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Kirsten Lawton Kirsten Lawton

Club: Edgbarrow
Date of Birth: 17th November 1980

Grade 1 Elite
Member of Senior GB Squad
Educational Background Did my GCSEs, then 3 A levels including Psychology at Bracknell College. Hoping to go to University of Surrey in September 2000.
Current Job I coach trampolining at Edgbarrow Sports Centre and at Pinewood Gymnastics club.
Career Ambition Criminal phsychologist
Dream Career Any career with lots of money + satisfaction involved.
How Long Been Trampolining Since I was 1!
What Made You Start? My mum ran the club before I was born and I loved it.
Favourite Move Full-in full-out piked
Motivation Myself and striving to be the best and win.
Aims This Year (2000) To get medals at the Europeans (synchro, team or individual)
Most Annoying Habit Over analysing (I am a perfectionist)
Future Ambitions Olympic and World Champion
Abstract "I intend to continue trampolining until I reach my goals or fulfil my potential. In our sport the same as most others the good relationship between coach and pupil is essential and I'm lucky that I have that. It is especially unusual as we are mother and daughter."

Major Achievements
Competition/Year Individual Synchro Team
Nationals 1997 1st 1st 1st
Europeans 1997 3rd 2nd  
Nationals 1998 1st   1st
Europeans 1998   4th 2nd
World Cup Finals 1999 4th 2nd  
Worlds 1999   5th 5th
World Cup Series   3x 1st  
2000 Grade 1s 3x 1st    

Action Photos

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Compete set Lead-in bounces Compete vol at the World Cup Waiting for the scores

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