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Sophie Sheppard Sophie Sheppard

Club: Reading
Date of Birth: 18th October 1984

Grade 1 U18
Educational Background Currently studying for GCSEs at Secondary School
Career Ambition Marine Biologist
Dream Career A singer
How Long Been Trampolining 10 years (since I was 5)
What Made You Start? I went to a trampolining party and enjoyed it
Favourite Moves Double back straight and 1 3/4 front somersault
Highest Tariff 7.6 in competition, 8.5 in training
Motivation You get to meet people and travel
Aims This Year (2000) To be selected for an international
Most Annoying Habit I give up too easily
Future Ambitions To become an international trampolinist
Abstract "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything"

Major Achievements

2000 Grade 1 competitions 4th, 3rd, 3rd

Action Photos

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Sophie practising lazy back The secret to Sophie's success is to always find time to relax

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