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River Of Dreams




  Standing on the riverbank watching the water flow,

The setting sun gives up its last rays.

Feeling the gentleness of the wind blow,

Recalling my love of youth spent days.


When skipping stones and flying kites,

Filled my days with fun delight.

The sky ablaze with wondrous sights,

When my friends and I camped out at night.


Running through puddles created by the rain.

The sweet smell of freshly mown grass,

Going fishing with a bamboo cane,

The pranks we pulled in science class.


Playing baseball using a stick for a bat,

Watching the graceful flight of a dove.

Chasing up a tree our neighbor's cat.

The bashful experience of my first love.


Flowing along just as water does,

Searching for what it means,

It's the way that life goes,

Standing by my River of Dreams.


Randall Beers

© May 2nd 1999