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Sarah Alexander Sarah Alexander

Club: Edgbarrow
Date of Birth: 4th January 1981

Grade 1 Elite
Youth International
Educational Background Studied GNVQ in Advanced Leisure & Tourism and A level Physical Education
Job Administrator in a Law department
Dream Career Not quite sure
How Long Been Trampolining 12 years (since I was 7)
What Made You Start? My brother Mark did it and it looked fun and enjoyable
Favourite Moves ½-out ball-out, 2 3/4 front somersault
Highest Tariff 8.9
Motivation Enjoyment
Aims This Year (2000) Top 10 at National Finals for Age Group and Ladies
Future Ambitions To make the senior team one day

Major Achievements

World Age Synchro champion 1998
2nd at World Age Individual U18
3rd Nationals U18 1998
7th Ladies 1999

Action Photos

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Sarah training alongside other internationals Sarah and friends laughing about something or other...
Sarah training
alongside other
Sarah and friends
laughing about
something or other...

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