Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Nightsong

Nightsong watched young Ephiny run from Eppie's hut and into the woods. She sheathed her sword that she had been sharpening and followed the young amazon. She could feel the menace in the air and knew that the youngster would not be safe. She had felt a presence watching for some time, but with the raiders approaching, she had no time to hunt down one individual.

Nightsong quietly stalked Ephiny through the forest, she owed Eppie and besides, it was her amazon duty to watch out for her. Nightsong was impressed with how much the child had learned to hide and a few times Nightsong managed to lose sight of the young girl for a time. The girl came to the river and began to skip across the rocks that acted as stepping stones. Nightsong paused in the branches of the trees, not wanting to let the girl know that she was being followed.

Suddenly, Nightsong's instincts screamed at her and she watched in horror as the water below Ephiny erupted as a raider surfaced and grabbed the surprised and shrieking child.
The raider was in the middle of the stream so there was no cover for Nightsong to ambush the raider from. Though she knew that raiders always traveled in groups and she would be wide open, Nightsong knew she had to charge the raider or the young amazon's life would end here in this river. With a fierce war cry,
Nightsong leapt from the trees and charged the surprised raider. With a cruel smile, he tossed the squirming Ephiny into the racing river.

Nightsong didn't hesitate an instant and sheathed her sword and dove into the cold water to rescue the child. She swam to the girl and grabbed her. She turned to where the raider had been and found him joined by three of his buddies, and all with bows readied. "Oh Gods!" Thought Nightsong and she started swimming for shore as fast as she could manage. She couldn't dive for the water was to fast and she couldn't risk losing Ephiny in the current.
The arrows flew and Nightsong cried out as an arrow struck her in the left shoulder. With the rest of her strength, she managed to swim to shore. There she collapsed and tried to get her breath back.
But before she could even attempt to recover, three grinning raiders materialized out of the undergrowth with drawn swords.
Nightsong lurched to her feet and drew her sword, putting herself between the raiders and Ephiny. She turned her head slightly and yelled at Ephiny, "Run! Go to the village and get help, I'll hold them off!"
"But I want to help!" cried Ephiny.
"You can help by telling the village that the raiders are here and where you saw them. Now go!" Ephiny nodded and ran into the forest.
The raiders watched the young girl go and smiled. They then advanced on the shivering and bleeding amazon. Nightsong readied her sword and tried to make the blade not shake so much in her exhaustion. She could feel the warm blood flowing from her shoulder and knew that she didn't have much of a chance in this fight. She would run, but she had to cover Ephiny's escape at all costs.
As one, the raiders attacked, and Nightsong struck back with her fury. Just as Nightsong was wearing down, crossbow bolts suddenly sprouted from the necks of the raiders and they screamed and fell dead to the ground. Nightsong collapsed to the ground and wasn't surprised to see a very scared looking Lyco approaching her.

Nightsong smiled warily up at her concerned wife and whispered, "Thanks" before the combination of blood loss, hypothermia, and exhaustion made her lose consciousness.

By Eptalk

Hearing the young Ephiny running into camp screaming "attack!" led Eppie to run toward the child who was shivering all over. As everyone began to gather around and Ephiny could catch her breath, Eppie realized Nightsong had saved Ephiny from raiders nearby. Eppie walked in the direction Ephiny had pointed and met up with Lyco carrying the completely limp and unconscious Nightsong.

After a gasp and expression of shock, Eppie followed Lyco into hers and Nightsong's hut where lovingly Lyco placed her mate gently onto the bed. Lyco quickly began to attend to Nightsong's wounds and examine her condition.

The noise outside of the hut spelled everyone preparing for a possible attack on the camp by the apparent scattered raiders.

Lyco paused from her healing efforts to glance toward Eppie who had chills run down her spine at the sense of something very strong and fearful between she and Nightsong's wife.

Realizing Lyco more capable than she to attend to Nightsong, Eppie abruptly left the hut and headed in the direction of those still calming Ephiny.

A wild feeling consumed Eppie with the observation of the relieved Ephiny who had almost been killed twice in less than two moons. The vision of her injured sister, Nightsong became vivid in Eppie's mind as she stormed off in the direction of the attack.

While proceeding with caution, Eppie checked that her boomerang and knives were secure but realized she had failed to bring along her compass for direction.

By Pixie

Pixie watched the two leave, "Finally some peace and quiet." she turned again to fletching the crossbow bolts. She had just finished the last when Ephiny's yell caught her attention.
Nausea and a sudden feeling of disorientation caused Pixie to sit down on the ground.Deirfiur I need you.
She blinked in confusion then stood and grabbed her pouch as she ran out of the door. Looking around she saw Epppie coming from Nightsong's hut, she was shaken and a small streak of blood stained her cheek.

Pixie entered to find Lyco kneeling beside a still and quiet Nightsong. Quickly taking stock of the injury, she sent Lyco out to get hot water and more blankets.

"Well my friend it's just as well that you are unconscious because this is going to hurt like hell." she said softly as she cut the broken arrow out. Then pressing tightly with a clean cloth against the wound to stop the flow of blood she waited for Lyco to return.
She didn't have long to wait, portioning off the boiling hot water into two bowls she added different herbs to them. then used a cloth to strain the greenish fluid. This she used to clean and numb the wound. Lyco for her part laid down beside Nightsong using body heat to warm her up. She was softly fussing about running off alone as she gently caressed her unaware mate.
Pixie finished sewing the wound up and carefully gave Nightsong the second tea almost drop by drop to keep from choking her. "There that should keep her out of pain for a little while as well as help her fight off any infection."
"That's all I can do Lyco. Now we wait. I leave it to you to keep her warm and quiet." Pixie mummer softly as she threw another blanket over the pair.

She left the hut to find a small crowd of worried faces. Shsway and Marty were the first to begin asking questions.....

By Shsway

"Pixie, what's wrong? What happened to NS???" Shsway couldn't see anything past her sister's shoulders as she blocked the entrance to the hut.
Her friend was reluctant to answer, knowing it would be like taunting a hungry animal. But they had to know what was going on.
"As I understand it, little Ephiny was thrown into the river by a group of raiders and NightSong went after her. As she tried to get them both to shore, they shot arrows at her and forced her to fight once she got out of the water. She's got some wounds that need care and she's unconscious."
Shsway bowed her head in worry as Marty spoke up.
"How is she? And Ephiny...did she get away?"

Pixie attempted a half-smile before she answered. "NightSong will be well, no doubts about that. But we are unsure how long she will be out or just how severe the injuries are. let's just pray that the gods give her a quick recovery and leave her to rest."

"Gods be damned Pixie, let me through!" The scout was furious about NightSong's encounter with the raiders, and at the same time terribly afraid of what she'd find in the hut. She tried to push her way past the celtic princess.

"Bantiarna Seabac, control your rage young one. We have many things to do this night and no need for further distraction." The celt could see brown eyes clouded with concern and desperation. It worried her, not to mention Marty, who hadn't spoken another word and whose face had contorted into an almost equal expression of pain and revenge.

"Rionnac, please, let me see her." The scout saw no other way but to plead. She couldn't walk away with seeing what had happened to her mentor. Her friend. The older woman considered it a few moments more, than hesitantly stepped aside. Thanking her with grateful eyes, Shsway entered the hut, followed closely behind by Martman.

They both gasped as they took in the sight of the pale, still form on the bed. Lyco was tenderly wiping NightSong's forehead with a cool cloth, speaking reassuring words to her. The dark-haired woman stepped forward, she regarded her friend's guardian silently, again asking for permission to step closer. Lyco nodded silently, and Shsway knelt next to the bed, peering down on NS.

"You know," she whispered to her friend, "right about now comes the part where I tell you I'm going to make them all pay and go on a rampage." She smiled to herself. "But I know you only want what's necessary to be done. I promise not to kill more than 20 without purpose."
The scout paused in thought.
"Make that no more than 30. Anyway, you'd better be alright when the others and I get back. I know, I know, it's not that bad. But seeing you like this makes me feel...lost. I'm the one who's supposed to come home limping!!!"

She felt a warm hand on her right shoulder. "C'mon sis, let's go. The village needs every able body and there's no time."
Shsway patted Marty's hand and reluctantly rose to stand up.
"We'll be back Nightie." turning to Lyco she gently offered, "Keep her safe."
She turned to join Marty at the door and they walked out to prepare for battle.

Having arrived at her hut, Shsway was a little disappointed to find Alaya had already left. She carefully assembled her gear for what was to come. From his basket in the next room, Griffin heard her come in. Waking up and stretching, he eagerly bounded over to his mistress and tugged on her boot straps.
"Hi pal, miss me?"
"Rrrrr" he agreed as he nuzzled her leg.
"Well, I've got to go out again in a bit. But there are some things to take care of first."

Shsway quickly strapped on her armor, breastplate and gauntlets. Opening a box of ceremonial paints she traced red and blue markings to accentuate angry features. Much to the amusement of blue-grey eyes watching her. Closing the case up again, she picked up her celtic swords and daggers.
"OK, i'm ready." she said to nobody in particular.
"Arroooo!" the cub growled at her, expecting to come along.
"Sorry Griff, this is duty, not training. Let's wait until you've had more experience other than attacking Alaya's boots."
Her companion seemed to understand and sadly dropped his ears, walk dejectedly back to his bed.
"Guard the house Griff," Shsway said with a smirk as she stepped out the door.
Griffin now stood proud again, prowling about the house now that he had a job. He was one happy pup.

By Eptalk

After running into the woods, checking her weapons and realizing she forgot her compass for direction, Eppie became more furious at the thought of the injuries Nightsong had sustained earlier while rescuing young Ephiny. The woods and brush all began to look the same as Eppie stepped across a wide but cool stream that erased easy tracking signs of her path.

Darkness came surprisingly quick as Eppie lost track of time and the ability to see clearly through the thick forrest foliage. Continued efforts to search for the raiders whereabouts became impossible. Feeling tired, cold and nauseous from allowing herself to become extremely upset, Eppie gathered two perfectly sized rocks to make a spark, some dry leaves and several branches to start a fire. Next, Eppie added two good shaped logs that began a nice flame which provided her comfortable warmth in the chilled night air. It also gave away her presence alone in this thick wooded area of her camp and nearby raiders were watching closely as Eppie drifted off to sleep.

By Martman

Martman felt his rage resurface upon seeing his sister injured. Nightie was special to him, and he personally vowed to tear the heads off of those who did this to her. But on the other hand, he had a moral dilemma. Should he give into his bloodlust with Ephiny around? This girl was so close to loosing herself to it that seeing him give in might permanently convince her that the way of death was best. The amazonie desperately wanted to avoid that from happening.

"What to do," he sighed. I just dont know what to do.

"But I promise you this Nightie," he said to his unconscious sister. "I wont let them hurt you again." Martman then stroked Nighties cheek and kissed her as he left the hut.

Martman then sought out his other sisters, Shsway and Pixie. Maybe they could help him decide what to do.

By Nightsong

Lyco never moved from Nightsong's side except to tend to the fire and keep it blazing. For her part, Lyco was sweating, but she would not leave her wife's side for an instant. She had propped her crossbow by the bed in case of attack and wiped the sweat of Nightsong's fever from her brow. Lyco stripped off her black silk pants and blouse and was left with just her silk undergarments as she snuggled back against her unconcious wife. "Don't take this wrong love, I'm just trying to stay cool. Not that I mind having so much of my skin in contact with you though." Lyco smiled lovingly down at her love and kissed her forehead lightly.

She lightly caressed Nightsong's face and unshed tears glistened in her eyes. "Don't you dare die on me! I know that you have no reason to keep me around, and maybe you just do it because you feel it is your duty, but you don't know the real reason why I stay." The tears in Lyco's eyes rolled down her face as she brushed a stray hair from her wife's face. "You see, I didn't force you to marry me because I wanted claim to you, truth be told, I would have helped you anyway. I only made you do that so that you and my men wouldn't think me weak for just being in love with you and letting you escape without any profit from it. What can I say, I was stupid then." Lyco gave a bitter chuckle, "Who am I kidding, I'm stupid now. If I were really smart, I would stop messing up your life.

I promise, I'll just leave you alone once you're up. After all, love is knowing when to let go, right?" Lyco looked at the closed door of their hut and balled her fists. "I just hope that your sisters leave some of those bastards for me!"

By Shsway

Shsway nervously toyed with her bracers as she over looked the lush land that was Amazon territory. The beauty of the landscape had not faded in the least, but she could hear no birds, no signs of wildlife as battle arrangements were made.

'Strange,' she thought, 'it's almost as if the forest itself is aware of the violence that is to take place today. Like the creatures are waiting to see whether they cheer or mourn.'

To her left stood Nike and Ephfan, equally scanning ahead into the distance for any sign of an advance. Stone-faced, all three awaited any command that could be given. In war, timing was - as always - crucial. And every soldier a link in the great force that was their tribe.

Absentmindedly, the scout pushed back a lock of dark hair that the wind had seen to rearranging. There was fear within her heart, but also a kind of exhiliration in fighting with and for her sisters. Looking up ahead and to the right, she noticed Alaya mounted on a beautiful white horse. The blonde woman blew her a kiss and offered an encouraging smile. With a small grin, Shsway pretended to catch her token of affection and waved to her love.

Pixie and Littlearsonist had very quickly gathered up the Celtic forces to aid their Amazon friends. They were hidden strategically in the surrounding woods in case any of their foes got across their primary defense line.

Or in case the number of raiders proved too great for Gabrielle's subjects to handle alone.

Shsway wished that Nightsong was around to offer counsel on field strategy, or simply to watch her back. It was quite a new, unsettling feeling to go into battle without her mentor around to guide her. But there was no way around it. The scout straightened her figure proudly and channeled into the part of her that demanded she be strong, fast and cold in war.

'Will you never run out of followers, Ares?' she pondered.

She was brought back to reality by the shouts of her sisters scouting in the tree tops. The enemy had arrived, the raiders were marching on Amazon soil!

Brown eyes narrowed, as a young apprentice drew her sword and tightly gripped the handle.

"Revenge," she breathed, "and victory..."

By Pixie

Pixie looked towrd the woods yet again. Her beloved was somewhere out there. She finished the last of her preperations and turned to the village healer. Both knew that this was the calm before the storm, soon they would have too much to do.

"I'm going to check on Nightsong." she told the older woman. Then left heading first to the kitchen where she quickly filled a tray with a light meal for Lyco and a pitcher of cold water for Lyco. A thick broth had been prepared by someone for Nightsong, this she placed in a heavy pottery bowl to keep it warm.

Knocking softly she waited a minute before entering, the place was like an oven. She poured a cup of the water and handed it to a grateful Lyco. Then checked Nightsong, "Has she been awake at all yet?"

"No, but she seems calmer and less feverish." Lyco said looking down at her wife with sad eyes.

Pixie was watching Lyco closely, "She will wake soon. She's getting stronger."

She sighed softly. Then gently touched Lyco's face. "A gift my sister." Lyco felt the butterfly carress touch her mind.

Moments later Lyco looked at Pixie with a startled smile."You were a little brat."

"Yes I was." Pixie smiled and looked down at Nihtsong, "Welcome back, Nightsong. You have successfully scared everyone. Now I leave you in Lyco's care. She's done a good job so far."

Leaving Nightsong's with a calmer heart, she saw Marty talking with a young girl. Knowing that Marty would what to know how Nightsong ws doing, she walked over to him.

"Marty good news. She's awake and everything looks good."......