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"The Malevolent One"

It was during the age of the second dawning that the word was spread of this terrible beast. From the depths of the mighty Dragongorge it is still regarded to this day as one of the most hostile dragons to be found , a trait still evident in the near descendants of Wolfarlis .

A dragon of huge proportions when stretched at full height , brought all in woe and awe that came near to this mighty lord ,stretching its domain from the rocky landscapes of the eastern realms to reported sightings of travelling merchants in the western lowlands .

An inherent aggression to others made the manevolent one a solitary hunter . Stalking its prey on all four limbs would quickly spring onto its muscular hind legs for a very vicious attack . Its teeth were sharp , serrated and very long , which made the tearing of flesh very easy . For around two hundred years he reigned supreme only to be lost in the unknown depths of Dragongorge

"The Keeper"

There have been many dragons , whose stories have been told over the years . Yet it is the tales of the guardians and keepers that are retold time and time again and whose stories never seem to tire but grow with wonder and intrigue .

Of one such story is the tale of Aramaan , the keeper of the evil crystal. A dragon , the last of its race , slaughtered by the evil forces of the winter hoards , whose given task was to defend the captured crystal and never let it fall into mortal hands again. For a thousand years he guarded this crystal immune to its evil powers , one of the many reasons why his kin were killed , and in the craggy clefts of the Dragongorge he remains , knowing that one day he may return the crystal to the powers of good and join his clan for the final rest .

The above dragons and stories are from the Enchantica collection . I purchaced the dragons and have showed them here and the stories pertailing to each of them because they are some of my favorite things .

The above is a link to a page of my favorite dragon art catorgarised by artist



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