Amazon Tribe - REBORN!

By Ephfan

Ephfan did indeed think Nike had a way of showing up at the last moment to make the spectacular kills, but with that grin and stylish fighting style of hers it was impossible to hold any kind of grudge. After the fight the new trio went in search of the missing Celt.

After a long search, peppered with Gaelic curses Nike and Ephfan didn't  understand but knew they shouldn't repeat in polite Celtic company, the three were grouped together deciding on the next course of action.
Out of the blue a crossbow bolt landed at Ephfan's feet and, curiosity aroused, she bent to inspect  it. Thankfully LA stopped her from coming in contact with the poison.
After identifying her lover's braid, she got them to cover in the forest and discovered the parchment. Barely able to speak she requested that Nike translate.

"We've captured your little red headed friend as the braid clearly shows. If you don't want to have her pretty little head rolling into your camp, you will peacefully surrender to us NOW! We have big plans for you LA and we know you and those little amazons you're with will do what it takes to see you're wench safe."
The words died slowly on the wind as LA was driven to her knees in anger.

Nike spoke first "Well, that's that. We surrender and then kill those dirty sons of bacchae's".

"No" said LA "I can't ask you to do this for two people you've just met."

Ephfan was the next to speak. "The way I see it you're not asking, we're volunteering. It doesn't matter if we're attackers or captives, we'll still kick ass and get your love back safe and sound. Besides Nightsong and Shsway are still out there and they both have a remarkable sense of when they're needed."

With that the three walked back to the clearing with their hands raised. Suddenly two slimy looking creatures that could be mistaken for men stepped out of the opposite side with Pixie in front of them. One held a crossbow trained on her. He smiled a greasy smile and said "Nice to see you women could be sensible." He turned to his companion, "Disarm them."

The second came over to the group and, starting with LA and Nike, removed their weapons. As he pulled the sword from Ephfan's back he grinned revealing more teeth missing than there. "This sure is a pretty sword, I think I'll use it to slit your throat amazon."

Ephfan's blood boiled when the thug dared to touch the sword that had belonged to her beloved. Her eye's turned to ice causing the man to take an involuntary step back. "What is your name?" she asked with an air of authority.

Surprised that this disarmed woman would speak in such a tone he answered "They call me Taran."

"OK Taran, when I get my sword back, if it has any nicks or dirt on it that will just make your death that much more painful."

Taran decided no woman would speak to him that way and pulled back and hit Ephfan hard. Nike started to retaliate for the attack but was stopped when she saw the blow did nothing to erase the look in Ephfan's eyes. A chilling smiling played over Ephan's face as the man walked back to his leader. "When the time comes, he's mine. Is that understood?" Both Nike and LA nodded with understanding and empathy.

The man holding Pixie spoke. "Two of you are useless to me and you will die. But I want you to hear my plans for these two Celts first."

About that time Ephfan's ears picked up the sounds of hoofbeats and Nike detected that all but invisible movement of Nightsong in the trees above.

By Pixie

Pixie followed the unknown speaker to the very same clearing her love and Nightsong had been in. A woman definitely but the long hooded cloak hid her from view.

"Now continue to behave little druid and you and your 'mate' will be together before you know it."  The woman purred, "Drink this. Can't have you marking a trail."

Pixie took the small flask, removed the stopper and smelled it. The strong scent of mint rose from it ,half masking the scent of datura. "I have a low tolerance for 'night angel'." Pixie said, using the oriental term for the strong narcotic.

"So little healer drink what you know to be safe. However if you try to fool me I'll just have one of my pets take care of you." the woman replied motioning to the two men who appeared out of nowhere.

Pixie didn't want to be unconscious for long but she knew that she would have to take some of the vile drug to fool the woman. Even mint could not cover the bitter datura. The effect was swift falling to her knees she watched one of the men approach, carrying a gold chain in his hands.
Her thoughts were becoming more confused, 'Gold chains?? That doesn't make sense ,too soft,' Then see saw that they were brass highly polished gleaming like gold. ' Why can't I feel the men's presence??' They were there but not, then he grabbed her wrist and she knew. THEY HAD NO SOULS!!

She screamed as her world turned to black.....

By Littlearsonist

Through her ranting Littlearsonist heard the demands of the parchment. Her world went black with rage forcing her to her knees. Her mind raced trying to find, in her memories, anyone she had left alive that would come back for vengeance. Living with a Druid had convinced her that killing everyone she had crossed swords with wasn't the best path. Unfortunately, that often times came back and bit her on the a...

Nike's anger filled voice brought her out of her thoughts. She couldn't believe her ears. 'Why would this amazon give her life for someone she knew nothing about?' Littlearsonist wondered.

Her protests were ended with the words and look in their eyes. She vowed to herself that she would find a way to save her love and make sure that these two would come out of this safe.

Logic began to war within her mind. Someone was going through a lot of trouble to capture them alive. 'Where there is life there is hope...' LA thought to herself, 'for vengeance!'

As they walked into the clearing Littlearsonist began trying to get a bearing on where her love was. When the two men walked out of the cover of the forest LA immediately knew that something was...wrong with these men.

She had to restrain herself upon seeing her love being carried by one of the men, then dumped to the ground. The limpness and slow breath suggested some sort of drug.

Her mind came back to focus on her two friends, with the sound of the hit that the little amazon took. The look on the amazons face chilled LA, though not as much as the words of the man holding the cross bow. Littlearsonist glared at the man. Just as she began her protest of the usefulness of more hostages a small hooded figure stepped out into the clearing surrounded by several more guards.

"On second thought, amazons fetch an excellent price in Rome." walking up to LA, "Besides, even if you could carry your little darling away, you're not going to abandon your new friends are you?" The cloaked woman turned to her guards, "Now pets knock the little amazons out and take them back to the camp." Turning back to LA she purred, "Can't have your little friends making mischief can I?"

Two of the thugs came forward readying to strike the amazons. LA stepped up in defense of them.

"You have some type of drug." LA nodded toward Pixie. "Can you not use that.  You don't want to damage the merchandise do you?"

The woman watched LA for a moment then nodded to one of her guards. As he came forward LA reached for the vial he was carrying.

"Have to make sure you're playing fair." LA took the vial and uncorked it smelling the contents. She turned towards the two amazons and hoped that they would notice the simplest of hand signals. 'Please don't drink too much of this my friends', she silently prayed. handing the vial first to Nike then to Ephfan.
LA took the vial from Ephfan's hand an threw it into the lake.

"Crazy amazons have you never been taught your herbs, you weren't supposed to drink it all", LA lied.

The young amazons fell to their knees their breathing at first rapid, then slowing as the drug took effect. With a wave of the hooded figure's hand the thugs picked up the three prone bodies. She then turned to LA.

"Now my little chore for you. First I have a little pet that's been lost, and second I want the amazon Queen....

By Nightsong

Nightsong returned to the lake after she had stopped her bleeding. As she looked on, she saw her sisters and their new friends being chained. "What is this? A convention of the horrors of my past?" Nightsong thought as she recognized the woman in the hooded robe.

Her name was Lyco, which meant Wolf in Latin. She served the same mistress as Matadar served, the Veiled Queen. Nightsong overheard Lyco telling LA that she had lost a pet.

Nightsong was puzzled by this, since Matadar served only his queen, and never this low ranking slaver. "Hmmmm, she must be referring to me. She was always angry that her queen never shared me with her. All of this just to get a hold of your precious Sky? Boy, you must want me bad."

If this was the reason, the Celt would have no choice but to hunt her down or loose her love. "Well, let the Celt find me, I want an answer as to why Matadar was in the Amazon lands anyway." With that, Nightsong faded into the trees.

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist stood watching the group disappear into the forest. 'Who or what is this pet that she refers to?"  She asked herself.

All she had ever wanted to do was introduce her love to a new land and re-ally herself to the amazons. She had always thought of the amazons as a trustworthy ally.

She made her way over to where one of the men had dropped her weapons. 'I have to find this pet she spoke of and warn him/her, though I have a sinking feeling they are amazon, and I must warn the Queen.', Littlearsonist thought while re-arming herself. 'Well this is one way of meeting the Queen....Hello Queen Gabrielle, I am Littlearsonist the one who is supposed to kidnap you.', Littlearsonist thought bitterly.

With an anguished cry LA fell to her knees. Her heart sank with the knowledge that she could never betray her oaths she had given so long ago by handing any amazon over to that woman.
A single tear fell as she thought of the fates of her love and her new friends if she didn't meet the demands.

There had to be a way of saving them and getting to the bottom of why and how they had come....

By Pixie

Thump! 'Ow!!' thought Pixie the ground was hard and a stone stabbed her back. 
'Thump!..Thump!' Two more 'bodies???' were thrown down beside her.  'What? Who?' thoughts swirled in a confused haze.

Datura, the memories returned.
When she had said that she had no tolerance for it she had half lied. True it knocked her out swiftly, but her mind awoke quickly, even though her body was still paralyzed. Panic rose in her but she pushed it back she wasn't a small child with a shattered arm this time. Helpless to do any thing but scream in her mind as a healer put the bones back together and sewed the arm up, unaware that the child felt everything.

No she wouldn't give in to terror. She was a grown woman, a healer of some skill and half of a bound pair. 'Bet she doesn't know as much as she think about Celts.'  Pixie smiled inwardly. Then began to open her mind and senses fully, 'My love. My mate. I'm here. Relax let my ears be yours, let my eyes be yours.' Well as soon as she could open them that was. She felt the soft whisper of emotion from LA.

Relief, joy, anger, sorrow and shame warred within LA as she heard the faint whisper from Pixie. To any watcher the Celtic warrior seemed to have gone limp, eyes staring blindly, deaf to all sounds, totally unaware of anyone or anything. In truth she was hearing the distant conversation that Pixie was listening to intently'

"Why have you changed your plans my Lady?" A voice whined," Everything was going to plan. Those stupid raiders made enough trouble to get the Queen here, and my men are ready to raid the village."

"Because this is going to be so much more fun. Plus the amazons will all be hunting the Celt while we walk away. That silly little Celt is so honor bound that I could ask for Ares head on a stake and she would go fetch. She's sworn to protect this one," kicking Pixie in the side," and because those two surrendered for her 'love's safety' she's honor bound to keep them safe. Why else do think she wouldn't let you rough them up? She will do what ever we say. Then she and her little mate will fetch a good price. That Arabian guy, I think he always loves the challenge of breaking in difficult ones." her laughter faded off as she walked away.

'Those two?? NO it couldn't be, LA wouldn't have let them.' panic overwhelmed her....

By Ephfan

Unfortunately Ephfan came to a second before her body hit the ground. Groaning inwardly so as not to alert her captors to her awakened state, she tried to clear her head and think. The last things she remembered was seeing Nightsong in the trees, hearing hoofbeats, and then being forced to drink some drug.
Thank the gods LA had managed to come up with a hand signal they understood and they didn't drink too much.

A high-pitched voice that she recognized as Taran's, cut through to the center of her skull. "I'm gonna come up with the most painful, slowest way I can think of to end the life of that miserable excuse for a centaur's ass" she thought to herself.

The woman's speech alerted her to the fact that LA's mate was with her and Nike. Deciding to risk it, she cracked one eye open slightly to see the similarly cracked open eye of Nike four inches in front of her.
Tremendously relieved that her friend was here and ok, she couldn't resist winking at her. She wanted Nike to know that she was ok and that come Hades or high water they would get out of this. As soon as they figured out what "this" was.

The footsteps of the rest of their captors were heard leaving the room. After a safe bit, Ephfan opened both eyes and looked at Pixie

"No worries my new friend, amazons like us can get out of a situation like this with both hands tied behind our backs."

She smiled and lifted her bound hands from behind her back for emphasis. She was rewarded with a sweet smile and a chuckle.

She turned her head in Nike's direction, "Well babe I guess we know what's cookin - our butts if we don't get out of here."

By Nightsong

Nightsong watched the silent anguish of Littlearsonist, and her heart went out to her.  

"I know what you are going through, my friend. I was bound in chains and made to decorate the rooms of a Queen, and all to save the life of my five year old brother."

Nightsong sighed deeply, for she knew what she had to do. With her body shaking with emotion, Nightsong walked into the Camp, and into the waiting arms of the slavers. 

"My name is Sky, I wish to see Lyco!"

By Littlearsonist

Littlearsonist sat back on her heels. Relief filled her as she tried to make sense of all that her love had let her hear.

She closed her eyes and relaxed all her senses, 'My beloved, those two are there to watch over you. Danu herself couldn't have kept them from that job.' At that LA felt Pixie relax...some.

Light flooded her eyes confusing her briefly, as her own eyes were shut. A hazy image of the little amazon came into view.

"Good little one, now look around to show me where you are.', Littlearsonist suggested gently. Pixie began looking around becoming upset as things came in and out of focus.

'All is well my love, it will take a time for the drug to wear completely off.', LA encouraged. More and more the images came into focus. LA could see that the captives were in a tent. The tent had been stripped of any possible weapon, right down to the rugs on the ground.

Sounds of a full camp could be heard outside the tent. If anything could be told of the noise, the enemy had a full army.

LA felt herself getting weak from the link, knowing that Pixie was worse off she spoke one last time. 'Take care my love, I will find a way to get to you. And don't let those two make too much mischief, you being the authority of mischief and all.'

The last thing she heard was Pixie's soft laugh. Breaking the link she berated herself for not listening to the Druids when they were teaching her about the link. Pixie was fully trained and if she were better trained....

There was no time for those thoughts. LA knew that she was running out of time. She slowly stood and staggered off towards the Amazon Village....

By Pixie

Pixie was drained, she had used every ounce of her strength to keep LA from worrying to much.  Now she shivered violently with cold.

Someone was approaching the tent. Looking toward the two amazons, she noticed that they were aware of it. She tried to quell the shivering and let herself go limp as the others had already done.  But she couldn't.

The whiny voiced man and an aged woman entered the tent, "Damn the two little hot heads are still out, I was looking forward to taming this one a little more."  Poking Ephfan with his boot," Hey what's up with the Celt? Lyco's will have your head if that one isn't awake by nightfall."

"Wake them up witch." He turned to leave "Hades I just might ask for that one for my own." gesturing at Ephfan.

"My name is Sky, I wish to see Lyco." boomed out beside their tent.

Thank Danu the old woman was looking in the direction of the voice, both amazons tensed and looked at each other....

By Nightsong

A man came out of the tent to Nightsong's left, the one she knew contained her Amazon sisters and their new friend. The man approached her with five other men, looking her up and down and smiling greasily, he replied, "And who do you think you are to make demands, Amazon?"

"You must be new." Nightsong replied, "Because if you had been with Lyco long, you would know that the one thing she wants most in this world is me."

"Is that so? Well, I guess you can just join your sisters in the tent until Lyco gets around to you." The man motioned for the men to come forward, "Chain her heavily, boys, we don't want our little volunteer to escape."
With that, the men forced Nightsong to her knees and shackled her neck, wrists, ankles, in chains of gold coated iron and dragged her into the tent where her amazon sisters lay.
  They then drove long spikes into the ground and attached chains from them to the shackles, allowing for very little movement. And with that, they left her.

By Eptalk

Eppie made major progress by skipping along rather than walking and being in a constant daydream. She had already reached the southern mountains where the air was fresh, moist and the clouds settled on the tree tops. It was fun to cross one mountain after another and enjoy natures natural beauty.

Thoughts of Terpisichore's having lyre's all over the world surely meant there was one hidden in the wondrous smoky mountains. The clouds often touched the ground by sun-down and Eppie couldn't see more than an arms length in front of her. She stumbled over a mound and her senses alerted her that she by accident discovered the lyre she longed to find.

Using the same chords known to Eppie from another instrument, it didn't take long to find a lovely melody ~~. This now was her destiny and she would not return to visit the tribe anytime soon. Eppie knew the love that surrounded all her Amazon sisters and as a gift, she would compose melodies of love. After all, she couldn't offer much else or contribute what they would find in their own hearts.

Eppie settled comfortably and made camp atop the tallest mountain which wasn't far from the eastern ocean. This locale would allow her, in private to strum her melodies and ~~shout from the mountain on out to the sea. No two ways about it, people have to be free!

By Littlearsonist

After what seemed like an eternity, Littlearsonist came to the Amazon Village.  Stumbling to the nearest amazon, LA was not surprised when the young warrior drew her weapon and stepped back from her.

"How did you get past our scouts?", The amazon demanded, after giving a warning call for help.

A tall, dark haired amazon stepped out of a nearby hut followed closely by a small blonde. The taller woman looked at Littlearsonist, "That's a good question. State your business."

"I need to speak with your Queen. I have a message to deliver, and depending on her answer depends on my business here.", Littlearsonist began.

A sudden whistle from the other side of the village interrupted them. "The scouts are missing." An amazon shouted as she rode up to them. "And I can't find Nightsong, Ephfan, or Nike. There are three dead men beside the lake. They look like northern raiders."

Littlearsonist turned to see the dark haired warrior with her sword drawn and trying desperately to keep the small amazon behind her there. "So you have business with our Queen."

LA made no move to reach for her weapons, as she slowly raised her hands to her sides. "Take my weapons if you are that untrusting, warrior, but I really haven't the time for this.", LA struggled to remember proper Greek, "Then again neither do two of your missing amazons."
The tall warrior motioned towards one of the amazons standing near LA. She moved forward and started disarming LA.

The tall warrior growled, "What do you know about the missing warriors?"

The small blonde stepped around the tall warrior.
"I am Queen Gabrielle. What has happened to my warriors?", Gabrielle asked receiving a glare from the tall warrior.

LA dropped to one knee and bowed her head. "Queen Gabrielle, I had hoped for a better meeting than this. Nightsong came upon me. Ephfan came upon us. Then raiders attacked. Pixie used herself as bait. Nightsong vanished, I know she killed the archer. Then another amazon jumped out of the woods and killed the last man. Then one of Pixie's poisoned bolts landed at Ephfan feet. She took your two amazons and my mate...I couldn't..."

"Xena, I don't know how I know this from that mixture of Greek and whatever, but I think you can lower your guard." Gabrielle said as she stepped between Xena and LA. "Now who is this Pixie and why would she take my warriors and..."

"Pixie's my mate..hooded woman that took them."

Xena stepped forward and spoke in Gaelic, "Calm down and explain to me what this has to do with your business with the Queen"

LA looked at Xena relieved. She began the whole story again as Xena translated for Gabrielle...