Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Ephfan

"Arrroooogh, Arrrooooogh..."

"Son of a bacchae, not again" yelled Ephfan as she stumbled out of bed to the window. "Dammit Nightsong, if you don't stop singing to 'sister moon' I'm gonna come out there with my staff and leave splinters in your butt so big you won't sit for a week!"
From across the village Nike's voice rang out "Give us a break and worship auntie sun tomorrow would ya?"
Convinced all would now be quiet Ephfan went back to her bed. It really wasn't that she minded the howling, heck she'd been known to do it herself after an Amazon party, but she had been having the best dream when she was awakened.
The dream, though it felt more like a premonition, was about a beautiful woman warrior with curly blonde hair and incredible gray eyes. She was calm, cool, and in complete control, just the type Ephfan loved.
Hoping she would fall back into the dream, Ephfan closed her eyes.

By Shsway

The next morning, the interrogation began. Since Nike was the only one who could keep a relative cool composure in their presence, she would be the one to address the questions. The others stayed back in benches they had strategically placed to view the proceedings. Marty's amazon sisters Shsway and Nightie held on to him for fear that he would try to remove THE MARAUDERS's souls forcibly.

From her royal throne, Queen Gabrielle would watch the proceedings with interest, making the final decision once all the evidence had been gathered. She wore what looked like s soft elk skin, though a great amount of it there wasn't.
As usual, her abdomen was bare. Her amazon skirt hung to the floor in long strips, showing a generous amount of thigh muscle. Her top was sleeveless, laced in the back, but with a somewhat modest cleavage cut. On her neck hung her necklace of blue amazon beads.

"To think that Ephfan and I have both recently added more to that necklace" thought Shsway with pride. She tried not to stare too hard, as all could not help but notice her majesty's champion, standing to her immediate left.
She wore her usual leathers, but also a cape of dark blue which hung to her neck by a royal emblem, establishing her position in the tribe. Every now then, it warmed the hearts of the amazon's to see their eyes meet, and the smiles that they gave each other.

Shsway and the others now turned to the front, as Nike stepped forward before the queen. The four prisoners were brought before the hearing by a couple of the royal guards.
The scout watched them go by with envy. She didn't notice Nightsong and Ephfan as they exchanged glances and grinned at the obvious expression on her face.

The trial was about to begin...

By Eptalk

Several moons had come and gone for Eppie after leaving the tribe. She was at peace knowing she wouldn't have to make choices during battles or even worse, slow her more agile sisters and feel to be a distraction.

Eppie had not taken Nightsong's suggestion to live in a nearby camp since solitude seemed a better choice to her for the moment. With the compass her dearest sister had given her, Eppie wandered about enjoying all of the scenery in the direction of the south. She felt in no danger because her skills to hide completely out of sight at any sound nearby had become quite good. Only fear of sounds in the night would concern Eppie.

She managed to overcome her fears with marshmallows and sit close to the blazing fire she always kept. Time was of no concern and Eppie realized she really hadn't made much distance. With the weather still fair and a week's worth of blissful rest, Eppie thought of visiting the tribe. Her mind considered if being a visitor wasn't better than feeling commitment.
Ah ha! Perhaps a solution to the burdens that commitments make had come to her at last Freedom to roam - that was the key! Not to feel tied in one spot or need to agree, disagree, participate or remain quiet and alone at will. Yes! Yes! I can do that Eppie's thoughts shouted.

Clearing up her latest camping area and insuring the fire cinders were completely out, Eppie took compass in hand and began walking back in the direction of the tribe.

By Nike

"My Queen..." Nike began as she approached Gabrielle, "These men have been tried and found guilty of rape, murder, robbery, and arson have attacked several of our Amazons, including myself, and captured our Amazonie Martman. We ask for your guidance and final decision of the guilty's fates."
Xena made a face that obviously wanted to simply kill the bandits, but she instead awaited what her companion had to say.

"What do you and your sisters think we should do?" asked the Queen. Emerald eyes stared into gray, as Nike was somewhat startled by this question.


"I'm gonna kill 'em!" yelled Marty before he was quieted by Nightsong. Nike said nothing more as the last comment was pretty self-explanatory.

"I see," said Gabrielle. "And who are these men? Where are they from?"

"We don't know. We've tried talking to them, but they won't say anything. They know the worst thing we can do to them is kill them, and they don't really seem to care about that. They're almost like zombies."

Gabrielle sat with a thoughtful look on her face until she suddenly looked up towards the back. Nike followed her gaze to see Eppie trying to take a seat in the back without making too much noise. She suppressed a grin as this was court and she was supposed to be a confidant lawyer, but she was glad to see Eppie again.

She turned back to the Queen. "They have markings on their upper arms, and left a similar cut on mine. Nightsong and I know we have both seen it somewhere before, but the last place I saw it was Rome, and that's miles from here."
She thought back to her childhood, back to the eternal city where she spent the first few years of her life, before her life was shattered. She remembered noticing the mark on their arms before they ran away, leaving her house on fire and two bloody bodies, and she was lost in the outside world beyond her then sheltered life before a kind traveling Amazon took her back to the tribe....
".... Um yes, my Queen?"

"You may sit down now. I call forth Nightsong." Nike took NS's place of holding Martman down as Night made her way to the front.
"Nightsong," asked Gabrielle, "Where did you see the mark?"

By Nightsong

Nightsong squared her shoulders and raised her head to address the Queen.

"As you know, my Queen, I was not born into the tribe. Before I came here, I was from the frozen north. After my people's death at the hands of a cowardly enemy, I was enslaved by them. As a result of this, I have traveled much during my time on this earth.
I saw this particular mark on the arms of a band of murders that where allied with my captors for a time. This was in Rome as well. They have no emotions except their love of carnage. They cannot be reasoned with, for they live only to slaughter the weak and innocent. They have no mercy and no honor. The only way I have seen to stop them is to kill them."

"Thank you, Nightsong, you may sit down" Nightsong resumed her place holding down her Amazonie brother as Queen Gabrielle called for her next speaker.
"I call forth Craig, the KiwiXenite"

By KiwiXenite

Craig walked forth to the platform, carrying a staff in one hand and a scroll in the other. Queen Gabrielle looked at him, surprised. This man was taller than her own champion by a head or more, and yet he carried a scroll?

"Your majesty, I am, as you know, a judge of my people, under the good Queen Helen, of New Zealand to the South. My town is called Christchurch, and we were raided several times by an army commanded by this man, here," he said, indicating with his staff, "With these other men in the army itself. After driving them off, my people caught some of them and tried them. They have been found guilty of murder, rape, robbery and arson, and placed in our jails."
"At the same time, we tried others in their army in absentia, so that if one of us saw them, we could arrest them immediately. My Queen asked that I track them down and return as many as I could. At the same time, she also allowed me the discretion to change their sentence. I killed very few of them, however, and only in self-defense. I caught some of them, who are in other towns' jails, awaiting my return, but the leader of these men escaped me."
" I had just caught up to them again when your warriors saved me the job of capturing them."

"How did you expect to stop them by yourself?" the Queen's champion asked.

"I was intending to take them out one at a time in ambushes, and traps. I had managed to arrest five of them when your warriors attacked, which made my job much easier, if somewhat morbid," Craig replied.

"And the marks on their arms?" Queen Gabrielle asked.

"They are initiation rites, your Majesty. A branding ritual, in which initiates must not cry out in pain, or they are murdered. I saved a young man once, years ago, by driving off the men who were going to kill him after he failed the initiation. I took him back to Christchurch, where I found him a place to stay and a job. To show his gratitude, he told me much about these thugs, which is another reason my Queen sent me," Craig told her. "There are other thugs, but I gather that they are much further to the North at this time."

"What exactly would you do with these men?" Gabrielle's champion asked.

"I would return them to my people," Craig said. "I have tracked down people before, and will no doubt be asked to do so again by my Queen. These men are destined for many years in our jails."

"You wouldn't kill them?" Gabrielle asked.

"No, my people do not believe in vengeance in that style, simply justice," Craig replied. "I promise you that death would be an easy option for them. However, before killing them, we should remember that your champion was for many years considered completely evil. All people must be given at least a chance at rehabilitation. If it cannot be done, so be it, they can remain in prison until they die, but at least give them the chance."

"I have another question," Gabrielle said, a smile on her face. "Would you be willing to make our dinner tonight? Your last feast was excellent!"
The Amazons in court laughed at that. The Queen's appetite was well-known, it seemed.

"How could I refuse?" Craig smiled. "Consider it a gesture of friendship between our two nations."

"Thank you, Craig. As you are a judge in your own right, and an ambassador of your country, I offer you your choice of seats," Gabrielle said.

"Thank you, your majesty," Craig said. "I will stand to your left, just as your champion stands to your right."

A short time later, when Craig had taken up his position standing near the Queen, she called for her next speaker.

"I now call upon the Amazonie, Martman!"

By Martman

The young amazonie took his place near the queen and prepared to talk. He was easily the shortest amazon of them all, standing only 5' 4". Queen Gabrielle and her companion Warrior were quite taken back at the small stature of this young amazonie. But they knew he had a good heart, and deserved to be a member of the group.

"Young amazonie," the queen spoke confidently, "what have you to say about these marauders."

Knowing he couldn't use the excessive language that he wanted to, and knowing he couldn't kill them without being stopped by everyone in the camp, Martman surpressed his rage to speak.

"These marauders kidnapped me, beat me, and tied me up like some helpless pup. They beat on my dear friend Nike and many of my other amazon sisters."

The queen and her warrior companion shot an mean, angry look at the marauders, who noticeably flinched.
The young amazonie was getting tired of being diplomatic, and desired a quick solution to the problem. He took out a knife and spoke, "personally, my Queen, I'd very much like to punish them through disembowlment. See how they like the pain, and the torture."

The young amazonie was admiring his knife, seemingly in another world when he spoke. It gave chills to Queen Gabrielle, and brought out a nervous look in her warrior companion. "How could he become so ruthless," Xena thought?

The marauders and other amazons and amazonies looked kinda nervous too. there was no telling what Martman would do in his unstable condition.
The Queen felt that he needed to be restrained by his sisters again, so she ended his questioning and asked him to be seated.

To no one in particular the queen stated "What happened to Martman? How did he become so full of rage and bloodlust?"

By Eptalk

Queen Gabrielle finally suggested a break in the trial of the marauders. Thank goodness Eppie thought as she sat in the back only as one to observe the proceedings. Only once had a strong urge to walk away fallen on her mind and that was hearing the rage and bitterness in the kind and good hearted Amazonie Martman's words. Perhaps the thought of a feast by Craig held Eppie tight in her seat.

It was good to be among her tribe friends once again as Eppie quickly gave a hug to each one present for the trial. Wonder where the missing members have all scattered since I was here last? I hope they are well and enjoying their hiatus.

Eppie expressed her joy of the impending feast to Craig, smiled wide at her sister Nightsong and raised her compass in the air as proof it had lead her back and then walked over to face Martman.

"Marty, could it be you have grown a new soul in the absence of your original?" Eppie asked.

"How can such an open and gracious loving heart hold so much vengeance? You have been hurt and that is not to be ignored. Hurt can take on many faces and choice of bitter and sweet is yours to make now, my friend."

Eppie gave a warm, caring kiss to the forehead of Martman who even short in his stature was taller than she. Stretching her height only slightly, Eppie then made choice to take one of her brief and alone walks into the woods nearby.

~~Thoughts flowed as usual with the primary being question of when would they have the feast? This surely would postpone Eppie leaving just now along with anxious interest in what Queen Gabrielle would do with the baddies. ~~

By Littlearsonist

Having set up camp just outside the amazon territory, Littlearsonist left her love to take a walk.
She hadn't been to this part of the nation for a while and wondered how she, a celtic warrior, would be welcomed in such a changed land.

Had vile Rome influenced the opinions of the Greek, much less the Amazon Nation?
She didn't know the new Queen Gabrielle, though she did know of her, and had wanted to meet her for some time now.
Stories of Gabrielle and Xena had reached as far north as her isle. She didn't know how true they were (some of the things she had heard surely two mortals could NOT have done), but it was fascinating all the same.

Deep in her thoughts she did not notice that she had wondered deeply into the amazon's territory.

By Nightsong

Nightsong had taken a break from her job of guarding Marty to make a routine survey of the Amazon lands.
As she made her way through the trees in her much favored hunting leathers, Nightsong thought about her young apprentice's training and about Eppie's visit. She was glad to see her young charge finding love, for love was often hard to find in times like these. While still deep in thought, suddenly the Amazon's instincts screamed at her to stop and go silent.
As she crouched among the branches, her keen eyes scanned the undergrowth. She caught sight of a woman dressed in the garb of a Celt. Being from the North herself, Nightsong knew that the Celtic warriors were honorable.
This one appeared to be walking without direction and discretion, and thus not an immediate threat. Still, She was on Amazon land, and as such, needed to be challenged.
Nightsong leapt down to the forest floor ahead of the warrior, surprising her greatly. The Celt reached for her sword, but seeing that the Amazon had not drawn her own weapon, dropped her own hand.

"Who are you Celt, and what is your business here?" Nightsong demanded of the warrior.

By Ephfan

During the trial Ephfan sat in the back and watched with wonder. She was thrilled with the skilled way her amazon sisters and brother presented the case to their Queen - the beautiful Gabrielle.
She was enthralled with the giant of man from the strange land, a place she hoped someday soon to visit.
She gazed in awe at the Queen's champion Xena. She could not believe that standing not far away was the living example of the warrior Ephfan one day hoped to be.

During the break she saw her sisters scatter and she too decided to take a walk alone. She soon came to the small lake that was one of the best spots in the amazon territory.

She sat down and lost herself in her thoughts. Her heart went out to Nike and Nightsong for all they had suffered at the hands of the Romans. She smiled in joy at the return of Eppie, after all what was an amazon village without one of the favorite amazons. She wondered how the young Shsway was doing on her journey.
Finally she thought of her own upcoming journey. She was going to have to leave the village soon and travel west. It was fortunate that other tribe members were rumored to live in that area.

After a bit she decided she'd best get back to the trial. She took a different path back and soon heard voices. One she recognized as Nightsong's but the other was unfamiliar.
She wondered if Nightsong needed help but quickly dismissed that, Nightsong could handle just about anything. She was going to just head back to the village but thought to herself "Where there's Nightsong, there's adventure".

And with that she turned and walked towards the voices in the woods. Whatever it was, with Nightsong involved, it was bound to end in a fight or with them laughing until they cried.

Ephfan decided she was up for either.