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Paull Smyth Paull Smyth

Club: Edgbarrow
Date of Birth: 26th June 1973

Grade 1 Elite
Member of Senior GB Squad
Educational Background College - BTEC Sports Studies
Job Finance Consultant
Dream Career Pilot or doctor
How Long Been Trampolining 15 years
What Made You Start? I used to do judo but I broke my wrist at school, so I tried trampolining with the plaster on my wrist
Highest Tariff 13.6 in training, 13.0 in competition
Highest Overall Score 107.6, at 1996 Nationals
Motivation I create my own motivation by believing in my own potential
Aims This Year (2000) Toqualify for World Cup Final, European Team and British Champion again
Most Annoying Habit Being a perfectionist/over analytical
Future Ambitions Finallist at Worlds and Olympics

Major Achievements

9th at Europeans 1997
9th at World Games 1997
6th at World Championships 1998
European Champion (1998 team)
4th at World Cup Final 1997
9th at World Cup Final 1999
2nd (synchro) at World Cup Final 1999
British Champion 1995 and 1996
Top 3 at Nationals since 1993

Action Photos

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Training Training (2) Competing at the World Cup

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