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Captain Jimmy P. Robinson

Neither the body of Captain Robinson, nor his aircraft was ever recovered. For his actions, Captain Robinson was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. It was received by Betty Robinson in a ceremony conducted in l953.

For nearly fifty years his wife and family had only the official accounts of Captain Robinson's death. After contacting personnel at the Atomic Veterans History Project, his wife and daughter were able to correspond with a number of individuals present during the tests. These individuals were able to supply facts and information not mentioned in the official records.

Presenting all this information to the Air Force, the authorities there acceded to the family's request and agreed to conduct a memorial service for Captain Robinson.

This ceremony, with full military honors, was conducted at Arlington National Cemetary on 4 April 2002, the couple's wedding anniversary. A marker honoring Captain Robinson was set in place and now stands in the memorial section of Arlington National Cemetary.

At long last Captain Robinson was properly honored and memorialized, and Betty Robinson received her flag for which she had waited fifty years.