as she fought with Griff over his attempting to chew on her ankle.

"Because Maicin I feel their pain like a fire. I can't stand to be touched by a soulless person."

The group didn't notice that Marty was standing behind them, nor did they see the hurt look is his eyes as he walked away.


"Griffin stop!" Shsway yelled chasing after the gray ball of fur. "Bring that back here."

For his part Griffin just picked up speed in spite of Shsway's quiver of arrows bouncing behind him.

"You go that way and see if we can trap him." Shsway shouted to Pixie.

The pair raced around a corner only to find themselves in a sudden tangle of arms and legs with some one else.

Marty had been quietly thinking when he had heard the desperation and was coming to see what was happening. The next thing he knew he was laying on his back holding two squirming amazons.

He looked down to recognize Shsway's dark hair, the other had bright red hair.'OH no, Pixie isn't going to like this.'He thought.

Then the squirming stopped and he braced for the expected scream. Only instead he heard a soft laugh as light gray eyes looked back at him, "Hello you must be Marty. LA has told me a lot about you. I'm Pixie."

A thump came from beside his head, looking over a small wolf cocked his head to the side. Then barked once and began licking Marty's face wildly......

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist had just left the counsel hut. Considering the news she had delivered to the Queen and her champion, things had been pretty lighthearted when she had left.

Hearing a commotion she looked around. Seeing other amazons running in the direction of the trouble she went to investigate.

Turning a corner she almost ran into Nightsong. Stopping suddenly she looked in the direction of a laughing Pixie and Shsway.

Amazon curiosity as it is had brought a good number of onlookers by this time. Murmurs and giggles could be heard all around.

LA grinned at the situation. Pixie and Shsway were tangled up with Martman. And as if that wasn't bad enough Griffin had decided to join in on the 'fun'. LA didn't know what was more painful to Marty, the squirming girls on top of him or the puppy trying to dig him out of the pile by pulling his hair.

She couldn't keep from laughing any longer. "You know if I were the jealous type this would be the wrong scene to come upon." She joked....

By Nightsong

Nightsong laughed at her brother's predicament. "Wow Marty, you certainly are popular with the ladies." Nightsong joked.

Martman just smiled at her affectionately before continuing his struggle to free himself from the two amazons.

With an amused shake of her head, Nightsong went in search of Eppie. She had heard that her dear friend had taken in a orphan girl and had made her first kills the day before. She had not seen her at the feast as she avoided Shsway when she was with Alaya, but was pleased that Craig was fitting in well. She found Eppie sitting outside with the girl whose name she found out was Ephiny.

Eppie demonstrated her boomerang and Nightsong showed Eppie a couple of new ways to throw her bowie knives faster and with less warning. It was a good time spent while waiting for the attack that would soon come, for Nightsong could feel the menace in the air, and knew that the tribe would not have to wait long.

By Craig Hall

"What are you doing?"

The Kiwi champion looked up from his training to see Xena watching him, an amused look on her face. "Just remembering some old skills. I've seen Amazons all over the camp sharpening their fighting skills, and I guessed that something is expected to happen soon. Am I right?"

"Yes, we've all been in heavy training, just in case," Xena replied. "I see you're no stranger to a staff, though. Why don't you use a sword?"

"I guess I don't like killing people. It makes me feel bad later," Craig answered, spinning his staff around.

"But can you fight with a sword?" Xena asked.

"Yes..." Craig reluctantly replied. "I couldn't be my Queen's champion if I didn't know how to fight with a sword."

"Well, my Queen wants to know if you've got some time for that staff contest she wanted a while ago. She says it would be good preparation for her," Xena said.

"Staff contest? But I'm a cook!" Craig grinned.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm a messenger girl," Xena said sarcastically.

By Gypsy

"Not many children, here. But lots of young, prime breeding stock." whispered the Huntress.

"I'm sure they won't miss a few, especially if there's a battle." she thought.

By Martman

For his part, Marty was still entangled with Pixie and Shsway. Slowly, he got up and looked at the two sweet women.

"Come here little sis!" Marty said as he embraced Shsway with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you hun," he said while looking into her eyes.

"Thanks big bro," she said as she returned the hug and ruffled her brother's hair.

"Hey there fella," Marty said to Griffin. The amazonie held his hand out and Griffin eagerly licked it, causing the amazonie to giggle. "Good boy," he said as he ruffled its fur.

Marty then approached Pixie. "Hi hun," he weakly said. He was relieved his lack of a soul didn't cause the amazon any pain.

"I'm glad I didn't hurt you. I was afraid that not having a soul would do that and I didn't want to cause you any harm."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Pixie said as she kissed the amazonie on the cheek. "Im glad I got to meet you. You're very playful," she teased, causing Marty to blush.

"Thank you," he replied.

They hugged and the crowed looked on and awwed at the sweet embrace between the amazons and amazonie. They knew they'd seen something special.

But the collision caused Marty to question what he previously thought was true. If he didn't have a soul, then why didn't Pixie scream when she touched him?

If she didn't scream, it meant that he had to have a soul, yet that wouldn't explain why he had felt something was missing since he returned to the tribe.

As Marty walked away from the scene, he began to quietly reflect on the meaning of this. Maybe he did have a soul as represented by a spirit. What he was missing, he began to think, was a soul as represented by feelings of emotion. He did note, in support of this new theory, that he had been very hate filled and angry since his return.

Maybe the lack of a soul meant his lack of emotion. And perhaps, seeing all his friends again, plus seeing xena and gab together, had begun to chisel away at the wall he had built around himself.

"Well," he said reflectively, "there'll be plenty of time to reflect on this later. Right now we need to prepare for the invaders."

By Shsway

Shsway's spirits were much lifted after the brief tussle with Griffin, Pixie and Marty. Lately she had been feeling a little confused about...little things she couldn't understand.

It seemed strange to her that Nightsong almost always found a reason not to be around the scout when in the company of her lady. There had really been no formal meeting between her dear friend and her love, which began to seriously concern her. Had they met already and disliked each other? Was it a matter of a personality clash or was NS simply too occupied? It was puzzling.

Alaya herself had also been less than understandable. Upon bringing Griffin home, the blonde woman didn't seem to like him, as she gingerly picked him up by the scruff of the neck. And the dark-haired woman could tell that the cub felt her distaste to a certain degree; he rarely was affectionate towards her and refused to leave Shsway's side. Even while protecting them he kept a respectful distance away from his owner's companion.

And then there were times when Ally seemed...distant.
Unaware of the scout's presence or of much else.

Shsway sighed. At the moment she was sitting on a stump outside the blacksmith's shop, polishing and sharpening her new sword and daggers. Everything had to be ready for battle once more, and time - as usual - ran far too quick.

She stopped momentarily to look at the bracelet she wore, displaying her kinship to Pixie. She studied it, and gently traced the celtic designs with her thumb. More than ever, she had to prove her maturity and worth to her sisters and it was hard to block out trivial matters as those of the everyday to concentrate on the task at hand.

As her mind trailed away, Griffin scampered over from a recent trip to the bushes. She smiled. Nightsong, this is one 'pet' trick I fully intend for him to learn. As he tried to bounce up onto the stump to join his mistress, she paused in her work to reach down a hand and scratch his neck fondly.

"I tell ya Griff, sometimes I think you are the lucky one."

"Rrrrr?" he questioned with attentive eyes.

A sigh. "There are times when I am unsure of who I am, where I am destined to be. You, my friend," she playfully poked at a wet nose, "have no questions as to who or what you are. Nothing to prove or ponder about."

At that point she had to giggle, as the little wolf's brow seemed to crease in thought.

"That's a pretty good imitation, pal. But how do I know for sure what I want or what my path is?"

A soft voice spoke behind her. "You find someone to shine light on it and point the way."

Shsway looked over her right shoulder to find Queen Gabrielle in full costume. She quickly got to her feet, and extended her arm to clasp the bard's in greeting.

"That's really all there is to it, Warrior." Gabrielle added. She smiled as Shsway's left eyebrow lifted in question at the title.

"Yes, you are on your way to being just that. Please, I know what's been going on in the Celt camp - congratulations on the new gear and sidekick."

They giggled as the little wolf barked in approval.

Shsway then had to gulp as her Queen's lovely green eyes looked seriously and intensely at her. "Don't worry. Your way will be made clear, and the fates have already planned out your destiny. It's up to you to shape how well it follows, but also to choose someone to guide you and make the journey easier."

Shsway bowed slightly, and to Gabrielle's embarrassment, kissed her hand. "Thank you for your strong words, your highness. I will try to be patient and choose well in my decisions."

She walked off to continue her preparations as she whistled for Griff to follow. The Queen smiled as she watched them go, when Xena came up behind her and folded her into a small embrace.

"The bard strikes again," she chuckled.

"Well," the blonde woman grinned. "Perhaps one more problem solved - now let's see her explain her way out when Nightsong learns about her little friend's new tricks."

By Craig

"When you're ready... FIGHT!" Xena cried out. Craig and Gabrielle started warily circling one another, their staves at the ready. The other Amazons watched, almost in awe, as their Queen fought a champion from another land, someone literally head and shoulders taller than herself.

Craig parried some of Gabrielle's blows, before throwing some of his own, all of which were avoided easily by Gabrielle.

From the sidelines, Xena watched, pride evident on her face as her student fought with great skill, attacking at every opportunity. She also noted the tremendous defensive ability of the Kiwi champion, as he avoided or parried all of her attacks, counterattacking well, although showing signs of rustiness.

Ten minutes later, and they were still going, fighting as furiously as before, neither budging an inch in their efforts to get a telling blow in. The other Amazons watched, enthralled as two masters of the staff showed their skills in an entertaining exhibition. Finally, the Kiwi champion struck the winning blow with his staff, as he swept Gabrielle's legs out from under her. The Amazon Queen crashed to the ground, and then took Craig's hand as he helped her to her feet.

Xena shook Craig's hand, as he wiped the perspiration from his face with a small towel. The other Amazons applauded both warriors' efforts, and Gabrielle shook Craig's hand as well. "Where did you learn how to fight like that?" she asked him, as they began walking to their quarters.

"My tutors were very skilled," Craig explained. "They taught both Queen Helen and me how to fight with various weapons, starting when we were very young. Back then, she was still Princess Helen. Unfortunately, I'm a little rusty, since I don't do terribly much fighting any more."

"I'm sure we can fix that," Gabrielle laughed. "I have a hunch that a few young Amazons would like to train with you."

"Speaking of which, I know that the tribe is preparing for a battle. Would it be any use if I went to my home country and asked Queen Helen for an army to help defend your tribe?" Craig asked.

"I don't know," Xena replied. "I think we'll be OK, but it could be very useful. We'll tell you if we need it."

"Fair enough," Craig said.

"And when are you going to bring your Queen here to visit us?" Gabrielle asked.

"When it's safe for her here, I'll go and get her," Craig grinned. "Until then, nothing doing."

"What are you saying about my tribe?" Gabrielle asked, a mock-glare on her face.

"Oh, nothing, just that a battle is hardly a good time for a head of state to be visiting," Craig smiled.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist stretched out lazily watching the amazons rush around the village. She shook her head at the almost chaotic organization. She knew that they were all being watched, though by who...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a slight tug on her pants leg. Looking to her side she saw her little friend. She had still yet thanked her for helping her with getting into her hut. Though she doubted the girl even knew.

"Hello, piscin, how are you this fine morning?", she easily returned the smile the little girl gave her.

"Why aren't you getting ready to fight like the rest?", Raye asked.

"When the time comes I'll be ready," LA said to the girl. She leaned closer and whispered, "To be honest though, I'd rather just sit right here and talk with you. I hate doing chores."

"And you'll come up with any excuse not to do them too." Both turned around to see a smiling Pixie standing in the doorway of the hut.

LA turned to Raye trying to look innocent and shocked, "But we're being useful aren't we, piscin, we're staying out of everyone's way...right."

Raye nodded her head. "Uh-huh! That's what I've been told to do all morning..." She then looked at LA amazed. "You too?"

LA nodded her head, "Yeah, I got kicked out of the hut for trying to help."

Pixie rolled her eyes walking back into the hut mumbling to herself, "If grabbing me every time I turned my back is help..."

"What was that my love?" LA called into the entrance.

"You don't really want it repeated beloved." Pixie called back.

LA stood and looked down at her friend. "Let's go see if we can help anyone."

As they were walking away Pixie stepped back into the entrance way, "Raye, please keep her out of trouble."

The little girl looked from Pixie to LA then nodded seriously.

LA whispered to her as soon as they were out of earshot from Pixie, "Lets go see if they need any help in the kitchen."

"But Mom says that I'm not old enough to cook yet." Rei pouted.

"Who said anything about cooking, we're just here to taste. And if they wont let us I'm sure there are fresh strawberries around here some where"

"Taluns!", The girl smiled at remembering the celtic word. LA shook her head as Raye started skipping toward the kitchen all the while singing. "Taluns, taluns..."

By Eptalk

Ephiny was very talkative during this day as she watched Eppie practice the new boomerang throws Nightsong had instructed.

"You're preparing to kill again, aren't you?" asked the young friend.

Placing a hand onto Ephiny's shoulder, Eppie replied, "I hope there doesn't have to be killing Ephiny but if any raiders do attack our camp, I want to help my tribe this time."

"I can help more than YOU know" Ephiny added quickly and with a suspicious tone to her voice.

"You shouldn't have to be in battle so young. I don't know what all this impending raid could involve but it cannot be good. With the Queen and her Champion in camp that will help and things will be handled the Amazon way I'm sure."

Ephiny turned with obvious question in her eyes, "Amazon way? Like the sword fighting display we watched?"

Eppie was unsure of what Ephiny meant by her question or sneaky look suddenly, but explained to the young girl that the sword fighting was just a display. Swords are only used to fight in defense of our land or one another and you should know that carrying a sword can make you a target in battle.

Nike approached with a surprise announcement that the Queen and her Champion were leaving camp to find the whereabouts of these supposed approaching raiders. She explained that Gabrielle and Xena knew the camp to be readied and felt they could gather a location and attempt to avoid a surprise attack.

Eppie immediately felt concern with the Queen and Xena gone from camp. Hopefully the tribe would not face any attack in their absence. What if Gabrielle and Xena were harmed, the raiders moved past them or came from another direction to attack were all the questions racing through Eppie's mind at this surprising news.

"Ephiny, it would please me greatly if you would stay close to camp tonight. I know you wander off and have been on your own till now but you might not think of all the dangers" Eppie cautioned.

"Nah..I've taken care of myself a long time. I'm really like a spy sometimes and I watch from the tree tops a lot. I have a hidden weapon that nobody know about" Ephiny blurted out as she scurried away from Eppie in the direction of nearby brush.