Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Littlearsonist

"COWARDS!!! Fight me!!!"

The very thought of someone trying to harm her love sent Littlearsonist into a rage. The fear of Pixie NOT playing dead threatened to push her over the edge.

One of the warriors just stood there watching as a sort ran at them. At least he thought it to be an amazon. She was one of the smallest amazons he'd ever seen, most of her hair cut short with a small braid on the right side. The braid contained beads and silver trinkets that the warrior took to be trophies of her kills.
He charged at her as his partner charged at the second amazon coming out of the woods.

LA glanced up to see the body of the archer laying on the ground now. 'Damn I wanted that one, oh well I'll take what I can', she thought as she readied herself.

His first blow was off balance enabling her to send him crashing to the ground immediately. Not wanting to prolong the fight she made a swipe at his neck. The warrior rolled onto his back and at the last second trapped her sword between his hands.

The relief in his eyes didn't last long as he noticed the grin on the little warriors face. Movement of her free hand caught his attention just as the dagger left it. His last thoughts were, 'Where did that come from?', as it entered his unprotected throat.

"Now where did that other one go?", Littlearsonist said as she wiped the blood off her dagger using the dead mans shirt....

By  Pixie

Meanwhile in the water, Pixie thought about joining in on the fight but dismissed the ideal.  She was in enough trouble as it was.
So she let herself sink beneath the surface As soon as she was deep enough not to leave waves on the surface she headed toward the place beside the lake she had been at earlier.  "Hopefully I can find the rest of my clothes."  she thought.
Feeling herself far enough away for safety she surfaced and swam swiftly to the brambled area she had been so rudely interrupted at.

Walking ashore she looked back to see how the fight progressed, the archer lay still at the wood edge and LA was kneeling beside a second body, The other was circling the younger amazon looking for all the world like a wolf cub trying to attack a porcupine. From the gleam in her eye she was ready for the fight.

The pale green undertunic she wore clung uncomfortably to her like a second skin. "Gods I may as well be naked." she muttered, "At least it wouldn't be as cold as this wet shirt."

"Now where are the rest of my clothes?" Pixie mumbled as she began searching the underbrush...

By Nike

"Where the hell is Nightsong when you need her?" though Nike as she looked for her sisters to call them back to trial. Suddenly she heard men's voices in agony and a loud, "COWARDS! Fight me!" and she knew she had found her sisters.

She unsheathed her sword from her back and ran in the direction of the voices. She quickly found the other one LA was looking for and offed him in one clean swipe.

Ephfan was beginning to think that coming in at the last minute and killing the last enemy standing was a bad habit with Nike.

"Yo Ephfan, what's cookin?" asked Nike was a lopsided grin. She noticed the new face beside Ephfan and started to say hello before the new one ran to the lake to look for her love. Nike studied her as she ran away. "Hmm....Gaelic, huh?"

"How in Zeus' name did you guess that?!" asked Ephfan, who paused from cleaning her sword to look up at Nike.

"The clothes, I guess....I dunno, she just looks like one."

They followed LA to the lake, but Pixie was nowhere to be found. LA looked either very serious, or very pissed, or both as she mumbled to herself in Gaelic and called out a few things every now and then, which the other two suspected were curses. Nike and Ephfan stayed a little bit behind her.

"Do you speak Gaelic?" asked Ephfan.

"No, Latin is the only other language that I speak. Sic biscuitus disintegratum. Tu sunt salvus?"

"Ha, ha, ha. Cut it out." Ephfan said with a smile. They continued to look for Pixie as the day wore on.

Meanwhile, Gab was busy eating up Craig's dinner...

By Shsway

Following the trial, Shsway literally raced the Queen to the foodhut. "With all due respect your majesty," the scout grinned as she ran, "I'm one EXTREMELY hungry amazon!"

Shsway didn't see the smirk on the blonde ruler's face, but certainly felt the wind rushing by as Gabrielle picked up the speed and easily passed by. Moments later, the warrior-in-training arrived at the hut, gasping for breath.

'Nuts,' she thought 'It's probably those special running boots again.' Joining her Amazon sisters at a table, Shsway was surprised not to see Nightsong, Ephfan, Nike, Eppie or Marty. 'Oh well, more food for me!' And let's face it, not one member of that crew needed assistance, if they were indeed kicking ass.

After a thoroughly satisfying meal, the young scout stumbled out to find something to do. As the warm weather was steadily approaching, Shsway made a trade of some of her woodcarvings for a new suit of leather from the tanner. It was time for a change. Again, she preferred a light gray color to her clothing, with a sleeveless top, tight pants and a belt with Queen Gabrielle's royal emblem. Her sword - with the woman's symbol predictably engraved on it - hung at her back in a tough leather scabbard. Her hair featured two braids hanging by each ear, likening to a style her ruler used to wear with longer hair. Two silver loop earrings and a silver medallion with the letter D stylized matched the silver-colored armor breastplates and armor. Tall black boots and bracers of her own hand made design completed the outfit.

She was more than satisfied with the new attire and hoped it would impress Alaya, who was in truth very close to her thoughts these days. Smiling at the thought, headed for the stables to take her favorite mare, Mirage out for a ride.

'Duty calls!'

By Kiwixenite

"You know, this stuff is really good! Are you sure you can't stay here as an ambassador or something? We could use another man around the place," Gabrielle stated, only looking up for a few seconds before continuing her meal.

Xena and Craig exchanged amused glances, as they watched the Bard Queen eating as fast as the food was placed in front of her.

"Is she always this hungry?" Craig asked, a smile on his face.

"Not usually, although occasionally. She eats a lot for such a small frame," Xena replied, her eyes twinkling. "She should be careful, or she won't be able to judge the case because of stomachache." Others at the table grinned, and then returned to their meals.

Finally, everyone had finished, and returned to the court for the final judgment, an hour or so after the usual after meal activities. After everyone had sat down, the marauders were brought in, not gagged for the first time since the beginning of the trial.

Gabrielle stood, and spoke clearly to everyone present. "Having thought about this case carefully, it is clear that you are all guilty of all the crimes that you have been accused of. This trial has more been about deciding your fate than your guilt. Normally, Amazon law would see you being dealt with very seriously. You have kidnapped an Amazonie, and we have it on good authority that you have committed other, more serious crimes, including murder. Before I pass sentence, I will now allow the prisoners to speak, one at a time."

The first marauder, clearly scared, was roughly dragged to the front of the court.

"I've been thinking about my actions of the past couple of years, and I'd like to say sorry to all the families I've hurt during that time. I was wrong, and clearly I deserve to be punished. I just ask that you have more mercy on me than I ever did on any of them."

He was dragged back to his seat, and the second marauder was dragged to the front. "Yeah well, unlike that pansy, I'm proud of what I did, and if I could, I'd do it all again!"

He was quickly dragged back to his seat, and the third marauder was brought forward. "I think my friend who spoke first said it best, so I'll just add my weight to that. I'm really sorry for anything I have done."

He was led to his seat, and the last marauder, the leader, was brought forward. "F*** all of you! If I ever get the chance, I'll kill every last one of you!"

He was quickly silenced, and dragged back to his seat. Gabrielle stood up, and announced her judgment to the court.

"While I am mindful of the fact that two of you have shown remorse, your crimes are so serious that all of your victims must be shown great consideration. However, I must also balance justice, as well as vengeance. All of you have already been sentenced in another court, and while normal Amazon law would see your deaths, I will show some mercy in this case. Each of you are sentenced to be returned to Craig's custody, and from there to his country's prisons to serve out the sentence already given. For the leader, and his not so remorseful friend, I sentence them to life imprisonment, to be released at the discretion of our friend's authorities."

The court started murmuring. This was unexpected, and much discussion could be heard.

"Thank you, Queen Gabrielle," Craig said. He spoke up, so that all the court could hear him. "While I am sure that many of you would like to see their deaths, I assure all of you that they will not be released until they are fully rehabilitated. It is quite possible that they will never be released, and will die in prison of old age."

Xena also spoke up, so that all could hear her. "While most you would think that I would be in favor of killing them, remember that I was once like them, killing people, raiding villages and other such horrors. Now I am your Queen's champion. If I can put it behind me, maybe these men can too."

The crowd eventually settled down, although some were obviously upset at the verdict.

Craig spoke up again. "I will take them back to my country tomorrow, after breakfast, which I will prepare as a parting gesture. Maybe I will be able to return as an ambassador, but that is up to my Queen."

"We're finished now, so everyone can go and do whatever you want to," Gabrielle announced.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist had been surprised to see the stranger running out of the woods. Even more so when she lunged at the baddie and killed him.

Now for the real task...finding that trouble that was her love. She knew that Nightsong knew gaelic, but she hoped that the other two didn't or they'd be getting one heck of a lesson in improper use of words and phrases.

LA was sure that it was impossible for a satyr to do that to a cyclops but damned if she cared.
She turned to her new friends and calmed down enough to remember Greek. "My love can hide better than a mouse. Please, look under every small nook you can find."

"Perhaps, your Nightsong has already found her." LA began to call out threats to her love to start poking the bushes with her sword if she didn't come out soon....

By Martman

Amazonie Marty laughed as Eppie skipped off, and continued fishing, blissfully unaware of what was happening back at camp. Some time after the verdict had been passed, and Craig left the village with the marauders, Marty came back to the village and was told by the Queen and her companion about the decision.


He spoke in a loud booming voice, and his eyes were glazed over, filled with bloodlust and hate. It was enough to send a chill down Xena's spine and considerably frighten the queen.

Queen Gabrielle approached the amazonie and tried to calm him down. "Marty," she said softly, let it go. They're all gonna get the punishment they deserve."

The amazonie quickly turned to face his queen with a sick, sadistic smile, which forced the queen to back up a few paces for fear of her own safety. Xena ran straight to her soulmate's side to ensure no harm came to her.

"Back down Marty," Xena said slowly. "Killing them will solve nothing. It will only send you down a path of violence and hatred that I know all too well. Believe me, I've been there, and if not for Gabrielle and Hercules, I'd still be there today."

Marty softened his gaze, and spoke more softly. "Xena, Gabrielle, I respect your verdicts, and I understand that you want to do what is fair and just. But fair and just doesn't work for ME! I suffered from these marauders and so did my beloved sisters. I will personally make each and everyone of those stinking marauders pay for what they did."

With that, Marty took his knife and began following Craig, hoping that he wouldn't have to fight Craig over these lowlife scum.

Xena and Gab were left in awe, and had a few tears. They really couldn't do anything until the others came back, and had a say in what should be done.
Xena was particularly interested in talking to Nike about returning Marty's soul

By Cath

In a small corner of the known world, a quiet muse sensed Shsway's awestruck thoughts on Queen Gabrielle's specially made running boots -- the boots fashioned by Xena herself, with inspiration from Nike.

"Perhaps this young scout could use a pair of her own," mused the muse. "In fact, maybe the whole team, er tribe, could use some swift, new footwear..."

By Nightsong

Nightsong and the stranger played a deadly game of cat and mouse through Amazon territory. Nightsong knew that the stranger could track her just as easily as she could track him, but she did have one advantage, she knew the terrain. And right now she had forced him into a blind canyon.

"Nowhere to run." Thought Nightsong as she unsheathed her sword and entered the canyon. Her instincts made her dive to the left as a staff crashed into the side of the canyon where her head had been before.
Nightsong turned and faced her opponent and gasped in shock. There before her was a man who had helped to enslave her, the man who served the veiled woman who had killed her people, and put her in golden chains.

"Mastadar, where is that witch you serve!" Nightsong screamed Mastadar looked confused for a time, before a look of dawning horror overcame his puzzled expression.

"Sky." Croaked Mastadar

"Very good old man, nice that you remember me. Now prepare to die!"

With a piecing scream, Nightsong rushed the evil wizard. The wizard was quicker than a striking snake, and many a time that staff struck Nightsong's flesh, but Nightsong didn't feel the pain in her rage, even as the blood flowed from a gash at her temple. She would not be denied her vengeance, and Mastadar bled from a score of wounds.

Soon, however, Nightsong's blade found Mastadar's black heart, and the wizard lay on the ground at Nightsong's feet. The emotion was too much for Nightsong, and she fell to her knees....

By Pixie

'Goddess above! Why would they have kept my clothes?  Pixie thought to herself.
She had searched all around the area. Then seeing a small boot print she stopped. "That's strange, it's not mine and amazons don't wear boots like that."  She mumbled examining it closer.

She started toward the shore to catch LA's attention; LA needed to see this.  Stopping just short of the clearing around the lake, to see what was happening with the battle, she crouched down hidden from view.

The battle was over and LA stood with the young amazon and a newcomer. So her father was a satyr, huh? Maybe she would wait a few minutes before going down to the shore and revealing her hiding spot. The two amazons kept looking at each other with expressions of confusion on their faces. "Sorry ladies that's one speech I'm not going to translate. EVER!" she thought with a laugh.

Then LA turned to them, put her hands down at her side and took a visible breath releasing it slowly. She was talking to low for Pixie to hear, but the two warriors weren't attacking her, so she was probably enlisting their help in finding her. Great an audience when LA caught her.

Something was wrong, very wrong. Pixie suddenly sensed someone very close to her, far to close. She heard a crossbow be cocked, then a tiny splash near her. 

Someone had thrown a pebble into the water, just beyond where a crossbow bolt was driven into the soft sand of the shore. The bolt was fletched with crow feathers, the very same bolts as she had left at her camp. There were ten of them in a special quiver, they were a last chance defense as even LA was squeamish of the terrible death the poison on them caused.

A soft voice hissed from somewhere behind her, "I won't even pretend to threaten your bondmate. I want her. But the other two ...perhaps a shoulder wound. Not fatal immediately, but we both know what will happen. Don't we? Just stand up and walk toward me. I haven't any intention to harm you or her. I just want to make sure that she won't refuse the little task I have for her."

"What choice do I have?" she thought, her mind racing trying to come up with a plan, any plan. She couldn't let the amazons who had fought so valiantly beside her beloved be ambushed so cruelly. The unseen archer would catch at least one of the smiling pair by surprise as they worked their way closer, looking under bushes and up trees.

She closed her eyes their playful voices calling out to her.
A tear fell.
She had no choice.

"Please Danu watch over them. Don't let them do anything stupid."  She whispered.

Pixie looked on last time at the trio, then stood and walked quietly toward the voice....

By Littlearsonist

At first Pixie's little game of hide and seek wasn't a real reason for worry. Knowing her tendencies, Littlearsonist had expected some sort of surprise by now...a thrown stone...a surprise attack from the water when LA had stood knee deep in the lake looking for signs of her. But now she was starting to worry.

LA started another tour around the lake, but stopped immediately when she heard the twang of a crossbow being released.

She turned to yell a warning to her new friends in time to see a bolt embed itself into the ground at Ephfan's feet.

'What in all the known world is that girl thinking!?' Littlearsonist thought to herself recognizing the fletching immediately as one of Pixie's poisoned bolts.

"What ever you do Ephfan don't touch the tip, it's poisoned. A very nasty poison." LA warned as Ephfan bent to inspect the bolt.

"Feathers I can understand, but braids and trinkets that weigh it down?  You Celts have a strange way of fletching your arrows." Ephfan said as she picked the bolt up carefully.

Littlearsonist paled as she saw the red braid. Wordlessly she pulled her own braid forward. The last silver charms were identical.

Nike stepped forward saying, "The braids look alike. Except this one is red hair."

Ephfan looked closer at the braid. "This looks the same color hair as your mates."

"Is my...mates...Pixie." Littlearsonist said trying desperately to speak clearly in Greek.

" good thing." LA said as she pointed towards the forest.

LA scanned the surrounding area where the bolt had come from. A piece of parchment flapping in the wind caught her attention. She ran to it followed close behind by the amazons. To her rage she could not completely understand the words.

Handing the parchment to Nike she tried asking but it came out clipped, "You speak Latin, READ this amazon and tell me what they want."

Nike studied the parchment then began reading it out loud as Littlearsonist paced half listening, half muttering all her plans of vengeance if anyone harmed her love...